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Bass Culture

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Everything posted by Bass Culture

  1. I'll take these bad boys please. Can you PM me your paypal email and I'll send payment later on today? Cheers, Mark
  2. I did quite a bit of music theory as a youngster but have since stuck rigidly to the advice of - I think - Billy Sheehan (please someone correct me if I'm wrong) who, when asked what the best thing to learn was, said 'everything...then forget it'. Previous posters explanations of the difference between the two modes couldn't be bettered. But as both they and others have implied (and, indeed, stated), does the [i]knowing [/i]make the slightest bit of difference to which sounds better to you? If I [i]think[/i] about what I play at all these days I just look at everything as a variation on the major scale - either directly or indirectly. And seeing as I often use chromatic passing notes all over the place too mostly what I play is... a bunch of notes that sound good to me in a particular musical context. Pip pip!
  3. This is a highly-contrived 'going to the Latitude Festival and will be away until next Tuesday'-type BUMP, just for anyone who does show an interest/sign of life during that time. Pip pip!
  4. [quote name='obbm' post='894016' date='Jul 13 2010, 06:22 PM']Red to 1+ Blue to 1-[/quote] Brilliant - thanks, sorted. Now, can the Mods pull the thread before anyone else sees! Cheers, Mark
  5. Can I apologise in advance for what, I'm sure, is a really stupid question (I can already picture some of you reading this with your head in your hands!)? Right, deep breath, here goes: I'm changing a heavy duty (Bassic bits) speaker lead from Speakon-Jack to Speakon/Speakon. I've got a red and blue wire. If red was wired to the centre of the jack pin and red to the outer where do they go in the Speakon connector? I'm presuming they're wired centre to centre (would that be +/+?) but I'm not too proud to check! Thanks.
  6. Any preference as to Nickels or Steel? I really liked La Bella Deep Talkin' strings when I used them a year or so ago. Since then I've reverted back to good old Roto's though...
  7. Edit for the couple of snaps I've added. Mark
  8. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='890568' date='Jul 9 2010, 04:37 PM']Good luck with sale, hopefully I've just sold mine, you can get the manual here: [url="http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/_support/om.cfm?ln=en&dsp=0&iCncd=305&iStcd=4"]http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/_sup...305&iStcd=4[/url] Just click the Download button.[/quote] Thanks for that - much appreciated. Mark
  9. [quote name='bigsmokebass' post='890530' date='Jul 9 2010, 04:05 PM']£25 posted? i know its not alot and abit cheeky but all i got ^_^ maybe an extra £5 when i get moneys if you accept. PM me =][/quote] Sorry buddy, but I'm not going to look at offers as I think the price is fair as is. If it doesn't go at that price I'll hold on to it or put it on the bay of e's. Thanks all the same, Mark
  10. I never used to use compression at all but since acquiring my TC RH450 I run the Spectracomp at about 9/10 'o' clock all the time. Gives me a lot of punch to my sound, which I really love. I'd never use a Compressor though, I htink, and on any heads I've had that have had it built in (Hartke HA3500, Trace AH300SMX) I've often had set so low - and then proably only because it was there - that it most likely wasn't 'engaging' most of the time! The Spectracomp on the RH450 does add a certain [i]Je ne sais quoi[/i] though. Mark
  11. For sale, a real life, genuine Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus pedal, folks. Whilst I wouldn't claim that these are exactly rare and hard to come by, they are popular for a reason - they sound good, they're reliable and Boss quality is pretty much guaranteed. Rate, depth, frequency cut controls to vary the amount of Chorus applied to the bass or treble part of the register, and level controls give a wide range of options and sounds. More information here for those who want it: [url="http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/CEB-3/"]http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/CEB-3/[/url] It's in excellent condition - bar a slight scratch on the casing where it says 'Output' (see photo) - and even has a battery with a wee bit of life in it yet. No box or instructions though, so I'll take £35 posted for it. I'm sure the instructions at least should be downloadable from t'internet somewhere. No paypal though please - can't stump up charges at this price. Bank transfer preferred. Cheers, Mark
  12. [quote name='Rowbee' post='889953' date='Jul 8 2010, 10:39 PM']I have to say Mark, given that we've had numerous discussions on the quest for the perfect tone, I'm not surprised that you've moved onto another rig. But at the same time I really thought you'd found your thing with these Purple Chilis. I'm still keeping the faith with the SA450 and Barefaced Compact I bought from you. I've still only done one gig where I needed both Barefaced cabs.[/quote] I was wondering where you'd got to, Rob - good to hear from you! Yeah, I think if it wasn't for the fact that I ultimately decided to 'rationalise' my set up and look for a single, high-powered, lightweight cab, I would still be happily running with both the PC's still. Really nice sound all round, I thought. Early days yet, I know, but the Barefaced looks like The One so far! Drop me a line if you're in the neck of the woods again. We're down in The Cotswolds again in the beginning of September. I'd still love to catch one of your bands live. All the best, mark
  13. And the winner is...Brian - thank you. Let me know how you get on with it at the weekend, hey? Nice meeting you. Mark
  14. Okay, folks, I've had a few people interested in this. All PM's have now been replied to with an update on the surrent situation with regard to the cab's availability. Thanks, Mark
  15. There is a number of hats I could cheerfully shell out for there. But, that said, I am off (with Mrs Bass Culture) to the Latitude Festival next week; when we went last year I returned with my black leather trilby, which has been known to make an appearance with The Trigger Fingers from time to time. Definitely need to try before you buy though - I was quite heartbrokken when I saw how badly the tartan pork pie hat I had designs on suited me!
  16. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='887445' date='Jul 6 2010, 03:55 PM']Sold to Mark - cheers fella, Steve[/quote] Pleasure, Steve - thanks. Mark
  17. I freely admit I'm a 47 year old fart and this kind of stuff wouldn't normally be my kind of thing. But even I really enjoyed this! Well done that man!
  18. Used the Super Twelve at a rehearsal with another band last night playing original, rockier material. It matches my RH450 so well - just had a huge smile on my face for three hours! Huge sound. The only tonal adjustment I've done between the gig, recording session and rehearsal I've used it at since I got the cab on Friday is to alter the pickup pan on my Roscoe. That's all I've needed to do to accommodate three completely different rooms.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='886272' date='Jul 5 2010, 01:36 PM']I must admit there are a lot of small manufacturers making cabs at the moment, but these PC cabs look incredibly well made....good luck with the sale [/quote] Thanks. Yep, they're very nice cabs - well put together and finished. And they don't sound too bad either!
  20. [quote name='sunfish' post='886259' date='Jul 5 2010, 01:23 PM']PM'd[/quote] PM's replied to, gents. Thanks.
  21. [quote name='DrVet' post='886059' date='Jul 5 2010, 09:14 AM']I'd be interested if U could post it..... otherwise ... good luck with the selling![/quote] Hi there, I think, even if I could get the appropriate packaging together, I'd be unwilling to send it outsode of the U.K. - mostly because any packaging is going to be, er, improvised at best. Sorry! Mark
  22. Took delivery of one of Alex's Super Twelve's on Friday - mine is finished with silver grille cloth - and used it for a wedding gig on Saturday and some recording yesterday. I've got to say, even though we've only been dating for a couple of days, I think I'm in love. For me it's got absolutely everything and is exactly what I've been looking for - a portable (it's got integrated castors - back of the net!), one cab solution, that will be loud enough for all the gigs I'm likely to cover (pubs, clubs and small to medium sized halls mostly). Sound is punchy, full and defined - full, tight lows, pronounced and punchy mids and nice, smooth highs, but really well balanced too. I'm really impressed by how little the character of the sound changes between different volume settings too - don't you hate it when you get a nice, punchy, tight sound at home practice levels, turn the volume up and suddenly it goes all manic on you? Yeah, me too. The Super Twelve doesn't do that - to my ear. All in all I think this is a great cab. Photos and more comprehensive review to be posted in the 'Reviews' section to due course. Thought I'd start spreading the love as soon as I could though. Oh, and it looks so cool with the silver grill cloth! BC EDIT for photos: I was going to do a fuller review but I really couldn't add anything to the fullsome praise Me and My Bass has lavished on his cab in his excellent review already - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=88457"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=88457[/url] The drummer in one of my bands is a multi-instrumentalist and plays bass also. A couple of weeks back he congratulated on my bass sound when I was still using my Purple Chili PCB112. Last week he turned to me and said that he loved the sound of the new cab even more than the old one. I put a lot of empasis on the (lower) mids in my sound and he went on to say that it wasn't really a sound he went for himself when he was playing bass but we then spent 3 minutes discussing bass sounds and generally praising the Super Twelve - much to the chagrin of the singer and guitarist! Nothing's perfect, of course, but the Super Twelve pretty much fits the bill for me completely at this moment in time. Only time will tell if the first wave of passion will develop into long-term commitment but my wandering eye has been stilled for the time being!
  23. [quote name='Shambo' post='884656' date='Jul 3 2010, 10:49 AM']OOOOO. Bump for nice fella to deal with. I like these cabs, (obviously), and this represents a good saving in price, and time to order, compared to a new one. [/quote] Kind words, Andy - thanks. Mark
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