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Everything posted by Flanker

  1. Ta. Looks nice. What type of tone do you like? I'm gassing for a Puma head but just a bit concerned about the tone not being 'big' enough, quick but full is what I'm after with an Epi410UL. Knowing my form I'll probably get one anyway and move it on at a loss if it doesn't work!
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  3. Sale Agreed on the Glock Will confirm once it's happened!
  4. Hi See the Mesa is on the way out. What is it you fancy getting?
  5. Never mind mate you're much more popular than the Glock appears to be! Any interest still?
  6. [quote]Flanker and Subaudio has seen it in the flesh and I'm sure they'd both testify to it's great sound.[/quote] It did indeed sound great - right up until I had a go!
  7. This has started happening to me too in the last few days? Just the odd thread.
  8. DAMN! Now I'll have to wait another month to get it!
  9. Any nice amps for trade? Maybe trade whole rig? Quite fancy Berg12 ERs
  10. [quote]Hasn't this sold yet? You must be losing your touch Steve[/quote] Probably just as well or I might put down a deposit on a certain bass!
  11. Great amp but at the same weight I just prefer the Genz-Benz percussiveness. This amp is built like a (Panzer) tank and runs as quiet as any amp I've owned. Looking for £850.00 ono Trade for GBE1200 Still in Milton Keynes.
  12. You can't buy a better Precision than Celinder IMO and this is a lovely example. I'm gassing for it too but have no dosh and nothing left to trade! (Except a gorgeous strap I bought a few years ago )
  13. I recently acquired (from Niceguyhomer)an excellent condition Markbass LM11 in trade against a Genz Benz GBE750. The Markbass has a great aluminium case. Milton Keynes.
  14. Did a gig with this rig last Friday and was very impressed. Fat - Clean - Loud!
  15. [quote]This amp is inhabiting my sub-conciousness. Damn you.[/quote] Haha Pity I've already had two DB750's or you could maybe have tempted me ! Doing a gig tomorrow - looking forward to seeing how it sounds.
  16. Haha I was going to say that Birdy and I don't bother with that foreplay business - but that doesn't sound right ! Brace yerself Sheila!!!
  17. After selling my GenzBenz to Niceguyhomer I was looking forward to settling down with my brand new Mesa M6 Carbine - the hottest new amp from the states and loved by all. I wanted to love it too and it surely is an amazing amp - quite light, very very loud and great tone options including deep bass and sparkling treble........ Unfortunately it turns out that I really like smooooth and this amp is just very aggressive. I couldn't get close to the tone I wanted without EQ'ing like crazy. A classic GAS attack had caught me out big time! Anyway I sent a PM to Marc asking about the tone of the big Glock Heart Rock. Went round there yesterday and he loved the Mesa so it was gone in the blink of an eye. The Glock is big and heavy but I haven't touched the tone controls at all-totally flat. A touch of bass boost and a smaller touch of mid on the Skjold and that is it - fat smooth quick tone - luvly!!! It is very well built and very quiet running which is nice. Fan noise was something I didn't really take to on the Aguilar DB750. Anyway here's a few pics
  18. Did a trade with Marc - think my voice is going with all the blabbing I did! Very much recommended - great company and equally good coffee. Thanks again - love the amp!
  19. Bought this amp a couple of years ago here on Basschat. I have 4 amps in the house atm. Needs a service but works OK - just some of the pots scratchy and one of the inputs doesn't work, wouldn't take much to get it perfect I'm sure. A real bargain at £125.00 Milton Keynes
  20. Nearly a year since our last deal at Little Chef Uttoxeter! A pleasure as always, thanks again. Steve
  21. Not one reply but looks like a deal is underway!
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