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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='585517' date='Aug 31 2009, 12:46 AM']+1 to the man in the seasonal hat. Jon.[/quote] Cheeky Bu&&er!!!! G.
  2. Well, from China via Germany - some of that stuff is OK for the money. I think the 'sunburst' looks awful - maybe just me - the black looks OK. Neck looks pretty chunky. That's the problem with Ebay - can't try before buy. I'd hesitate to say 'Try it!' G.
  3. [quote name='Alien' post='585629' date='Aug 31 2009, 09:57 AM']And he was in Thin Lizzy for a while. That's all the cool any man needs. A[/quote] I didn't know that!!!!!!! Or maybe I've forgotten (I'm old )!! Any Youtube? G.
  4. The Hohner basses made by Cort in Korea are pretty d@*n good. G.
  5. I recently played through a Peavey TNT at an open mike night and was quite blown away by the tone & volume. G.
  6. [quote name='barnettiuk' post='575227' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:34 AM']Hello all. Anyone ever put heavier strings onto a lower cost bass (eg Squier) and had to take them off cos the neck wouldn't stand it? (I appreciate you'd probably have to adjust the truss rod) (Thinking of trying some flatwounds) cheers Ian[/quote] I've never come across a reasonable guitar/bass with a properly working truss-rod that couldn't be adjusted to the tension of flats. G.
  7. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='575317' date='Aug 20 2009, 11:34 AM']No 47 virgins for you then mate...[/quote] Damn!!!! Only 47? G.
  8. Crate Powerblock. Class 'D' (I think). 75W into 4 Ohms stereo. 150W into 8 Ohm bridged. Has Speaker sim for headphones. Actually intended for guitar, so front end breaks up a bit early for bass (IMO) so that's why I go in through the Line In via the MXR-80+ - much more headroom. Those are now discontinued - If I recall they were £299.99 when they came out. SoundControl sold them off at £50 when the were discontinued & I couldn't live without one at that price. There was a bass version on the books but it was never produced. I reckon Crate should re-jig them & bring out the bass version. Geoff.
  9. Why not take your powered, from Ebay, by a Plug your bass into a (or similar) and put it through the Line In. Up to 150W, low cost. That's what I'm doing, except my cab is an Ampeg Portabass 112 with a Beyma K200 12" 250W @ 8 Ohms. G.
  10. ALTERNATIVELY.............................. Get a tuning pedal & use it as a mute................................ G.
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  15. Here's the info: To make a small super-light rig, I bought an empty Ampeg Portabass 112H cab and put my Beyma K200 12" 250W @ 8 Ohms in it. There's a compression horn in place but not connected as I'm going through a Digitech GTX1 patched for bass into the Line In socket of a Crate Powerblock bridged (150W @ 8 Ohms) so it only out puts through one jack when bridged and wants 8 Ohms only - it'll protect itself and cut off at 4 Ohms. I'm not using/connected the horn as it would bring the cab down to 4 Ohms - incompatible with the above. I know putting odd drivers into cabs is a bit hit or miss, but this is sounding pretty good a low-ish volumes. The question is - the would I be better completely removing the (circular) horn and allowing a port for the Beyma. I'm pretty sure it isn't intended for sealed cabs? I'm pretty crap at trying to use WinISD - I haven't a clue, so maybe someone here might give me some good advice? Ta!!!! G.
  16. I've been playing in bands off & on since 1959, so....... The most stable bands I've been in have *not* been democracies. They've been the vision of one person who's put it together & runs it as 'their baby'. Now, providing you're happy to to be the hired gun & pick up the money (& I am, mostly) this works just fine. Also, that kind of atmosphere makes it easier to say 'this is not working for me, I'll be moving on'. I'm currently with a *very* democratic band and everyone can veto everyone else. This isn't terribly positive and at the end of the day we end up with a playlist by committee which is pretty bland, as no-one wants to stick their neck out and do anything a bit exciting. The new female vocalist came in with a list of songs numbering about 12 which she *really* wanted to sing - the voting system has whittled this down to 1. Rather takes the enthusiasm away. I'm trying hard to extricate myself, but it will be seen as 'betrayal' and I don't want to leave bad vibes behind, but it looks like its inevitable. G.
  17. The two CRTs I replaced with LCD about 2 years ago. They were in use up till I put them away. One's a Packard Bell, but I can't remember the barand of the other - possibly LG - the LG has now gone. Pickup only from Loughborough. Geoff
  18. I've used Tung Oil, first two coats cut in half with White Spirit. The humidity at the time of oiling has a lot to do with how quickly it dries and if it feels sticky or not - and Tung oil likes to be rubbed in - plenty of elbow grease. I did a body using 2 coats of diluted with plenty of rubbing of the first coat to get it in deep, then two coats of undiluted. It takes a while to dry - 2 or 3 days - more if humidity is high, but once dry a going over with a buffer gave it a very nice sheen indeed. G.
  19. I'm getting in touch with John East about this - I've modified first post to reflect. G.
  20. Sold to Purpolaris pending usual. G.
  21. [quote name='pal1972' post='566573' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:30 AM']any idea what the body wood is? could be tempted!!!!![/quote] Sorry - don't know, but it isn't overly-light, if you know what I mean. Suspect Basswood, but wouldn't swear on it. G.
  22. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='566580' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:36 AM']PM'd[/quote] Replied. G.
  23. I need to realise some cash for a speaker cab I badly need, so P bass is the least used of the bunch and has to go. All parts were obtained on Basschat save for the tuners and the pickguard. Squier body with plenty of 'Mojo' (previous owner removed sticker & some paint, many minor bumps). Unbranded but straight neck with average fretwear. I've done a partial re-crown on the lower frets. Medium 'D' rather than shallow 'C'. Looking at wood & grain, possibly Indian Sunn. A previous owner has sanded brand off. New Fender-type bridge assembly (swapped for a really old/scrappy one from a member who was building a 'relic'). Gen-you-ine Fender MIM pickup. Pots don't crackle - clean knobs. Brand new set of La Bella Deep Talkin' Flats, with less than 2 hours playing on them. Decent action. I'll include strap locks, strap & gig bag. Plays well, sounds like a P ought to. Pics here: [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/FrankenP/"]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/FrankenP/[/url] Must be worth £60 ONO. Local pickup would be good if you are in the Midlands. I'll travel up & down the M1 a bit if necessary. Geoff
  24. Let's not get it locked before someone takes it!!!! Someone must want a telescope for a chorus pedal? Eh? Eh? G.
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