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Everything posted by mentalextra

  1. I have been sniffing around for a new project to de-fret and I've noticed a Yam RBX374 in a local shop for £140. I am a fan of Yamaha guitars anyway which is good because most of the squier Fenders seem to be way overprices second hand in my opinion. Its in good enough condition for me and seems all good. What does everyone think about that price?
  2. Why did Michael Dempsey seem to drop through the net of bassists that helped shape the sound of the 80s. Everyone knows Paladino, karn etc but dempsey had some great bass lines in [i]the associates [/i]and [i]the cure[/i]? Was it that he didnt play fretless? Shame I'd also love to know what basses he played back then, he always seem to be playing something different.
  3. mentalextra


    I dont think its better or worse, just different
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366820930' post='2057683'] Or a woman. [/quote] Or what 'looks' like a woman for a few years at least
  5. Thanks for the reply. If you have a vaguely playable instrument with a brush finish, how do you make sure it is level and has not sagged. Is it a case of basically setting the instrument perfectly level until its dried. Does ambient temperature effect this process. As opposed to applying a coating to the fretboard is there an application that would soak into the surface to 'toughen' it up. EG thin viscosity superglue Do manufacturers brush or spray finishes on fretless necks? Thanks again, sorry for all the questions
  6. I understand that this is the greatest story ever told but just to be clear in my mind. If I decided to add a finish to my fretless fretboard is the idea to get a finish without sanding. If I finish with say yacht varnish, is the idea to put a couple of coats on with a brush, leave to dry hard for a week then string up and play. Or, is it to be treated a little like automotive finish with the varnish/lacquer coat needing some final polishing to get a high quality finish. Or even sanding between coats of varnish. If I chose to use 'superglue', a thick viscosity would I assume be applied the same as yacht varnish; whereas thin viscosity would effectively soak into the wood. Would that then just need sanding down to get a smooth finish. Also, why is spray painting laquer a 'no no' when the finish is clearly good enough for smooth high quality automotive finishes. Surely half a dozen coats with a rattle can and the neck masked up would be the best way to achieve an even smooth coat compared to a brush. I have never seen a brushed paint finish that could equal a can? Cheers
  7. [u][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HpHQoDQk80"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HpHQoDQk80[/url][/u] Not bad
  8. I've never bought a Police album but I enjoy listening to them. I think stings bass lines are always appropriate. But, the thing that I feel uncomfortable about is the [i]"white guys playing music with a reggae feel"[/i] thing I'm afraid. Especially in the early days..... Just my opinion
  9. You gotta feel sorry for drummers!
  10. Is there any difference between guitar and bass effect pedals?
  11. Anyone know of any tabs for Atlantic avenue by Average white band? Cheers
  12. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1365883077' post='2045689'] bass is %100 playable and has no issues what so ever after double checking the picture, yes indeed the G was not in the saddle at the time picture was taken... my deepest and sincere apologies, as it seems it was so important to mention cheers [/quote] It was more the angle of the strings onto the saddles, or are they all like that?
  13. I've ordered a few computer parts and got away with it. I have a friend who ordered clothes and got hit badly!
  14. I dont mean to "harsh anyones buzz" but whats up with the string alignment on the bridge. D string looks at a very odd angle and G is not in the saddle correctly. Or is it my eyes
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1365607488' post='2041741'] Still pretty mucha guess, but if it was a 60s bass JAco used, a reissue would have to have 60s reissue pickups to be as per jaco. [/quote] Yeah, and 60s everything else
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1365468719' post='2040096'] Think it had reissue pickups appropriate to the age of the original. Lots of differences to be had between a current standard model. [/quote] So the spec is just age related not strictly anything to do with "jaco"?
  17. Pointing in the air with picking hand while letting notes ring out, or worse, pointing at audience while notes ringing out!
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1365351267' post='2038366'] I wonder if Ford would make a limited edition for musicians (I presume other musicians like them?) Or a Mark King model with loose wheelnuts that make a clacking sound over all the potholes, a 3 tone sunburst paintjob or maybe a Fender model or something! [/quote] Didnt Renault produce an "MTV" model Clio at one point?
  19. Maybe I'm missing the point but what else is special about a "jaco" bass apart from the "finish"? I didnt think there was anything unique or non standard/modified about his bass; other than the fact that it was fretted bass originally? Or do guys actually pay huge money for a standard jazz that looks like its been dragged behind a car!
  20. I wonder if our USA chums complain about fitting kit into their cars
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1364935572' post='2033063'] I think if Jaco were still around, he'd play a modern high end bass, perhaps a Fodera. Last night I discovered you can get a Musicman Bongo HH to sound very Jazz-bass like, and almost dead on P bass like with technique and using a little EQ. All that, plus its own Musicman/Stingray tone, with far higher quality electronics and build. Plus, a neck sent from heaven haha. [/quote] I would think so too, but apparently the 'experts' say that he found his perfect tone and nothing could improve on it
  22. Does anyone know if any "Associates" tabs are available. I am looking for this.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krsCEr-6V5Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krsCEr-6V5Y[/url]
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