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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Just like the chap above, just bought some straplocks from Col, arrived quickly with no problems, good bloke. Cheers
  2. Here I am at a big gig I did with a covers act, one of the medleys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90aVX1oPb4s
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  4. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1368346576' post='2075823'] Don't be shy.. Stick them up! [/quote] If I can work out how I will, here's some old pics from said band that were in my photobucket account - none of us had a digital camera back then, so these were taken on 35mm film and then scanned in Christ, I was skinny back then
  5. 'mazing, are these for a Goldie Looking Chain tribute act?
  6. I stumbled across some old recordings on my old computer a couple of months ago of the thrash / groove metal bandband I was in at uni, these were before we got out gigging as they were still labelled the original band name (Mutiny) before we realised it wasn't a very original one. We had gone out to a rehearsal hall somewhere in the Camridgeshire countryside that was attached to a pub and set up our amps and played to a 4-track with two mics and just recorded it as if it was a live set. It sounds surprisingly good 9 years later in a lo-fi kind of way - you can hear everything and I'm playing much better than I thought I used to (though not flawlessly) I've put the tracks on my phone and listen to them at work sometimes and they do make me somewhat nostalgic for playing in a metal band.
  7. Hmmmm, I am up for having a go but I might see what my local guitar shop will charge to do it, they have a luthier and I trust them to do a decent job (part of the reason I'm so in-exerienced at set-ups)
  8. G&L L2000 is a good option, he can get a used one on here under-budget which will please his dad and it does a whole range of tones (very useful when you're still finding your style / sound) including a convincing (IMO) Stingray tone
  9. For the last few years my G&L has been tuned down to BEAD, I've been thinking about putting it back in standard or maybe DACF for a while and when I broke the top string last night it 's pretty much forced the issue. I'm assuming I'll need a new nut as the guitar shop who set it up for me in B will almost certainly have filled down the old one to accommodate the heavier strings; so my questions are: How easy is it to do this? Where can I get a nut from? Perhaps a decent bone or graphite one rather than the rather cheap looking plastic one that's currently there How much should I be looking at for said new nut? Thanks guys, I'll be looking on YouTube for how to videos, but there's such a wealth of information here I thought it'd be a good place to start. I should add that although I've been playing for over 10 years I am a novice at set-ups so I thought this might be a good one to learn how to do some bits as I should need to change the strings, nut, truss rod (that's for another thread), action and intonation - anything I've misaed? Cheers
  10. I remember seeing an active Rebel 4k in the basement on Rockers in Denmark street about 10 years ago, from what I remember, it had an active circuit rather than pickups, but this was some time ago.
  11. As the title says really, session/dep bassist available in the Sussex/Surrey/Kent area, 11 years experience playing with originals and covers/function bands - touring, recording etc, some big stages (and some tiny, empty ones). I learn things quickly, have good equipment (list below), my own transport and a good attitude; I really like playing with lots of different people so dep work suits me quite well. I can turn my hand to pretty much anything so give me a shout if you're at a loose end for a bass player. Pics, videos, musings etc here: www.facebook.com/grahamsmithbass Current equipment list: G&L SB2 G&L Tribute L2000 Genz Benz STM 900 Barefaced Compact Boss TU2 EBS Multicomp Ashdown Hyperdrive You can get hold of me on Facebook, at [email protected] and on my mobile 07905476727 Cheers, Graham
  12. Not one for me, but a bargain here for someone: Lakland Darryl Jones 4-string with an East pre in Lake Placid Blue, no bids, starting bid £500.00 http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=281100010052&index=5&nav=SEARCH&nid=95432504663
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367676804' post='2068290'] Yep thats where we play it too, OK you can drop tune but you dont get the tight response of a proper B string like the record. Locked out of heaven is also easier on a fiver IMO because its easier to grab the F on the B string, again probably is either a 5 string or a B strung bass on the record? Ignoring the extra notes anyway love it or hate it (as we all do) even the standard range notes have 'that' sound when played on the B string. [/quote] Got to be a low B, like you say, it's just so much simpler to play it in that position, trying to play it in the first position just feels really counter-intuitive
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367671964' post='2068204'] Great performance and show but where has all that bottom end gone, fwiw the bass sounds ace and the low notes have plenty of beef but the main riff sounded better in the lower octave on the record to my ears? [/quote] Absolutely agree, when I did it a couple of months ago with one of my dep acts I played it on a low B (well, A# actually) and it sounded great - much better than an octave up. Love playing this song though and Locked Out Of Heaven is on my to learn list.
  15. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1367660724' post='2068006'] Some companies when sending high value fragile goods, put a gizzmo on it that is like a spirit level bubble and if the box/package is handled roughly, it breaks and turns red and you can tell right away if it has been mishandled and mark the delivery note accordingly. Might be a good idea for high value amps, cabs etc. [/quote] Shockwatch - useful bits of kit
  16. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1367445213' post='2065906'] Now that's product placement! [/quote] Best bit - didn't say Hartke on them! Can't remember what it said, but was presumably the handle manufacturer.
  17. I used to have a Hartke Pro 4200 cab which was enormous and weighed a ton and had a rather daft design flaw where the handles had raised, embossed logos on them which left said logo imprinted on your hand when you carried it anywhere. Sounded great though.
  18. I'd go Hartke - lot of bang for your buck and give a clear, solid sound. If you can pair one with an Ampeg 4x10 it'll sound great
  19. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1367169977' post='2062082'] Not being funny but they sound like a bunch of dicks. Anyone with arrogance to take the opportunity to score you on a piece of paper and record you (for whatever benefit) after you've been assured that it was meant to be light-hearted audition I'd be steering very well clear of. Think of it less that you've cocked up and more like you've dodged a bullet. And nice one for plucking up the courage to do something outside your comfort zone, onwards and upwards. [/quote] +1
  20. If you were to use it as fuel for a fire to cook said egg with perhaps?
  21. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1367148963' post='2061686'] Easy. [/quote] I'll see your Z1 and raise you an AB II
  22. I used to have a Be4 - Mayones basses are great bits of kit, really well made with great attention to detail. That's an interesting pickup placement, looks like the neck pup is closer to the neck and bridge one closer to the bridge than usual - probably makes for a great slap sound.
  23. A PA maybe? Can't hurt to have one. Alternatively, buy another Precision and let me have yours on indefinite loan
  24. Things I have done that have lead me to think something's stopped working but in reality all was fine: Left my bass's volume down Left my tuner on Not connected the power cable on my Gigrig Distributor properly so my pedal wasn't powered (fortunately had a battery spare) Had my amp refuse to work, assumed it was the pre-amp tube, taken the head into my local guitar shop, swapped the tube over and then discovered it was my instrument cable Forgotten to leave my amp on standby for one of the biggest gigs I've done so the first few seconds of the big intro had silence from the bass while it warmed up Thought there was something wrong with my shiny new custom Mayones with active EMG pickups as it was distorting every note - new battery fixed this - cheap buggers had put half dead batteries in it to test and when it got to me there was little life left in them. I'm sure there's more....
  25. Does that sound any different to a Super 12T? More bottom end maybe? From a greater amount of enclosure?
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