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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Nik, as far as I know, Paul [b]will[/b] be there (and so will I, and Simon). We'll all be missing Jack but hopefully a day's rest will allow him to feel better.
  2. I always log on incognito - and it's as slow as it is for the others...
  3. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1348851005' post='1819166'] See you all tomorrow for my Effects Q&A.......please ask me questions....please lol Si [/quote] If nobody else has any more important questions, I'll sit next to you and you'll talk me through [b]everything[/b] effects-related, starting from the very beginning (as in - "this is a pedal" ), 'cos I don't use any, and I don't play live, but I'm keen to learn about them for the future. (Same about amplification, but that's another story.) Looking forward to seeing you all!
  4. Just like wading through treacle today...
  5. Right, the whole damn thing was cancelled yesterday. They better not do the same with the bass show, or else.
  6. You'll see that everything needs adjusting! My basses were unplayable before I re-set them up correctly. Don't be scared, you need to learn how to carry out all those adjustments. Have a quick search online for tips.
  7. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1348779460' post='1818222'] OK. Is fret buzz the symptom of neck adjustment or is it the tension in general? [/quote] It means that your action is too low and/or the string height needs to be adjusted. Often both...
  8. In the past few months I've changed the strings on all my bass guitars from high tension sets to low tension ones, and I'm still having to loosen the truss rod every now and then! So it's definitely something you should consider, as well as re-checking the intonation and, of course, the string height at the bridge and nut (if adjustable).
  9. Brings back memories of watching my now-ex's band play there 7-8 years ago... One weekend I should jump on the train and visit. Have a great gig, Clauster, and post photos
  10. Heh... I so [i]know[/i] that I'll very soon produce my credit card and buy tix to both this and the London Electric Guitar Show in November... Edit: The Guitar Show has been cancelled. The Bass Show, however, appears to be still on.
  11. Early Bird tickets are on sale, for £15 + handling fee, until 12 November 2012. [url="http://www.londonbassguitarshow.com/index.php/buy-tickets"]http://www.londonbassguitarshow.com/index.php/buy-tickets[/url] This year I'm considering buyng tickets in advance for [b]both[/b] days
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1348749387' post='1817684'] That's true, I had an active Yamaha with the same problem, about a month and the battery would be dead, regardless of how much it was played. I'd check that out. [/quote] Apparently there was a similar problem with some Rockbass Corvettes, a faulty 2006 batch, as mentioned on the Warwick forum. When I read it years later I panicked (I've got one), only to realise that I was playing my 2007 Corvette, still fitted with its own theoretically long-expired battery, in 2009! Edit for wrong dates, mixup as I've got [b]two[/b] Corvettes. I panicked for the 2007 one, even if it was a year younger than the faulty ones, 'cos I'm a panicky bass owner
  13. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1348741904' post='1817537'] That's personal. [/quote] LOOOOL
  14. See you there too, Paul! Just for a short while, as I'll have to go home early and have a good rest, in preparation for Epic Saturday
  15. +1. I got them from Amazon recently (same price IIRC). They are good.
  16. I think those who should actually reply to this topic are our friends, loved ones and perhaps bandmates - they would probably give a more accurate description of us...
  17. There are quite a few humorous takes on the 50 Shades saga on Twitter, and even I - who haven't read the book at all - usually smile or laugh at them
  18. Saw this on Twitter and retweeted it Come on, join in!
  19. In diary already. Loving this autumn full of gigs and music events! PS Clarky, the photos and vids from last Weds are here waiting for you
  20. [quote name='charliethornton' timestamp='1348601592' post='1815899'] hahaha brilliant i was feeling a bit sheepish and didnt manage to spark conversations with several people that i wanted to. was a shame! [/quote] I guess we were all pretty busy gassing and flitting from one bass to another and one corner of the room to another, while taking lots of photos on an assortment of devices ranging from huge DSRLs to non-smart mobile phones
  21. I agree with thisnameistaken. EUBs are excellent, but tend to sound more like a normal bass guitar, no matter what strings you put on and what setup you apply. If the DB sound is what matters to you, you have no choice but to get a real DB. (Lucky you! I'm so jealous! )
  22. LOL Excellent, Bert, thanks. I can officially confirm that I remember seeing Charlie
  23. Tried that, Bert, thanks, and I think I remember seeing him, but I can't place him properly from that tiny photo...
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