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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Hi all. Been on a massive Corduroy binge of late absolutley loving those ful-on 60's car chase inspired basslines.. it seems that Richard Searle was using a hollowbody bass back then but does anybody know what kind? I unfortunately never got the pleasure to see them live... Did you? Any info on how he got that tone would be awesome. Cheers.
  2. Fender Mexico are making really good basses now. Have you ever played the road worn series jazz basses. Blimey they are the real deal. I would have no quarms about buying a Geddy made by the same folk. (shhhh now, but they might be even better!)
  3. I LOVE Led Zep so that's why I hope they leave it alone now. Plant's gotta front them and if he himself feels he would be a parody then that be that.
  4. Can't believe you're filpping that lovely bass all over a wet lawn. Put a sheet down or something!
  5. I think it's interesting that you have gone to such lengths to customise this bass to your own exact preferences, I enjoy customising mine. I feel though that the price your asking here reflects probably how much money you've spent on it. Unfortunately when you customise something so personally (no matter how good it may be) you will never see that money back again. To the rest of the us here it looks a bit of a gamble and I would imagine nobody would seriously take the chance unless it was priced alot less than a standard streamer stage 1 (which are pretty much the funkiest basses ever as they come durect from Warwick - see Stuart Zender) No offence meant sincerely.
  6. So sorry guys, just cannot get the link up... it's on youtube, 'Marvin Gaye whats going on - HD' Erm.... Enjoy! (Darn my antiquated phone :/)
  7. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB# Trying that again......
  8. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB#/watch?v=fopc4exF 4D0 Here he is live with Marvin Gaye playing 'What's Going On?' his camera time is all too fleeting but now and again you can see 'the hook' in action
  9. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB#/watch?v=_ul7X5js1vE Sorry to deviate for 5 but while we're talking about musical heroes on kids programs, has anyone seen this? Makes me proud to be a kid from the '70s! Cracking performance...
  10. Brilliant! Cbeebies is the only telly I get to watch these days (yep 2 kids now) and my 2 year old loves the Zings. I get him to slap all over my bass every morning before brekkie so this is going on my bookmarks! Well, you gotta brainwash them as early as you can eh? cheers for that, and cheers to SZ for being able to have a bit of fun with it
  11. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB#/watch?v=xhC-hhavnYg
  12. It was astonishing at the time (as it is now) just how good he was at such a young age. I think he'd only been playing bass a couple of years before he got the Jamiroquai gig. I remember in an interview he gave years ago, he said when he was even younger he was a percussionist in the Archaos circus (with his sister?) so he obviously had the rhythmic thang down. Then he picked up the bass and hit the ground running....... After watching the above clip earlier today I found a wicked early Jamiroquai gig in Japan from '93 on youtube (Jamiroquai - live at club citta) - Can't link to anything on my crap phone soz but check it out if you can. (it's left me gassing for a P/J Streamer stage one I can tell you!
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  15. I wondered if you could be right here so I checked up on it but if you google 'jimmy page discusses making Led Zepellin III' (at ledzepellin.org) he goes through all the tracks and for Bron-aur he says JPJ used a large bodied acoustic bass guitar that he had defretted and played it acoustically. Wow I've always thought it was that fretless P (you were right about him using it on 'in my time of dying though)
  16. Not forgetting the fretless P-bass on Bron-Y-Aur stomp. So sexy!
  17. Yep I always thought he used flats (read it in an interview once somewhere) but then I got shot down in flames on Talkbass for saying so. Lots of evidence was brought forward by people who say they have met and asked him (which of course could be internet BS) and other interviews he gave say he hated flats and used Roto swingbass 66 roundwound strings and just eqed it that way. He mentioned that when Jimmy used to go off on one, JPJ needed to fill the space up as it was just down to the bass and drums and he found flats too limiting. He also said he'd change them often too so it's not like he was using dead rounds either. but yeah, they always sounded like flats to me.
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. Congrats mate, I love a happy ending! Nothing like the kindness of strangers to restore a little faith eh? Nice peeps.
  21. Looks very nice indeed. Enjoy!
  22. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1345930180' post='1783371'] I have one of these and they are amazing, lovely to play and everyone that hears it, comments on what a great sound it has. The "Out of the box" action is a little high for a fretless but that probably adds to the sound. These can be bought used on flea bay for around £175 [/quote] I did indeed pick one of these basses up last week for 172 quid. It is outstanding value for money, sounds the real deal, a joy to play! Bomb-proof Wilkinson hardware too.
  23. God used to love Bassist. I wrote in once as a kid trying to find out what model Rickenbacker Mani's Jackson pollock-esque one was. They actually printed my letter and I got my answer 4 months later! Wow, remind me never to take t'net for granted. I love the 'any answer in a heart beat' age we now live in, and thank god for Basschat! btw - Mani played a Ric 4005 back in the day popfans -but you already knew that of course
  24. As a single download I suggest 'Amelia' live with Wayne Cochran and the cc riders (it's on Punk Jazz - the Jaco Pastorius anthology) a very young Jaco playing one of his own compositions with them. He's using a Fender Jazz but with Labella flats on (pre rotosound tone) It's a killer tune with one hell of a groove from the young master.
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