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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. Plug in away from the main hall - kitchen cooker outlets are great, usually 15a rating...........I stopped doing gigs at places that I couldn't get round these show killers many years before I retired. 😎
  2. Some peeps (not I, obv) would get it sent as a present............ 😎
  3. Copydex liberally applied to a patch layer of old net curtain - probably last forever - I did this on both sides of the cone on a 15" Tannoy & overdrove it for another five years........... 😎
  4. Spend 500+ quid on gitar - 770+ on decent amp system, 8k+ on estate car - clear about 40quid a night.......... ....you do the math........... 😎
  5. Maybe I'm old (maybe?) but I'm not seeing much of a problem with that, given a couple of minutes I could come up with stuff that made that look positively Disneyesque.............. 😎
  6. Many years ago I dig a regular gig with half my amp stack on standby until I actually walked on to work - at that point the sound went from moderately loud to full chat.............my stage guy just threw the switches......... 😎
  7. Then, of course, we can be mortally offended by Country Joe (Fixin' to die rag) Bobby Darin (Mack the knife) At this rate we'll be back to Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson strangling Sing little birdie...... 😎
  8. And the first BBC colour tv show was ? .......... The Black & White Minstrels ............ (you really couldn't make it up) 😎
  9. Aah, wrong song - I was remembering the row in America, never mind, whatever........... 😎
  10. Umm - as distasteful as you may find this, the 'age of consent' in the UK is 16 (& Ringo Starr did, imo, a fantastic job on this.........) 😎
  11. You're verging dangerously close to Skanks territory.......... 😎
  12. It's probably me, I caught Go West (which was ok)- liked the band, thought it was great that all those pensioners could stand, let alone punch out a good toon......... but the rest was just 50 quid a pop.......... 😎
  13. Where's Skank when you need him ? 😎 Aah my bad - he's lurking on page one...............sorry !
  14. I've seen some pictures - those 'scared' bikers must have lead very sheltered lives.(imo) 😎
  15. ^ ^ ^ I had a local lass who tried very hard to get me out retirement to play at her wedding - she assured me that 'everyone loves reggae' - I can just see a Middle England crowd getting down to I Roy.......... 😎
  16. If they want it, they'll pay - never undersell your talent............. 😎
  17. Charge a tenner - I was paying that for import 7s in 1970.......... 😎
  18. Memories of Henley Regatta - load/unload over a 4 foot picket fence about 100 yards from the gig & get treated like a bloody serf most of the time - did it for years - don't miss it................... 😎
  19. Give this a look - https://thevinylfactory.com/plant/ 😎
  20. An invoice for the damage is already on its way to you............... 😎
  21. Yeahy, my bad - Vince Power it was - the man who re-invented Glasto & then got royally shafted (don't ya just love ageing hippies?) ............ 😎
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