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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. Off you go then.......... Capstick Comes Home do for a starter? 😎
  2. I once played it at a 'mother & toddler' disco that I'd been lumbered with......... (no further comment needed) 😎
  3. I nominate Jasper Carrot - Magic Roundabout............ 😎
  4. Nor are Gollys - it's urban myths at work again............ 😎
  5. I recall a bit of a shouting match over in the Good Ole USof A over Ringo Starr doing a very passable version of 'You're Sixteen' (age of consent 'n' all that) 😎
  6. Last time I looked there were about 152 different(ish) versions of Relax - I always thought of Brown Sugar being slighltly risque, but of its time.......... this is, of course where art & populist sensitivety get shot with the same gun........ 😎
  7. Which is why I went to an osteopath. I got a bit concerned when my GP tried to foist me off with some sort of excersise routines pamphlet, bits of which he'd crossed out - in pencil (I'm guessing he wasn't allowed anything much sharper than a crayon?) 😎
  8. Go to an osteopath (NOT a Chriropractor) - I had various GPs & physios play around with my back for years - one visit to an oseopath more-or-less sorted it in one...........nuff said........... 😎
  9. And four years down the line..................... (all right, three & a half years, before anyone gets picky) 😎
  10. Oh where's Alex Claber when you need him? 😎
  11. Just my two-penneth, but the offer to split the saving having told EBaythesale is cancelled - amounts to criminal theft - worth getting a Record for? ---- Not in my book, squire........ 😎
  12. If I'm selling on EBay I make allowance for their full fees and paypal costs, no nasty shocks that way. 😎
  13. You can deduct reasonable expenses - how much is a decent amp/transport/petrol/ - get advice from a good accountant...........first consultations are usually free........ 😎
  14. Looks like a Dubster ? I run two for reggae.........I likes a toon........ 😎
  15. So one of my neighbours asked if I could find her a two seater sofa (for free) - I had a word around & someone dropped one off in to my outside porch - the blagger came round & decided she didn't want it, which left me with said object in my porch (open to the weather) eventually the dustmen kindly took it away - never, ever again..... 😎
  16. Re-apply the Isoprop & leave for about 5 min - then another coat, use a cotton rag if possible to remove the problem.......never had one that wouldn't move, just keep on it........ 😎
  17. I've got kit on EBay atm, I've had one amp that has two watchers & three lowball offers - thank goodness someone else just paid the asking price.................. 😎
  18. Isoprop is my 'go to' sticky remover - used to use it to clean cd jukebox lazers - It never damages plastic - I would caution against lighter fluid, it can cause dulling to some finishes. 😎
  19. When I was promoting (long time back) I used mainly pub halls, (which I rented) the pub kept the bar take & I usually paid a straight fee to the band - I expect it's all changed a bit.......... 😎
  20. Careful with lasers & eyes ......I always tried to avoid any direct light in to the audience at eye level. 😎
  21. Face it, festivals are an industry............ /www.google.com/search?q=live+nation&oq=live+nation&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.8414j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 😎
  22. (allegedly) My grandfathers dying breath was 'have Fulham won a match yet?' - didn't hang around for the answer. 😎
  23. 'Don't care if you are the Son of God, if you don't play cricket/football, you still can't be a prefect' ........... ah the joys of Council Estate Grammar school, so far thinking............ 😎
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