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la bam

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Everything posted by la bam

  1. I'm just making people aware that there is something going on on facebook marketplace. Its not to tarnish genuine buyers or sellers with the same brush. What they choose to do with that information is upto them. For what it's worth, I cant work it out, and I agree it seems a lot of trouble to go to for smallish rewards, but I guess it depends what scale it's being done at, and what the actual scam is.
  2. Well, in one way it's good, but not if the scammers have got a serial number from someone selling a genuine instrument, then copied it onto a fake one.
  3. Couldnt resist in the end. Got a great deal on this, and was able to try at the shop, so I really didnt have an excuse for not at least giving it a go. A couple of years ago I'd have found this a horrible looking thing, and wouldnt have given the twin humbucker looking pickups a second glance. Now though..... well, I love it! Looks stunning in the flesh, and the build quality is just a work of art. The sound is wide and varied, but the main sound imo is bridge pick up on, and take it away! Its punchy, rounded and sounds really rich. It has that raspy stingray sound about it and every note really does rung out without any extra effort, especially high up the neck. Rolling on the ne k pick up rounds out the bite and does sound nice. You can get some convincing p bass sounds out of it too! Gonna give it a whirl at practice wednesday!
  4. Theres definitely something going on. The way I was being asked when selling mid range basses was just weird. Really aggressively wanting the serial numbers. Then after a bit of digging, they were miles away, no way was it a genuine sale question.
  5. Looks like my hunch was right.... Quite a few people on facebook now complaining that people are asking for full serial numbers, then reporting the bass in question as stolen and giving the serial number number as 'proof' it was theirs.... Be careful everyone, as if there wasnt enough scams around......
  6. Completely agree with Bill. I use 2 vertically stacked 210s now and the miniscule power needed to hear them is ridiculous. I literally have my markbass head at no more than 9 o'clock for biggins gigs and it's as loud as I'd ever need.
  7. I've been after one too previously. Frustratingly, I'm sure markbass used to make hard cases for their amps years ago. http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/hard-case-little-mark/
  8. Markbass have had it right all along. Lightweight, yet big sounding, clear gear. I started with markbass, went on a 10 year round the houses journey, and ended up back with them. Pretty much with the same kit as I started with. Only thing I'd say is my sansamp really brought the cabs to life.
  9. I'd have a listen first. I have the Italian traveller 2x10 (2 off) and they're the best cabs I've ever used, and I've used. Theyve replaced my ashdown abm cabs, and my barefaced cabs.
  10. It looks like a copy of the djs staple trolley - the rock n roller. They come in all kinds of different set ups.
  11. Fender flea jazz roadworn. The only bass that puts a smile on my face whatever rig I play it through. Feels brilliant to wear, easy to play and looks great. Can be left anywhere without worry of getting a ding. The dual volume and tone controls per pickup are superb. So many options for sound.
  12. Having bought a sx jazz I'm astonished how good the materials they used are. These seriously may be worth a look.
  13. Took this to practice tonight. Great bass. I'll put some better strings in and I swear down itll be great at any gig, big or small.
  14. I had a loud fan in an rm once. Turned out to be the fan cover on the back rattling. See if holding it reduces the fan noise. If so it could just be a screw has worked loose.
  15. I had the v1, but the v2 is a bit too expensive at the moment.
  16. Tech 21 bass fly rig. Just switch each fx on or off. No flapping through patches etc.
  17. As said earlier by someone else, you can either: Regret doing it. or Regret not doing it. or It works out well.
  18. Hi Terry, yes that's no problem at all. PM me an offer and we can take it from there. Cheers.
  19. Just been watching a few vids on youtube, and this spring up. I know julia is a fantastic player, but this jazz (the blue one) sounds amazing. It isnt really mentioned - is this a sandberg?
  20. Hi all, Another regretful sale - Hohner B2A active Headless bass. Excellent condition. Very rare for these basses. Now very hard to find, and near impossible to find in such good condition. Great sounds from the double pickups, tone and volume. Then theres the option of the active preamp for any sound! Also has a built in stand for practicing when sat down. Pick up only Leyland Lancashire.
  21. The harley benton I had was really heavy. An old pb50.
  22. Hi all, I've sold several basses over the last 2 months on facebook marketplace. All the basses have had accurate photos, descriptions and titles. However on marketplace, I am constantly bombarded with "what's the serial number?". Nothing else. No 'nice bass' or 'where was this built?' etc, just constant insistence on having the full serial number. Now, I understand having the serial number to check it is what it is etc, but all I've ever come across in the past is more a question of where was it made (to distinguish usa, mex, jap etc). But, I'm getting the feeling something else is afoot - are people asking for full serial numbers so they can copy them and stick them on cheap copies etc? Even more weirdly people are asking who live nowhere near me, and all basses are clearly listed pick up only. Anyone else had this recently?
  23. I say it's very similar to a g&l l100 I had in weight. Certainly not lightweight, but not harley benton heavy. But, just like the g&l it balances brilliantly, absolutely no neck dive at all. It does feel a bit more of a precision neck than a jazz, but I'm used to a flea bass skinny neck. By far and away the best 'budget' bass I've come across - much nicer than the sire p7 I had. Even as a mod donor its superb. You could add a babicz bridge, custom pick ups, loom, and tuners and you've got a mint bass for a few hundred. I'm at that crossroads, as a back up bass it couldnt be better - cheap as possible, highly giggable and looks great - but..... for a few hundred quid it could easily be a high end bass. So I'll see what happens.
  24. I tell you what is gonna take some defeating - when theres a whole note on a ACEG section, and my brain is reading it as a zero, because I'm used to tab, instead of its actual position on the music.
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