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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. [quote name='rodney72a' timestamp='1354065700' post='1881757'] Or you could say, it's a fake, depending on your perspective. The guy is obviously very skilled, and I don't think he's out to fool anyone but it doesn't seem to stop with the external features. IIRC, I've seen one of his creations, a 'replica' of a 60s Jazz, which had an authentic looking neck stamp. There's potential for deception, whether intended or not, once an instrument has changed hands a few times over the years. It's a Bravewood, not a Fender, and should be clearly labelled as such. [/quote] is it soapbox time!! if you knew anything about vintage fenders you would know it's not an original. The date in the pickup cavity is the biggest giveaway.
  2. [quote name='rodney72a' timestamp='1353888942' post='1879522'] So why is there a Fender decal on the headstock? [/quote] because I put it there.
  3. Here's a couple more without the pickguard the checking looks great and it really has the Sting vibe without the guard
  4. it looks great in the flesh. I've removed the pickguard and it looks even more like Stings.
  5. just to update, picked it up from John, on thursday, and my God, what a phenominal bass. Plays incredibly well. Perfect neck shape (for me). Just need to get it gigged
  6. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1352830330' post='1868086'] I love John's basses and have been on at him to make me one... I'll have to wait for funds though his prices seem ver reasonable. Great score... you will enjoy. [/quote] His prices are very reasonable. I fancy getting another one already and I've not even picked this one up yet
  7. plays a lot with his thumb and so rubs the finish away below the strings but also he uses thumb and fingers Strangely, when I play with a pick, I anchor my right hand using my fingers and rub the paint off too. When I play the Sting solo stuff live I use my thumb and fingers like Sting (just in case there are any anoraks watching)
  8. As some of you may know, I'm (Fat) Sting from the Police Squad tribute band. I really fancied a 50s style P bass, like the old boy's. Luckily for me, John at Bravewood fancied doing one too. I'm going down to collect it from him in a couple of weeks and have a curry with him. Dover to Redruth in Cornwall is a long way but I can't wait to get my hands on this one. It's been reliced to resemble Stimg's #1 bass, (a '57) It's also got the Seymour Ducan custom shop 'stack for single coil' pickup, wired in parallel. Enjoy folks
  9. I think it gets a goof turn out. who you playing with?
  10. [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151062389107253&set=a.426377522252.210561.709522252&type=1&ref=nf"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151062389107253&set=a.426377522252.210561.709522252&type=1&ref=nf[/url]
  11. he copied me!! there's no auto tune on our ones. Just harmonies and FX. And when you've only got one backing singer (like we have) it does help. Although both our drummer and lead guitarist now have microphones, we're not particularly enjoying what comes out of their mouths!! I've not seen Dave use his, so can't comment on it.
  12. JT, Dave Collins uses one too!! He bought the same as me. I also use mine a little more in my Duo, (it's great on Easy like sunday morning). Also another usefull part of it is effects. I can mix my acoustic guitar and voice and harmanies, with FX and go into one PA channel, yet still retain control of everything. As you say, if you're out to deceive people, then you're ridiculous!!
  13. used with care they're great. I use one, with my lot, John. Only on Ballroom blitz and Take it on the run where I need a high harmony (which I would sing, if I wasn't the singer and could do BVs) Very useful on the Muse song Knights of Cydonia, which I have sung with the band that JTUK is talking about. That was an old digitech unit from the 90s. It works well because it sounds like the muse thing. Autotune, not on my watch
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. that is the worst repro logo ever. shocking
  16. +1 for the ampeg. I tried it side by side with the MB500. I prefered the ampeg but the bass player in my pub band (my Mrs.) prefered the GK. Ampeg broke after 6 gigs but I got another one and (so far) its perfect. I suspect if you want to keep the GK sound then go for the GK MB.
  17. where in Kent and who do you play for? welcome
  18. Found this on Alistair's website. The secrets to making a great acoustic guitars [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCOw5-NKmA8&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCOw5-NKmA8&feature=player_embedded[/url]
  19. my wife wants to go and see him live now. She plays with a pick and hates slapping but she's realised how good he is. Level 42 playing in Folkestone soon. I'll get tickets today
  20. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1347341190' post='1799472'] Sorry to harp back on this, but on what grounds was he getting it pulled? Based on the note in the For Sale forum the registered marks are the headstock design, name and nameplate design, NOT the body shape apparently. Funnily enough having already seen these here when the previous batch went up for sale, the drummer in my proggy lot sent me an email re these after we have been talking about "The Bass We Dare Not Name" [/quote] Ebay wouldn't give me the exact reason. But my last ad didn't mention his stupid company name, nor was there pictures of the headstock or full body outline. The man is an arse. A £200 pound copy will not affect his company. In fact if he had any sense at all he would start making his own range like Squier, epihone et al. We'd all like a cheap but properly licensed copy. Silly, silly man. (I've got no time for him, can you tell)
  21. I had the RV4. It looked like a rickenbacker with music man pickups. It was an excellent bass. I used it in a Jam tribute band while I was depping for them. Sold it recently. Very hard to sell as that annoying bloke ( I won't bother to name check him, he doesn't deserve it) from rickenbacker kept getting my ad pulled from ebay. But the new ones do look interesting. Familiar but different
  22. sounds like a good price. I bought my wife's in from Japan via ebay. Paid about £300 plus taxes 4 years ago. Look forward to seeing it
  23. It'll go to your local depot then. Sometimes takes a little while to clear customs so don't panic. Who did you buy from?
  24. who's it coming with? If it's parcel force (shipped by EMS in Japan) you'll have to pay the duty and VAT upfront before they deliver. I normally go to the depot that has it and pay when I arrive, then I get to take it home with me. remember, we want pics
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