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Everything posted by ironside1966

  1. What do you mean by satellite mode? Are all the speaker cones working? But it sounds like they are If my memory is correct the Actors are 3 cabs a side, active bin, a passive bin and a mid top active box, I beleave the crossover for the subs is in the bin itself not 100% sure though. Is the mid top cab ok without going through the Subs? You could take the amps out and check for any loose connections and blown fuses anything other than that use a qualified engineer. It also could be the crossover.
  2. I would think it’s the amp as there is no sound from the speaker and if it was the input there should be a slight hum or hiss, unless the other speaker is silent without anything plugged in
  3. My advice to you would be check all the fuses plus the mains lead, as I can gather from your post the speaker is working so if it is not a fuse it needs to go in for repair, as to what it is I doubt if you will get an answer without someone qualified having a look. I think the PA is active speakers so do the cabs fire up? If Yes check inputs with a mic or CD,MP3 player if no, check all the fuses plus the mains lead, as I can gather from your post the speaker is working so if it is not a fuse it needs to go in for repair, as to what it is I doubt if you will get an answer without someone qualified having a look.
  4. A cheap easy option is to use the rubber floor mats from your car or the van.
  5. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='994116' date='Oct 19 2010, 09:24 PM']I'd class my teacher as an "advanced" teacher. He wows me & inspires me every lesson. Its not just all about technique, but fretboard knowledge, theory, groove, feel. Its these last things that i think makes one teacher stand out from another.[/quote] I think that’s my point, look at the projects of some of the teachers on BC and you can tell that they are class players working in quality bands or shows even though the playing is technically not difficult. Some of the tutors I looked at where in just good local bands many metal or indie with no mention of experience or pro work, often with a Universality qualification. I am not knocking the style of music or any qualifications I Just wondered how you know someone is suitable for someone who has been playing years.
  6. When a bass tutor says beginners to advanced welcome what do they mean by advanced? after doing a bit of research on some local tutors web sites the standard of playing and seems no better then many of the people on bass chat. I expected to be wowed and inspired. not a word about any pro work
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='990216' date='Oct 16 2010, 02:10 PM']You can teach the style of rock but not the magic ingredient. Sure there are classical players that can rock with the best of them Im not saying that but if you cant rock you cant rock. Its just the way it is, People that have been taught to rock think they can but the truth is they would of been able to anyway IMO the teaching just sped up the process.[/quote] I think you are half right you can teach rock if you have a good understanding of the style or the student is capable of working the style out on their own. Where I agree is that it takes more than playing the notes from a written part and text in a book, this is also true for many styles.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='989716' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:17 PM']I have no grades at all nor can I read music (the same for many musicians if we are still allowed to call ourselves that?) and recently spent an evening with a very fine classical player who came to a blues jam with me a couple of years ago and said he wished he could do that,I thought he was taking the piss at first but he wasnt and he got me to go and show him the basics of the 12 bar and a few simple licks to get him started. I was amazed at what he could play if it was in front of him and literally nothing without! It was like some kind of comedy sketch. You cant teach rock its not possible ,Look at cold play and all that stuff,Middle class mushy rockers cant do a full on Metallica thing,They think they can and I have played with some top notch drummers that read symbols and all sorts of stuff but when it comes to the final rock out at the end,Nothing.....its not on the page.[/quote] Of course you can teach rock. I bet there are many players on this forum that could go from a reading gig and then rock out with the best of them, playing classical l is a different discipline and is not about self composition although it is about interpretation.
  9. Sight reading it is a skill to be able to play the part as if you knew it off by heart is a greater skill. I can read but if you take the dots away and I play something I have previously learnt I am a far better player and I think that’s the case for a lot of people. It is unfair to dismiss players who read as lifeless if you do not have the skill yourself as that may be a completely different player of the page. Also students are at the start of their career and many still have a lot to learn.
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='989567' date='Oct 15 2010, 07:17 PM']Goes back to the "tutored" versus "self taught" argument.[/quote] Far from it, it is about attitude some people put the work in some don’t some people think they don’t have to when they obviously do, thats thw only complaint I have with some students is they lack the experience to know their limitations so don’t put the work in but that could be said for a lot of musicians.
  11. Don’t take this personal because it’s not intended to be, I have no idea of your experience and abilities but this is how your post comes across to many people. 1. Would the band leader book you again if he knew that you where posting on a public forum that he uses substandard musicians? 2. It is not a good advertisement for you saying you are in a band that will employ anybody. 3. It shows the lack of experience and comes across as someone who has got the first sniff at a decent job and thinks they know everything and better then everyone else, a more seasoned player accepts that sometimes you work with musicians who don’t quite cut it for one reason o another it’s part of life.
  12. Why can’t people just say it as it is? They are happy doing what they are doing and can’t be bothered to lean any more instead of pretending it’s an artistic decision. Just because you have a good technique doesn’t mean that you overplay that is down to musicality you can still play root notes or simple melodic lines. My bass technique allows to turn my ideas into music but when I play guitar my ideas are far greater than my ability and it’s very frustrating.
  13. The main thing that holds a player back is a closed mind.
  14. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is this. A note is made up of the fundamental then a succession of harmonics so when people say the can hear a low note or sound from a very small speakers they are hearing the harmonics not the fundamental To reproduce bass you need to shift air speaker size is not important but large speakers make more sence also the excursion plays a large part twice the movement twice the air. How ported cabs work is they are tuned to delay the sound from the rear to reinforce the next peak or trough as low sounds have very large waves the cabinet needs to be large enough as the longer the waves travel the lower the frequency. Hope that makes sense. So for a gig like the prodigy where you want the sound to be felt as well as heard and by lots of big speaker he probably means the enclosure not the drivers
  15. Add the words loud and sub then it kind of makes more sence.
  16. [quote name='megallica' post='975101' date='Oct 2 2010, 04:27 PM']There's a few tracks on The Sex Pistols - Rock n roll swindle album that sound a bit too good for Sid Vicious.[/quote] I dont think he played on anything Steve jones did it.
  17. Frankie goes to hollywood I dont think John Taylor played the solo on some like it
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='973970' date='Oct 1 2010, 01:45 PM']Because more people eat MacDonald's than at Michelin star restaraunts - not just because it costs less but because they don't like to be challanged. Its a strange thing, isn't it. In every other walk of life; furniture making, fashion whatever, the customer expects to pay more for a specialist quality product and less for mass produced/production line stuff (like buying a bass?). More to the point, the workers involved in the production line work are paid less than the real craftsmen and are generally less skilled and certainly less satisfied. In music, it seems to be the other way around. The gigs go to those who reproduce the mass market material whilst the more creative/demanding skills of composition, arranging and the performance of art music etc are devalued almost to oblivion. I say leave the production line work to them that likes it and I'll go apply for Arts Council funding for my musical theatre production based on the Communist Manifesto [/quote] I totally agree to some extent but crafts men are people who devote their life to learning there trade at the top of the pile in there trade, but a lot of original bands are just people indulging in there hobbies
  19. [quote name='Twigman' post='973929' date='Oct 1 2010, 01:26 PM']Erm...yep.... Many venues ,say 20 years ago, would happily put on an originals band but these days insist on covers only.....if these covers bands didn't exist and the venue wanted live music they'd still be putting on originals.[/quote] The venues are there to make money many pubs are now owned by chains not happy with just making a profit they want to maximize profits, A lot of smaller pubs are just ticking over. Lose the revenue lose the venue. Get rid of cover bands if you want but who will benefit? Discos will Cover bands audience’s different crowds to original bands. If you can’t bring enough people in a venue to make it worthwhile stop blaming cover bands and work on you promotion, if you could guarantee a full house I am sure many landlords would give you a try
  20. The truth is most people in cover bands have, still or will play in originals. I got to a point where I felt I have invested too much in to playing to work for free. I like people who play for money they tent to have a better attitude and less ego.
  21. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='964159' date='Sep 22 2010, 09:52 AM']I am one of those with fairly snobby and negative views of tribute bands, but would you agree that playing in the backing band to a tribute artist where you are essentially anonymous (as you would be if playing with the real artist) is a lot different and more morally acceptable than putting on a wig and pretending to be Chris Squire?[/quote] Is it artist integrity? Have you been slogging you guts out for years learning your craft spending years in study, taking you playing and music to the limits and beyond? Breaking musical boundaries, working with musicians from all walks of life and musical cultures playing music you hate just to get that extra bit of learning so you are now eventually at a position musically where you want to be . Or is it because it’s your hobby and you might not enjoy it as much?
  22. When a room is full the audience absorb a lot of the sound so one side quickly over powers the other at the higher and mid frequencies so the sound they hear is mono any way just one side of the stereo image. One option is to make an adapter to sum the both parts in to mono although I don’t know how much difference this would make. Another option would bring the keyboards in on the tape returns that should be ok so long as you don’t use a long multicore or if you have a spare Aux return.
  23. I agree entirely with that What percentage of the audience hears a good stereo imag?, Obviously it changers from venue to venue, but a lot of the time many of the audience ate only getting one side of the stereo image, also if the desk set to one side I like to know that what I am hearing out of one speaker is mirrored in the other.
  24. True but it makes a difference when you walk around the room.
  25. I would consider the keys in mono. Take a stereo piano sound the bass notes are louder to the left top notes louder to the right in a lot of smaller venues most people do not get a balanced stereo sound this is one of the reasons I use panning sparingly in small venues
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