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la bam

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Everything posted by la bam

  1. Hold on, hold on, hold on ....... it's just dawned on me ...... that makes a 30kg 8x10 ! Easily carryable and trans portable too! Probably not affordable though
  2. I think it's ok and a bit of fun to put ideas forward, that way it helps the designer if theres something that everyone wants or doesnt want, or is essential for gigging / use that the designer may have not included that is an easy fix.
  3. I'd love simple 5 slider. Lo, lo mid, mid, hi mid, hi. Theres so many amps Ive not bought because of lack of eq flexibility.
  4. Flippin eck! That's the best I've seen!
  5. They really are. Very flexible and very easy to play too!
  6. Well, a broken van causes sale. Literally only a few months old (if that). I bought this due to all the glowing reviews and endorsements. It's a superb instrument. Sounds glorious. Nice and punchy, and like Jeff says every note really does ring out, no dead spots or unbalanced strings. It looks stunning in real life, nothing like the photos you see on the internet, the quality is to be seen in the flesh. Its lightweight, sounds lovely and has great tuners as well as the x2 custom bartolinis. I found the bridge pick up solod is lovely and rich and using the neck pickup adds a more fat precision like sound. The pick ups and bendable and theres a tone and volume too. Really is a high end bass. Pick up leyland Lancashire
  7. I had a 7 pro, on paper it was everything I was looking for - that classic ampeg sound. However, no matte r how I tried I just could not get it to sound anything like an ampeg. Weird as most seem to think its spot on, but mine was nothing like one. It was quite soft with hardly any grit or drive available.
  8. Great to see this happening! A clean warm 100w would be fantastic.
  9. Wouldnt matter really would it. The whole point would be to see how it copes on a larger stage. Not how it sounds out front.
  10. I'd definitely be interested. Plenty of gigs to test at too if youd like any help - from small clubs to big stages.
  11. I'm gonna start recommending that venue for weddings. And then demand 10% off them for all weddings they get. It's easy that parasite model. If theyd any brains theyd realise the suppliers (the good ones anyway) make them and their venue look good.
  12. Parasite business. Sticking their oar inbetween a company and client.
  13. Cheers, that's what I'm hoping for. Carrying 2 hard cases is a bit of a faff (modern day problem I know:) ) so anything I can do to reduce trips and storage on stage is a big help. Is the protection good?
  14. Thanks, I'll have a closer look at them
  15. I always take 2 basses, 2 cabs and 2 amp heads.
  16. It's to reduce load ins (so, bag on bag with both basses in, and cabs in the other). A lot of gigs are park away from the venue/stage and a bit of a walk, so if I can do one trip it saves a lot of hassle. Also, maybe looking at using trains in the future too where needed.
  17. Hi all, I've always been a strictly hard case when it comes to transporting my basses. Never used a gig bag at all. However, I've just seen the mono dual bass bag and they look great. Has anyone used one of these? It's exactly what I'm looking for, but they seems VERY expensive for a gig bag?
  18. I'm a big advocate of PLI.- always had it, always will, but you also have to fight your corner when people of their own choice get plastered out of control and injure themselves by their own stupid actions. In most cases it's nothing to do with the band/act, and how they have set up, but complete idiocy from members of the public. In which case it's fair enough to argue that point and only use PLI where argued against or necessary.
  19. I start with everything centered in the middle. Roll off a little mids, add a little bass and its lovely. For extra thump I add some low mids on my amp. Great tone imo.
  20. They are great. But..... they do the job they were built for, and by that I mean playing in a band. They dont dazzle you when playing alone, or sound sonically fantastic isolated at low level. Yet, in a band situation when everyones in and the inputs and outputs are driven as they should be, they do the job perfectly. That's where they shine.
  21. Cool looking amp! Love all the dials - full of character - looks like it means business.
  22. It's a bit odd to be launching a new product when they cant even get their existing products out to market. Unless theyve launched the cabs as their current amps are on hold due to supply problems.
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