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Everything posted by Flanker

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Yes its fantastic!!! Somebody buy the bloody thing! Trades???
  3. Thanks Josh it is a great cab! Adee sorry but that's a bit bigger/heavier than I'm looking for.
  4. Recently acquired this 212 from bassbloke. Amazing cab for it's size and weight (43lbs!!) Unfortunately I need a cab to pair with my BagEnd115 which is 8ohms so I'm looking for a vintage tone lightweight(ish) cab at 8ohms. Prefer 115 but anything considered. Alternatively I can sell this for £400.00 and looking at getting a Barefaced Compact. Collect nr Milton Keynes preferred. Can't ship but will discuss meeting within 1hr.
  5. Here's some of the P that I haven't posted.
  6. That would have sounded HUGE through the Mesa Carbine! How's the new rig?
  7. I'm in the club. Very nice too. Don't key my 911 greyparrot there's a good chap.
  8. One of the few ways for a civvie crew to get one up on Fighter pilots........... JETJOCK: 'Yeah well I suppose you guys don't get much above 40 thousand do you?' BUSDRIVER: ' Nah...........only in salary.' Used to be true
  9. [quote]Lovely bass Steve, I am looking forward to owning this one day :-)[/quote] You have first dibs Steve
  10. Thanks guys, I am well chuffed! It plays very easily, it feels a lot bigger than my Skjold and the headstock means it's the only bass I've owned that can't fit on the wallstand downstairs! It is 34" scale but the 19mm string spacing feels really wide as I play the Skjold almost exclusively now. It sounds great, exactly as you'd expect. I prefer to play with the tone off completely (at least at home) and it has a very 'alive' tone - big sound. I can't wait to play it with the band if we ever get round to practising again! Doesn't work too well with the TechSoundsysytem cab unfortunately but sounds great with the Puma head and BagEnd115 and even better with Ashdown(sold unfortunately). The Tecamp combination is a bit too modern for it. I'd love to hear it through a NV215 Berg cab and a fat tuby head - earth shattering I would expect. I know these basses are expensive but I got a good deal on this bass including a trade on a bass I really liked but having played this and the Alleva Coppolo LG5 at BassMerchant I think they are worth the money if it's what you are looking for.
  11. I wanted this bass from the first time I saw a picture of it on the Alleva stand at Namm. It's taken some time but it was worth the wait - beautiful bass.
  12. I could never get what others saw in old Jazz basses - until I played this one! Bargain too!
  13. [quote]I played Kiwi's Celinders (I think one used to be yours ?)[/quote] The black jazz and the red precision were mine - both great basses. I've played a Coppolo Precision and was very impressed. Weight has become a bit of an issue for mw and I've never played a light Celinder 5.(Say under 9lbs) Not to say they don't exist? Personally I'd be slow to order a new bass again from just about anyone but with well over a year to your D-day maybe you could build in a huge penalty clause? :brow: Either way with these two I think you would end up with as good a bass as money can buy IMO.
  14. Hi Nik I was going to do the same for a player I saw at a wedding last night The band were Between the Covers and the bassplayer had a lovely GB Spitfire 5 and EBS TD650 / 210. (They were from Brighton of course)! Great tone and playing. I did get a chance to say hello and tell them I thought they sounded great. The bass player said he had been on here but not for some time.
  15. Before you buy Markbass check out Tecamp gear at Bassmerchant. I've owned both.
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