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Everything posted by rushbo

  1. (Warning: I am a bit of a Zoom fanboy). I think a Zoom B3/B3n would be a great place to start. For less than the price of a couple of pedals (if you buy one used...) you can get a whole world of interesting noises. And if you get a B3, you also get an XLR out, too. They're pretty straightforward to use and you could easily audition the effects on the Zoom, before you take the plunge and buy individual stomp boxes. Or just stick with the Zoom. I'm not a massive user of pedals, so the B3 was a no-brainer for me and I've had one on my board for years. It's ace.
  2. Good man! I ended up using these instructions as they were a little clearer: https://www.instructables.com/DIY-footswitch-for-zoom-B3-and-zoom-G3/ I also didn't put the output jack on the outer casing - I used the battery compartment. I never use the unit with batteries, so it seemed the logical thing to do and I've removed the battery lead, too. This is what it looks like: I then taped the lead to the underside of the removable back plate and made a small hole in the outer casing for the lead to slip through -like this: The fun part was making the housing for it. My mate did most of the soldering, so in his honour, I named it after him. I used two of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313026870409?ul_noapp=true Two of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00U88T2IA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and a 50cm 3.5mm stereo jack aux cable (straight to right angle). Good luck!
  3. Fortunately, the B3 is pretty roomy! I was able to use the battery compartment house the cable. Soldering the new lead in was a bit fiddly, but it wasn't as tricky as I thought. I'm delighted with it.
  4. No, no replies, I'm afraid. Everyone just junked their B3s in favour of a B3n! I did the mod and it worked really well - i did try to use the wrong switches at first, but once I'd fixed that, all was good.
  5. "Free Hand" is ace. You may be interested to know that they were were always referred to as "Giant Genital" in the music retail industry...
  6. Richie Blackmore had a T shirt made which read "Everyone is entitled to my opinion". (I have to admit that the black plate on that natural Dimension does look pretty lovely).
  7. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Of course mine is right and yours is wrong...
  8. Scott Shriner, bassist with Weezer as well as Richie Sambora, Suzanne Vega and... Tommy Vance!
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  10. I've used sandpaper and needle files to open up nut slots. I'm still alive and the basses didn't explode. Go slow, check often and be careful not to file off a bit of you, or more importantly, the headstock, that doesn't need filing off.
  11. I have a love/hate affair with pedals. I love the idea of being able to add a multitude of nuances to my sound and I'm in awe of the enormous pedalboards and the skills and knowledge it takes to make them work, that some BassChatters have. I hate the fact that you're adding an infinite amount of variable factors and things that could go wrong to your gear set-up. And added to that, unless the effect is particularly noticeable, for example a "One of These Days" style delay, a Pino-esque octave/chorus or a filthy fuzz/drive, the only person in the room that notices any change is usually just the person holding the bass. (There will now follow a huge, follow-up thread where pedal totin' bass players list hundreds of pedal-modified basslines on huge hit songs). I've hacked my teeny-tiny pedalboard down to a modified Zoom B3 and a BDI 21 and they cover the limited palette of noises I'll need. It's got a small footprint and there's not much to go wrong, or for me to break. I'm happy with that. If you're from the Steve Lawson School of Bass-y Sonic Shapeshifting, then that slab of gizmos at your feet is 100% necessary. For most of us mere mortals, in my opinion, pedals are great fun to play with, swap and maybe even use on stage, but less is probably more.
  12. I've just joined the club. I traded in my lovely old Mexican Jazz bass for one, to a local chap who advertised on FB marketplace. I'd had my eye on one for quite a while and I finally caved in. Early signs are very good indeed. Neck profile is just about right for my dainty, girlish hands and it sounds lovely. Build quality and hardware are excellent. Lush colour too. Now all I need is a gig or two...
  13. I love posting my tiny toy collection up alongside the big boys... I've managed to slice my board down to basically a wireless receiver, a BDI 21 and my trusty Zoom B3. I did the Ashbass mod on the B3 which means I can scroll through patches using an external pedal. I know I could have just "upgraded" to a B3N, but where's the fun in that? The B3 has a smaller footprint and I can navigate my way around it without tears and tantrums - all it took was a bit of soldering (done by a proper grown up) and knocking together a cute, custom housing for the switches and bobs yer uncle. The Cuvave pedal is a BlueTooth page turner dealio for my cheatsheet-loaded iPad. It works pretty well, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 attempts to connect, but once it does, it's rock solid. The wireless receiver is a Sennheiser XS model. I've used it around the house and at a couple of rehearsals and it's worked brilliantly so far. The BDI is there for those moments when you need to scare the horses. By Christmas, I'll probably be down to two strings and a clip-on tuner, but for now, this'll do for me.
  14. “Shades in Bed” is one of my favourite albums. Great songs and great playing. Phil Brown was a superb bassist.
  15. My absolute favourite two-bass band. Not for the faint-hearted, but sort of beautiful: Hugo Largo.
  16. I've had this for just under ten years now - its a modified "Cowpoke" (Precision Special) bass. The "Cowpokes" were a bit of an oddity in the Fender catalogue - they were only available for a couple of years in the mid-nineties and originally came with Kubicki electronics. They were available in white, red and sunburst finishes, but the brave soul who owned the bass before me, stripped it down to a natural finish, which I think looks great. I'm not a huge fan of active pickups, so I sold the electrics to a charming chap on BC and installed Entwistles - my favourites. I got a wiring loom from the mighty Kiogon and plumbed in a three way selector switch as I find pick-up blending knobs a bit finicky to use - especially in the middle of a gig. I put a Badass bridge on because of Geddy Lee... The scratchplate was made for me by Jack at Tiny Tone. I know 4ply tort is a bit "marmite", but a natural bass and a tort plate is a killer combination in my booklet. It'll be my first choice of instrument when gigs start again (pleasepleaseplease) in late June.
  17. Here's a pair of Spirit monitors - one works fine, the other doesn't. The poorly one makes a nasty, thin, tinny sound. The drivers were replaced many years ago with Alesis ones and worked fine for some time. Cosmetically they're in pretty good condition - a few marks, but nothing major. If you can make use of them, and can pick them up from a secret location in the Black Country (ie, my house) they're yours.
  18. This looks like it's just for guitar at the moment. £989 + a Transmitter. https://www.smoothhound-innovations.com/
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