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Everything posted by 99ster

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='68267' date='Oct 1 2007, 05:28 PM']That's a bit of a funny one - it just sounds like whatever bass you're playing! Not like so many amps/preamps which make instruments sound much more similar through them. Mine didn't arrive in time for the recording I'm just finishing but I'll be using it on the next EP. In the meantime, basstasters.com has a whole host of different basses recorded through the U5 and lots of other preamps to compare it with: [url="http://www.basstasters.com/preamps/Avalon_U5.html"]http://www.basstasters.com/preamps/Avalon_U5.html[/url] (You'll want to listen to the clips without any effects or cabs in the signal chain.) Alex[/quote] +1 Exactly - it's not like you can hear a bass recording & say 'that's definitely a U5'... In fact - exactly the opposite! You shouldn't be able to tell that it's a U5. If you've got a crap bass or you can't play very well it won't make it sound any better. But if you've got a really nice bass that you want to hear every last detail of sound & tone - at a really strong clear level - with no hiss, junk, colouring, or added rubbish - then the U5 will do that for you.
  2. [quote name='paul, the' post='67790' date='Sep 30 2007, 06:04 PM']Good to know, cheers. --- Have you oggled my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6376&hl="]Kustom[/url] yet? Best of luck with the sale Jim![/quote] Cheers Paul - and I'm loving the Kustom dude! VERY cool!
  3. [quote name='paul, the' post='67776' date='Sep 30 2007, 05:50 PM']Hello all, This is my Kustom Charger. The Kustom Charger was made from 1968 through 1971. It was 130 watts RMS and sold for $495. It was available with two different 15" speakers; a CTS brand or an Altec upgrade. Less than 500 were produced. Medium level collector value. The tuck 'n' roll is made of Naugahyde and has metal flake within, making it glitter like it does. It weighs 7 stone - 45kg. Only two and a half less than me I have been playing it through my Peavey 18" recently as I prefer the tone but I'm hoping to change the speaker in the combo so I thought I'd ask for recommendations. The amp has a warm, sweet, vintage tone and to be honest, makes my Trace combo sound like bollocks in comparison. It has a sweet midrange funky tone on the jazz bridge pup but quite hollow through the P pup. The stock speaker remedies this to some extent though. I really don't know about SPL and recommended wattages and the like. I was thinking of going neodymium to save on weight(?) I do know that the stock speaker used to distort at high volume whereas the 4 ohm Peavey cab hasn't at all. I did play the stock full volume today, though, and it was fine. Thanks guys and girls, piccys below. paul.[/quote] That's GORGEOUS & Funktastic!
  4. [quote name='paul, the' post='67790' date='Sep 30 2007, 06:04 PM']Good to know, cheers.[/quote] Here's a picture of one on my 1966 Precision: [attachment=2550:66_pbass...ard_zoom.jpg]
  5. [quote name='paul, the' post='67777' date='Sep 30 2007, 05:54 PM']Crikey. Do you use the metal plate underneath them? I understand they had those on vintage Fenners.[/quote] That aluminium shielding plate was only used on older Fender Precisions Paul (up to around 1967/68 I think) - part of the CBS era cost cutting was removing them... And (as far as I know) they were never used on Fender Jazz basses.
  6. I've ended up with a selection of Jazz bass pickguards during my search for an original 1960 one to use for a restoration project - (I've now finally got an original 1960 all celluloid one - don't ask me what that cost )... This is a 100% original late 1960's Tortoise shell Fender Jazz pickguard - top layer of celluloid, with underlying 3 W/B/W layers of plastic - which is correct for Fender Jazz basses from late 1964 onwards. So it is perfect for restoring a vintage Fender Jazz - or making your newer one look fabulous. It is in excellent condition - with no warping at all (as flat as a pancake!). It's very difficult to find vintage pickguards like this in such good condition - especially one that isn't warped (as so many are). This cost me around [b]£250[/b] to import from the US (after adding on duty & shipping) - so I'm looking for sensible offers around that price - with insured Special Delivery postage included. [attachment=2549:60s_jazz_pickguard.jpg]
  7. I've ended up with a selection of Jazz bass pickguards during my search for an original 1960 one to use for a restoration project - (I've now finally got an original 1960 celluloid one - don't ask me what that cost )... This is a Fender 62 vintage reissue tortoise shell pickguard that has been aged (not by me - I got it from some guy in Germany) - to make it look yellowed on the edges & a bit older & more funky. Ideal for giving your jazz bass a bit of character! It looks duller in the photo than it actually is - due to reflections...('m not a pro photographer!) [b]£25[/b] including postage. PayPal is fine. [attachment=2548:relicd_j...ickguard.jpg] [b]*** NOW SOLD ***[/b]
  8. Did anyone catch the documentary on BBC4 tonight about Joe Zawinul? The bass player in his band - [b]Linley Marthe[/b] [url="http://yaplog.jp/linleymarthe/"]http://yaplog.jp/linleymarthe/[/url] - was scary good - playing a lovely battered old early 70's Jazz bass... Lots of great close-ups of his playing. Hopefully it will get repeated... Great video clip of him here: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iz4FKN2x7gY"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iz4FKN2x7gY[/url]
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='66742' date='Sep 28 2007, 09:21 AM']Sound like a great bass .. and I bet yours is cheaper than this one [url="http://www.rareguitars.com/index.cfm?method=site.product&product_id=3133"]http://www.rareguitars.com/index.cfm?metho...product_id=3133[/url] [/quote] This beautiful Jazz is being offered for sale (by various dealers - not just V&R) for £15 to £15.5K. Which, considering its provenance, is actually less than I would have guessed...
  10. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='64854' date='Sep 24 2007, 04:56 PM']I'm looking at the Fulltone USA Bass Drive and wondered if anyone has used one of these or has any experience with it. Thanks[/quote] They are fantastic. I love mine - just adds that extra bit of grind. You can pick them up for around £100 on evilBay. Definitely recommended... But you do need to spend an extra bit of cash to get an 18V power supply to get the very best out of it.
  11. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='64621' date='Sep 24 2007, 08:59 AM']Look at the questions on this now! Someone messaged him to say it's not American, and he had a little paddy.[/quote] Ooops! What a muppet! He's gonna feel such a fool IF he finally realises/accepts that this bass has never been anywhere near California! Shame - as they are great basses & £500 is a fair/good price.
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  13. [quote name='thumbo' post='64039' date='Sep 22 2007, 02:18 PM']From a little bit of research, I can confirm that this is Eric Lindsey Music Shop in Catford, London. Visit [url="http://www.elmusic.co.uk/"]http://www.elmusic.co.uk/[/url] and remember, don't go there.[/quote] Nice one Thumbo. Let's all spread the word so these cowboys don't get any business from anyone.
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  15. Ha ha ha! Check out the new price - now at £3K BIN - and his comments about low offers... This guy must be living on his own little planet! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-March-1969-Jazz-Bass_W0QQitemZ290162492225QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-March-1969-Ja...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  16. [quote name='Marcus' post='62524' date='Sep 19 2007, 10:18 AM']Hi Guys, here's a great insight into how john makes his guitars..... well worth a close look at this [url="http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/Building%20a%20BW.html"]http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/Building%20a%20BW.html[/url][/quote] Great stuff! (BUT - I still think some of his 'distressing' is just not done very well - especially all that 'chipping' he does to the body. Genuine old vintage guitars just don't look like that...! But the quality of his guitar building work is obviously very high - so I don't know he doesn't leave it at that rather than spoil them with the dodgy ageing stuff...? Bizarre.)
  17. [quote name='WalMan' post='62319' date='Sep 18 2007, 08:35 PM']As for the other, what do I know - other than the levels some have been reaching recently scares me [/quote] Just imagine what the prices will go to when Pete retires completely (he seems to be semi-retired now) or, God forbid, dies...?
  18. It looks like the owner is punting this around everywhere as it's just been offered to me (identical photos) by a vintage guitar dealer...
  19. [quote name='lowdown' post='61753' date='Sep 17 2007, 04:33 PM']Hey 99ster That link does not seem to be working...will try later...[/quote] Working OK here Garry... [url="http://profilmgear.com/Items/12601"]http://profilmgear.com/Items/12601[/url] :? Here it is in action - was £28.80 with postage (from Germany)... [attachment=2355:avalon_case.jpg]
  20. Yes - a great review... I've got an original early 70's one & it is awesome - such a huge FAT BASS sound... But these Squires look great - & how can you possibly go wrong for a couple of hundred squid? Especially as the original ones are starting to fetch 10 times that.... Well done Fender!
  21. [quote name='Bass_Junkie' post='60563' date='Sep 14 2007, 07:40 PM']i've heard they're the fattest basses ever. i could've heard wrong.[/quote] I've got an original early 70's one & it is awesome - such a huge FAT BASS sound... But these Squires look great - & how can you go wrong for £216??? I don't think you'd be disappointed at all...
  22. [quote name='paul, the' post='60701' date='Sep 15 2007, 02:29 AM']The last post on [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139&st=0&start=0"]this page.[/url] *can't breathe* eh eh *gasp*[/quote] No!!! Paul - don't show me stuff like that!
  23. And if you want a case for one... This is a perfect fit - just drop the foam packaging that it arrives in straight into this case! Job done. [url="http://profilmgear.com/Items/12601"]http://profilmgear.com/Items/12601[/url]
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