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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. Despite scrappy playing from me, a singer recovering from bronchitis who did a sterling job and the odd electronic malfunction the gig rocked. The venue was full, the crowd really got into it and the sound was solid.
  2. F***ing autocorrect! But he is undoubtedly ...
  3. My interpretation of this is, who is the first person your average person would name when you give them a band name? This is tangential to who is the driving force in the band? So name a Beatle. About half will say Paul McCartney. Their reasons for naming him may or may not be to do with him being the bass player. But he is undoubtedly a bass player who is a household name.
  4. Steve Harris inspired me to start singing and playing bass at the same time. I know he doesn't sing as such but I remember watching him sing along to all the songs while he playing. My band encouraged me to do the same without a mic, just like Steve!
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449883010' post='2927800'] The digital tuners are great for me. My Korg Pitch Black has better ears than me. I remember when I had to use what we use to call a pitch pipe. Blue [/quote] I forgot about pitch pipes! They were horrible. I have a Pitchblack rack tuner, too. I like not having to lean down and squint at it. I tried to find a picture of my first tuner but I can't. It was one of the Boss Chromatic Tuner series, the same shape as the TU-12, but it didn't have a needle on it, only lights indicating flat and sharp. It also had an option to tune between 440 - 445. I bought it in the late 80s.
  6. I've offered him £50 for it. I reckon I'd get that much entertainment value out of it, except that he won't accept the offer.
  7. This thread is like a married couple's argument. It all dies down, then they go to bed and as soon as the light is out, one of them says something to start it off again. As yet, no sign of the 'making up period' for which we may be truly thankful.
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1449867593' post='2927714'] It almost seems that having that to use your phone is the main selling point, whilst I see it as an unnecessary interface. Why not just have the whole thing in one unit? [/quote] When they do this, I'll buy one.
  9. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1449868283' post='2927719'] i only live 4 doors from you and I think you've just invented E# [/quote] I was going to say Cb
  10. Stuart Morrow from New Model Army. Inspired me to pick up a bass.
  11. I remember some ancient musos sneering when I first bought an electronic tuner saying that they were dumbing down music and I should tune by ear, but I found my ear improving by virtue of using the tuner. 30 years on I have close to perfect pitch, at least in the comfort of my home in front of my piano.
  12. That is very, very cool! [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449864551' post='2927679'] This will lead to people being unable to tune a guitar, just as calculators led to people being unable to do simple arithmetic. /grumpy [/quote] Assuming we are of a similar age and were schooled in the 70s and 80s, I take your point but modern calculators, which display answers as fractions and mixed numbers make children (and presumably adults) much better at arithmetic because factions are a more natural expression than messy decimals.
  13. I had one of these for years. An excellent bass.
  14. I'll buy 17 Hipshot extenders if you fit them!
  15. Peace Sells! Good choice. Nominated for 21st century grooviness: Uprising by Muse
  16. Nominated because it is probably the best-selling bass intro of all: Another one bites the dust by Queen. Nominated for being straightforward all out energy: Higher Ground by RHCP
  17. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1449745217' post='2926391'] There I was all ready to comment on the thread title with some good old fashioned Basschat spelling pedantry, opened the thread and now I've been completely derailed! Tsk! [/quote] There's a few threads with stunningly poor grammar in their titles. Go for it!
  18. I've been a dedicated 5 string player since the late 80s. The models that I particularly rated were Hohner: this model [size="2"]http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-3489-HOHNER-5-STRING-PROFESSIONAL-B-BASS-V-Electric-Guitar[/size] Yamaha TRB: this model isn't too pricey and has nice wide string spacing, too. [size="2"]http://www.thelowend.net/gallery/viewtopic.php?t=3638&sid=59fc6afd0fb449c7f535631fe545d365[/size]
  19. Mrs Graff works for some brainy scientific outfit where you can spot the thickos because they are the ones who only have a PhD from Oxford or Cambridge. The place is like a Victorian asylum with people running up and down the corridors screaming (well, that might be an exaggeration, but you get the idea.)
  20. I'd buy it but I'm saving for this house instead [size="2"]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/property/luxury-homes/9940085/15-amazing-multi-million-pound-properties-in-London.html?frame=2513654[/size]
  21. Where do we put Les Claypool in the pantheon? Personally his music is too OTT for my liking but I acknowledge his brilliance.
  22. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1449668034' post='2925758'] No distortion?! [/quote] No distortion in the sense that he doesn't use pedals. The fuzzy sound comes from the amps being cranked up.
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