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Everything posted by david_l_perry

  1. Certainly up for this...an opportunity not to be missed !!
  2. [quote name='gilmour' post='914032' date='Aug 3 2010, 04:35 PM']Dave Perry also did a lot of more scientific tests of Comp Driver Vs Piezo and the results were surprising.[/quote] Indeed.... I built a pair of Bill Fitz DR290's each loaded with a pair of JBL 2416 1" comp drivers, bi-amped, time aligned and EQ'd I then built a second pair of DR280's (the DR280 is the same cab as the DR290 but loaded with 12piezos in place of the pair of comp drivers) I had built these for bass backline but thought I would use the opportunity to try out the piezo / comp driver debate. Myself and two other Pa providers had the rigs set side by side, both Eq'd for a fairly flat response. The DR280's loaded with piezo's sounded every bit as good as the JBL's (in fact they had a little smoother top end response) Bearing in mind that these didn't need the extra amp, external digital crossover or time alignment...its was pretty surprising. I imediatley stripped the JBL's and retrofitted them with Piezos. When I was testing the piezos with my RTA, I did find a massive difference between manufacturers, in output and freq response. One thing that has to be said is that all of the Horn loaded stuff that I have built / tried needs a fair amount of EQ to get them sounding bang on, and they tend to be far bigger boxes than the typical baffle loaded boxes that need far less EQ, but you also need more power for the smaller boxes....nothing is perfect. Good stuff Rob ! Dave
  3. Currently at £550.....last hour to go chaps [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170501766024#shId"]Status 5 string fretless bass[/url] This is going to fund the next ACG....Bloody great fretless, but I wont need two of them. Dave
  4. Just added some more photos on tinterweb of this little beastie
  5. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170501766024#shId"]Status 5 string fretless bass[/url] This is going to fund the next ACG....Bloody great fretless, but I wont need two of them. Dave
  6. [quote name='7string' post='822611' date='Apr 29 2010, 12:56 AM']Looks like a superb time was had by all Really sorry I couldn't make it this time. It would have been good to see all you guys again and see another 9 string. My wife was looking forward to it as well. I'll keep taking the pills.[/quote] Dont sweat it....always the next time... Take it easy, Dave
  7. [quote name='skelf' post='819277' date='Apr 26 2010, 01:03 PM']Not sure why Bertie the drummer is now called Craig. Who started that up.[/quote] Yeah....its the drummer in my band that is called Craig..... Edited the post but obviously not soon enough.....perhaps you cen tell Bertie its probably best if he now changes his name to craig to save confusion on the next bash.....
  8. We moved on back to Ewan, matt and Rich's gaff.....I left just after taking this shot.....the clock says 2.30am.....Ewan stayed up fecking about till 4am... And then finally some shots of the Sunday.....something to do with bass guitars apparantly..... To be honest I have bugger all shots of the bash....more of the beer and curry.... Jim Fleeting playing his 9 string (or was it 10..??) Jim is a frighteningly good player.....:cool: Rich jamming...bloody great feel and funk from this chap... Shaun the guitarist who was a great laugh, and uber nice player.... Drummer Bertie, kept it nice and quite when it need to be...it was ace having guys to jam along to and try out some gear.... Steve (phatbassdood) checking out the quite room..... Jim Fleeting with the band... And finnally the most important shot......Scoop turns 50 in a weeks time...last Monday he had heart surgery....on Saturday he was up with us eating curry and drinking beer..... Alan presented him with his very own Birthday cake carved from offcuts of some lovely bits of wood..... Hopefully others will have some otehr better shots of the day... Dave
  9. Best post this lot here as well.... and for those fo you that said you were gonna come and couldnt be arsed....sucks be to you....you missed a top time.... What a top, top laugh... Photos then..... Saturday night at the curry... Matt (neepheid), Rich (Ou7shined), Ewan (Eude) and Alpha Dave Mike (SK8) and Steve (munkonthehill) Matt (neepheid), Rich (Ou7shined), Ewan (Eude) and Alpha Dave .....again Our very own hairy Pedro and his lovely lady Linda... Alan and Sugden Sharing a moment of love I feel....and Paul (MRThumb) Jim fleeting, Scoop and the drummer and guitarist who joined us for the weekend Back to the pub for some more lubrication....
  10. [quote name='razze06' post='816367' date='Apr 23 2010, 03:52 PM']Once again, i'm going to miss a bass bash close to home. Hopefully when the next one comes around i won't have broken my ankle...[/quote] ....after a few shandy's I will probably fall over and break my ankle.....you would be in good company.
  11. [quote name='eude' post='816312' date='Apr 23 2010, 03:09 PM']I have every intention of behaving myself this time round, but as usual I can't make any promises... Eude[/quote] Beer o'clock is calling my friend.....
  12. [quote name='Scoop' post='808753' date='Apr 16 2010, 06:27 PM']Yes please mate, that solves all probs! Cheers.[/quote] Watch out Scoop...I have just checked out one of the little local bylaws (Moffat verses Lancashire 1842) If you use his stands he gets to keep the bass as a rental fee...
  13. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='807923' date='Apr 16 2010, 01:13 AM']now im hoping you chaps are welcoming to the new guys?????????????????[/quote] As long as you are up for the bare back Lama riding that Alan insists on you will be fine.....just grit your teath and enjoy it....
  14. [quote name='steve' post='805560' date='Apr 13 2010, 11:48 PM']I'll be there[/quote] you and your new toy.....Ooo looking forward to trying out that 6 string twanger Steve....
  15. If anybody wants to email me or pm the gear they are bringing (link on the web site in the first post) I will add it to the moffat curry bash web site gear and people page..... Cheers all... Dave
  16. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='741750' date='Feb 11 2010, 09:16 AM']how easy is it to wire a speaker cab? (I have basic soldering skills!)[/quote] Fitting the speakers and wiring them up is very simple....harder bit is to get the right speakers and tuning the box to suit You will want to add internal dampening, and ports to get it to work well. For somebody looking for a cheap retro look pair of bass cabs with a little bit of work these could do the job. Dave
  17. What [i]exactly [/i]is it that you want to know about this amp (that you cant make out from the controls and amp rear panel)...? Dave
  18. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='702109' date='Jan 5 2010, 08:53 PM']For that sort of tax though I'd have though it would be better to pay £300 to an accountant to set you up as a limited company and then claim back all your expenses[/quote] Dead right Dave, but you don't need to be a limited company to claim it all back, just a sole trader. I ran as a sole trader for the last 10+ years and have only just gone LTD since going fully self employed last year. The band stuff has only ever been a part time paid hobby Go get yourself an accountant Ped.....it would be money very well spent
  19. There are lots of 2x10 bass cabs that are 4ohm and for my money you would [i]need [/i]to run a pair with the LG to get it anything like fair levels. [quote name='obbm' post='701177' date='Jan 5 2010, 12:04 AM']I had one for a while and was singularly unimpressed with it.[/quote] Same here....I borrowed one for a few rehearsals and ran it with the same cabs / bass that I normally used with my Mark Bass LMK (whilst it was being serviced)... tone was ok, but utterly gutless. I was using an Aguilar GS112 at the time
  20. [quote name='haimesy' post='692523' date='Dec 23 2009, 07:07 PM']BUMP[/quote] Have another bump from somebody who receantly bought a pair of these..... Bloody great cabs. Very loud little things....only using the one cab with the loud rock band as two is way to much.... I use the second with a Jazz / Blues band as an utter contrast and is a stunner... Nice and compact as well ([i]identical [/i]box size as the Aguilar GS112 for anybody interested) Dave
  21. [quote name='obbm' post='686326' date='Dec 16 2009, 01:59 PM']BFC is in fact 3 cabs in 1. 2 x 2x10s+ tweeter and a single 1x15-inch. Each is 4-ohms and has to be driven separately. The connection panel should have the wiring details for the 4-pole Speakon. 3-poles are used for each set of speakers, the 4th is the common return.[/quote] Interesting stuff Dave..!
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='686402' date='Dec 16 2009, 03:21 PM']...Aguilar is too heavy...[/quote] For me my last GS 112s where a very easy one hand lift (and I should have kept them.... ). Even my current 'heavy' EA 112's are a comfy one hand lift..... Of course I dont want to carry it down a few streets..... My belly weighs a lot more than any of my cabs I have owned....would love to slim that down first to be honest... Dave
  23. One thing that has caused a problem for my perception (and I know lots of the guys who tried out Alex's cab at the moffat bass bash) was that many people on this forum do make out that Alex's cabs are the best thing since sliced bread. Any post about 'looking for a new lightweight cab' has the response 'barefaced'....its almost the done thing Now that's great, but balance is very important. Alex's cab had a massive amount to live upto and it simply could never have lived up to the hype no matter how good it was.... It was slammed over on finnbass. My main gripe was the build quality for what the things cost. Alex's cabs are by no way a cheap option. Tone is not worth getting into as people like very different things. I understand Alex is looking into new tougher coatings and hopefully sorting out a better method of construction. T nuts falling out is not unheard of but should not happen. Here is what I have done over the years for what its worth:- Drill the holes to take the main body of the T nut so that the T nut is a very tight interference fit, and then G clamp the T nut into the back of the ply. They should not come out, but you have to be accurate and you also need to make sure that the ply is good quality. You then have the body of the Tnut as well as the prongs holding it all in place. The odd one may still come loose, but thats just life. I would rather have T nuts than wood screws. Most cabs do only have woodscrews which is pretty shocking but down to cost/time. Building cabs is not a cheap thing to do, and producing small numbers will always make it impossibly to compete with the big boys if you want to make your time count for something. Its a tough balance to get right. The build and finish is everything in my eyes. It [i]has [/i]to stack up against all of the competition if its being sold as a viable pro alternative at a pro price point. Dave
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