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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Like others, I've been in bands with friends, and in my case, the band wasn't great but I enjoyed being with my friends for the fun of it. On the other hand, I have really enjoyed being in a pro-type band pretty much organised & run by one guy. He is (almost) a dictator - calls the numbers, divi's the cash and, in effect, I'm a hired hand. Turn up, play the notes, get paid. Pretty much works for me. Fewer arguements, you know where you stand. These have been long-lasting groups. Most of other bands I've been in claiming 'democracy' have usually broken up due to arguements and everyone having their own version of 'the rules'. Even if they made a decent band. G.
  2. Got D'Addario Chromes om my Sterling SUB 5 - sounds fantastic. G.
  3. Ahem.... <<Shameless plug>> http://basschat.co.uk/topic/251092-digidesign-mbox2-mini/page__fromsearch__1 <</Shameless Plug>>
  4. Fine source of info: http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html G.
  5. Remember - a Hohner 'B' bass is a Jack with a head - otherwise the same. G.
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