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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. Marshall repaired my out of warranty amp within two weeks of me contacting them, they even arranged to pick it up from me for free
  2. I had a coil of wire inside my cab break away from where it was soldered during the first song of our set, I was left with just the 2x10 and it sounded so weak even after I turned it up to compensate. When I got home I opened the cab up and fixed it with a piece of cardboard and a cable tie, the same thing happened again at the next gig so I just used another cable tie and it's still holding up. If anyone's interested I'm now doing full time amp repairs, seems easy enough
  3. Got in from work at half ten, left my bass in its bag where it'll stay until Saturday. I hate these late shifts
  4. Cast No Shadow has a good bassline, especially near the end. There's an isolated track on YouTube that won't show up on my phone. The Swamp Song is pretty good too
  5. Ten I think, I've lost count already
  6. That's so surreal I'm in stitches here Who are they? They're all great players
  7. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1354565241' post='1887508'] yup, you're unbelievable... [/quote] Oh!
  8. Ooh, either 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick' or 'Rain' by the Beatles because I felt I'd made some real progress after nailing them
  9. http://youtu.be/wH2umxtA_sc How about that
  10. I just sliced my finger open with a wallpaper scraper, this thread is cursed.
  11. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1352710660' post='1866278'] At the Cardiff bass bash (which was great!) on Saturday a discussion came up about how Pj Harvey's last album only had bass (guitar) on 1 track and how we should record bass parts for the rest of the album as she had 'forgotten' to. Anyway, from this, someone mentioned that earlier in the year 3 of the top 10 billboard chart singles had no bass at all! And the reason for this is that [b][i]songs are being produced and mixed for mobile phone speakers[/i][/b]. Does this spell the end for bass players? [color=#FFFFFF](obviously not but it's a good starting point for discussion!)[/color] [/quote] Which three songs had no bass? Was 'Moves Like Jagger' one of them?
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1352595795' post='1865101'] I first heard that as a teenager in the early 80,s when I first picked up the bass, I had never heard the bass played so high up the neck before! It was my first experience of Macca as a bassist and not just a vocalist. [/quote] I first heard it two years ago when I started playing, I had it on repeat for about an hour trying to figure out how to play it Got there in the end though, same with Taxman which is quite similar
  13. Rain is my favourite, the drums are ace on that too
  14. My new Precision was delivered today, tried to adjust the truss rod but noticed the allen key hole was rusty and corroded. Fair play to Dawson's, they said they've ordered a new one from Fender which should arrive in store next week, and they've let me keep hold of the broken one in the meantime ...even though I can't play it because the strings are too high.
  15. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1351942254' post='1857089'] With rounds, I'm still searching.. been through a lot in my 30 odd years of playing. Next on the list of rounds to try is the GHS pressure wounds... the story goes on Flats it's pretty easy LaBella's and the TI's work for me on all my bass's. [/quote] I use the GHS Pressurewounds, they're nice sounding strings but they die really quickly. That could be because of my sulphuric acid like sweat though.
  16. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1351744823' post='1854877'] Woke up at 3:30am. Couldn't get back to sleep. So, I've been noodling acoustically on the p-bass I had on a stand beside my bed [/quote] Me too, weird
  17. Probably a stupid question, but can't you just flip it around and change the strings?
  18. Got in from work at half four and started learning seven songs for a gig with my brother's band tomorrow night, when I noticed my Marshall MBC15 cab wasn't making any sound. I've only recently had my MB4210 repaired so this p****d me off a little bit. I decided to open the thing up to see if I could fix it myself and it turned out that a coil of wire had come loose, so I just taped it back on like the technical whiz kid I am and it worked. I just hope it doesn't burst into flames during soundcheck. (It probably will)
  19. [quote name='SoVeryTired' timestamp='1350338435' post='1837643'] Very cool job! I've found myself getting quite disappointed in Muse over the last two albums. If they were starting from scratch I might appreciate the material more but I have something better (IMO) to compare back to. See also Biffy Clyro's downward (IMO) trajectory over the last three albums from their great earlier material. [/quote] Everything after Infinity Land is a bit safe I think, like they're trying to cling onto the wider popularity that Puzzle brought them. Only Revolutions was even more radio friendly than Puzzle, maybe due to record label interference? I hope the new album is better.
  20. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1350306035' post='1837011'] The drummer in my band is, from tomorrow, on tour with the proclaimers for 6 weeks so I'm having to go through the same pain as you at the moment. [/quote] ...maybe when he goes he'll send back a letter from America? Okay mine was even worse
  21. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1350175097' post='1835542'] Then theres the 'I,ve got a mate over there who can sing, can he sing one song?' Reluctantly agree and get pissed up woman stumbling up on stage and begins wailing completely off key... 'Karazee, Karazee for feeling so loneleee!! Hic!' [/quote] He changes sex when he drinks?
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