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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I have a set of 'Guitar & Bass' magazines from October 2012 up to current. Prefer pickup, but willing to post if you pay P&P - they'd be heavy! Also have a set of 'Guitarist' from August 2013 to current - as above. G.
  2. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1424519852' post='2697209'] Aha! Please allow me to piggy-back on this thread, as I'm in a very similar situation. Still not sure how I feel about 5s, but I'm going to record some songs which are going to be transposed down and I want to preserve my lovely original basslines :-) I have a spare P which I was thinking of trading for a 5 (The Squier VM P5 thread isn't helping!) but it occurred to me that setting up as BEAD might be the better solution for me. My main concern is the "nut work"... I'm OK with a screwdriver or an Allen key, but balk at anything destructive. And would I need a new nut if wanted to go back to EADG? Ta. [/quote] I refer you to post #17. G.
  3. Nickel strings turn my fingers black. G.
  4. If it's been getting cracklier till it expired then it sounds as if it might be the pots needing replaced (or lubed - or, as above, the jack socket) . Not a difficult thing to do for someone with experience in hollow bodies. They are, however, much trickier to work on than solids as you have to do everything through the 'F' holes. There's loads of little tricks to stop everything being lost & tying off each pot to bring it back through the correct holes etc. If you intend getting into self-repairs, get a copy of 'Guitar Player Repair Guide - How to Set Up, Maintain and Repair Electrics and Acoustics' by Dan Erlewine, ISBN 0-87930-291-7 published by Backbeat Books. Everything *anyone* needs to know is in there. G.
  5. Picato does a medium (for 32" ) set if you ask them. G.
  6. To (maybe) answer you original question, there is no reason at all not to attach a 2x10 cab to your combo providing a socket is provided for plugging one in. It shouldn't do any harm. The benefit in your case, and according to athe answer above, will be more speaker surface giving you higher headroom (goes louder without distorting) and a greater perceived volume (because of more speakers). The cons fo this are few - more cabs to carry and half your power going to the internal speaker & the other half going to the 2x10, therefore more stress on the internal speaker. Could you borrow a 2x10 & try it? G.
  7. Shouldn't be a prob - tension's actually less on BEAD. G.
  8. In size & shape, it's not unlike the pre that was in Hohner Pro Jazz bass I had & also the one in the Hohner B Bass too although it was contained in a little tin box. Maybe someone knows where those came from? G.
  9. Isn't the point of having a standard-tuned 5er the fact that you can play in lower keys *without* retuning? G.
  10. No prob - sounds like you've wired it out-of-phase - try swapping the two leads around. G.
  11. Before I actually bought a 5er I had both my fretted & fretless 4's tuned BEAD using the lower 4 strings of a 5 string set and it worked very well, as, like you, we did a lot of blues in G & D. All I had to do was to widen the nut slots slightly & I had no probs with them when I went back to normal strings and tuning. G.
  12. I've just sold a Yamaha RBX 250 which was just over 3Kilos. G.
  13. I've used a bit of an old credit card glued beneath. G.
  14. I have a couple of pairs of straplocks - Dunlop type - whose screws seem to have gone AWOL. Since these are the type of lock which have a hole in the middle for the strap-side to plug into, ordinary strap-peg screws are too big & block the hole. Does anyone know of a source of small-headed strap-lock screws? G.
  15. My first bass was a Sunn Mustang: Actually, once it was set up it played surprisingly well. G.
  16. Sometimes the FXreturn socket gets dirty, forces the contacts apart & the amp cuts out - it's a difficult one to diagnose and fairly rare, but always worth a try. Putting a patch cable between the FX ports bypasses the problem & sometimes demonstrates that the FXreturn is the prob. G.
  17. Have you tried a patch cable between FXout & FXreturn (last resort)? G.
  18. Just a word on Woody - traded my SUB 5 for his Bass VI - great communications and patience when it seemed that the SUB had been 'lost' in transit! All well that ends well. Deal with confidence. G.
  19. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1416097151' post='2606954'] The reason I thought the frets might have something to do with the harmonics is because on the D# harmonic in Portrait of Tracy where you fret the B, I can't get it on this bass, whereas I can on any other. [/quote] This almost certainly entirely due to the relative position of the pickup on that particular model of bass to where the node of the harmonic is - if it's dead on over the pickup then it won't be heard. It's well known that, if you put a Stratocaster on the neck pickup then you can't hear the octave harmonic on the 12th fret. Switch it to any of the other two pickups and it comes over loud and clear. G.
  20. It'll be interesting to see who turns up for a jam night on a Saturday...... G.
  21. Sorry James, just been offered & accepted another trade. G.
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