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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. Not necessarily, it really depends on construction and how much of the structure of the instrument relies on body wood and how solid the neck joint is. I also used to have two Smith BSR5GN basses with identical through body necks, the body wood on was was mahogany core + quilted maple top and back, the other was flame maple core + walnut top and back. The wings shouldn't have made much of a difference but they had to have been the only reason that the two instruments responded differently.
  2. I think I might have seen these posted on the Lustihand FB page.
  3. 1) Other musically related items 2) Either 1) above or Guitarchat (which is currently free to list)
  4. Get one before the cease and desist letters are sent. But they don't sound like Wals to me.
  5. I had Klaus narrow the width of the mid band on one but it's still not narrow enough. It's why I'm curious about the Lustihand on bass. If I had the option, I'd probably put trim pots for bass and treble frequency inside the control cavity. Maybe attached to and protruding through the lid, the mid control cut/boost along with bass and treble cut/ boost would be left for tweaking on the fly in the normal fashion.
  6. Aaron made me a replacement pick up set for my ex-Christian Danstrom red J Update way back in 2009 after the neck coil gave out. At the time I asked him to make a set that was closer to a 70's jazz bass so he put alnico magnets in. Passinwind was working on a passive version this time last year but he was waiting on a maker to trial it. Re: filters, I have Noll 3 band semi para eq's in a couple of my basses and I tend to set and forget once I find the right spots to boost/cut. It's not the kind of set up that lends itself to mid-set tweaks when playing live. Way too complicated. For live stuff I'd probably go with the Lustihand option (I have customised versions for a guitar project I'm working on).
  7. Update: For anyone who doesn't want the Sting quote, put a note with your order details and we can send you a quote free version of option 2.
  8. The body needs to be fairly soft if those mid frequencies are to be given some emphasis. Medium to lightweight mahogany is good but finding wood with that weight can be time consuming. Various combinations of alder with cedar or spruce might result in something with more growl and less mod warmth. I agree with the neck construction but some of the laminates need to be of a softer wood for that growl. Maple and wenge or (in Wal's case) maple and mahogany or (in Ken Smith's case) maple and bubinga. Stiffness can be achieved with steel or carbon composite rods and a thick ebony fingerboard but the trick is to make it stiff enough. Too stiff and it starts to sound piano like which isn't really what Wals are about. I would being doing the same in your shoes. I've found that fingerboards affect mainly how prominent fret noise is. I really like ebony boards as they tend to be transparent in that frequency range and they allow really low action if thick enough. Paul Reed Smith too - even so far as suggesting a substantial heel block is crucial to sustain. Love or hate the man but he's done his homework on how to get the best out of a guitar. Simply having multi coil pickups in the build probably isn't going to get you there, I think the bandwidth and narrow Q on the filters need special consideration too. The pickups just need to be flat response and a few conventional designs on the market will probably get you there. But if you really wanted to push the boat out, maybe sit down with Aaron Armstrong and tap his (and his fathers) expertise on the theory behind Wal multicoils. He could custom build something. He did Christian Celinder and Ken Smith's pickups.
  9. I was in a band once back around 2006 where the drummer enjoyed playing too loud. So loud it affected the ability of everyone else to hear each other, which is a thing for a motown band. The drummer was also married to the singer and they were both nice people, there was no personal animosity at all. To his credit he actually held back one rehearsal and we played really well, so much tighter which revealed the potential we were hiding. But the next rehearsal he was back to full power. I asked him to pull back a bit and reminded him of how well we played last rehearsal but he didn't...probably because he enjoyed hitting hard and I was pissing on his fire a bit. So our playing went back to it's normal sloppiness. If a band member isn't receptive or accommodating then there are only three choices, ratchet up the tension, suck it up or leave. So I called time as I had another gig anyway and only enough time for one. Unknown to me, Beedster came in later and took over the bass chair!
  10. Jon takes his reputation very seriously and he's a good guy. He'll always do the right thing...unless someone's being unreasonable.
  11. I was enthralled by the interpersonal dynamics. Paul was definitely the leader and the most professional of the group. I thought John indulged Yoko way too much and clearly it got to Paul eventually if his reaction in PtIII to her going home was any indication. This was despite him being incredibly diplomatic in the band meetings when John wasn't there. That conversation over lunch about was remarkable and really highlighted the strength of their relationships within the band. I was also deeply impressed by Paul's musicality, he could pretty much play everything the others could...but still played bass. Unlike John, who couldn't play bass at all.
  12. A banjo clawhammer technique will get you there. I'm not sure if Rutger played it that way but it works.
  13. The Boss Katana amps are basically a very good solid state amp with built in Roland and Boss effects. For example the delay is based on the Roland SDE3000.
  14. Hi everyone, Orders are now open for BC t-shirts in the run up to Christmas. There are three high quality options available. Option 1 The first is a limited edition design by@scrumpymike which was first offered at the SW bass bash. Stocks are limited, offered only in the darkest of dark green on a first come first serve basis. Sizes are M-XXL, please contact him for more information or to order. Option 2: These come care of Dan at www.dpdp.co.uk and are available in black or white with a hint of orange, in keeping with the BC theme. The quote below the graphic comes from Sting's recent interview with Rick Beato "The keyboard player...could play a C chord. Unless I play a C, it's not a C chord. So I control the harmony." There are a range of sizes available (XS-5XL) in high quality 'ultra cotton' in mens' and ladies fittings. See 'How to order' below for more information. NB: The images are mock ups and for illustration purposes only before they went to Dan. There may be tiny variations in the location and size of graphics in the actual product, in the interests of making it look good when worn. Option 3 This option has a basschat logo in black and white. Simple, clean, nothing more than is necessary. Again there are a range of sizes (XS-5XL) available in high quality 'ultra cotton' in mens' and ladies fittings. See below for more information. How to order Option 1: T shirts are £20 incl postage to a UK address. Please contact @scrumpymike to enquire about availability and place your order. How to order Options 2 and 3: Men's sizes: S-2XL at £20 each incl UK postage 3XL-5XL £22 each incl UK postage (Size guide: S 35/37", M 38/40", L 41/43", XL 44/46", 2XL 47/49", 3XL 50/52", 4XL* 53/55", 5XL* 56/58”) Ladies Sizes: XS-2XL £20 each incl UK postage 3XL-5XL £22 each incl UK postage (Size guide XS 8, S 10, M 12, L 14, XL 16, 2XL 18) Payment: Please send payment via Paypal to [email protected]. In the remarks or notes box please include the following information: 1) Your BC username (this is so we can PM you in the event of any issues, omissions or questions) 2) Please list the quantity, which design, fitting, colour and size of each T shirt you are ordering i.e. 2x option 2, mens, black XL £20 1x option 2 mens, white L £20 1x option 3 ladies, black M £20 1x option 3 ladies, white 5XL £22 Deadline: Orders in time for Christmas close Sunday Dec 19. After that time there's a chance we can still do UK deliveries but it's not certain. European deliveries: Postage will be £4 extra. However...I've been advised by Dan that Brexit has totally screwed up any kind of reliability in the European postal system and packages to Ireland simply aren't getting through. Royal Mail have some sliding deadlines depending on destination country but there are no guarantees of delivery in time for Christmas for European deliveries, I'm sorry. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line and I'll do my best to answer.
  15. I'll suggest iDonner register an account and perhaps they will take your comments on board for future promotions.
  16. "'snap' deals also provide consumers with up to 50% Off on other items including electric pianos, keyboards, drum kits and professional audio."
  17. Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale: Nov 26 - Nov 30 During this 6 day limited period, Basschatters can snap up a limited number of goods at the most enticing discounts of the year with 30% OFF site-wide. Get your favourite items quickly by simply clicking on them. Besides 30% OFF purchases site-wide, 'snap' deals also provide consumers with up to 50% off on other items including electric pianos, keyboards, drum kits and professional audio. December Back Promotion: 25% OFF Site-Wide on every category: Dec 1- Dec 5 Starting from now, iDonner features exclusive holiday collections, limited-edition musical instrument gift sets and the bestselling products of the year in the iDonner Holiday Gift Guide now. Also Basschat members can use exclusive code BASSCHAT15 to save 15% off Site-Wide Code for any orders anytime.
  18. There's a thread somewhere...but in any case, here's a pic of it just after purchasing in 2006. I was looking for a cheap Alembic Series 1 at the time, found this on TB and thought 'oh, that's interesting' and bought it off the bass player in legendary Canadian band 'Spirit of the West' as it so happened. Fantastic action on it, barely have to breathe on the strings to fret them but it needs a compressor to fatten it up a bit. Here's a video of Hugh playing it in sub zero temperatures, he's remained a life long friend since we met.
  19. Like most 8 and 12 strings, they're very much a one trick pony and really suit power trios otherwise they just compete with too many other instruments. The serial on Greg's bass was 791300 and mine is 791309. Given they both have graphite necks, they're practically sisters. Alembic sold quite a few of them to Canada as the necks could cope with the sub zero to room temperature fluctuations a lot better than wooden necks at the time.
  20. I like you. Hmmm, maybe not.
  21. Drop me a pm and we can look into things in more detail. 👍
  22. I like it. Do we have a current contact at Elixir?
  23. And the air fare. And the two weeks quarantine. And the testing to leave the country And the three weeks quarantine on reentering.
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