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Everything posted by mentalextra

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358527315' post='1940929'] Must be a new definition of the word 'work' that I wasn't aware of. [/quote] That is the important thing. Define "work"! I have a teenage daughter and I am exposed to lots of boy bands plus Bieber. I here all the "hangers on" saying how hard they all work. Did anyone catch the Peter Andre series! If he doesnt like being away from his kids and wants to be a normal dad then just give up the artificial rich life and get a proper job. As for the others, being ferried from one luxury hotel to the next by jets and limo's is being on holiday for most of us. After all, If a bunch of young blokes cant go out every night and party, then who can. I wonder how JLS will fair if they have to get themselves from one gig to the next by public transport, and book their own rooms in premier inn! They could always get up at 5am and "knock up" cement for 8hrs, thats hard work! The longest part of their day is praying to the god of autotune!
  2. [sub]Well done for buying the Sennheiser's. My 14yr old daugher has been banging on about JB's for over a year now! I walked into curries and told her to plug her blackberry into both and tell me what one was better! Suffice to say she isnt so keen on the JB's any more! [/sub]
  3. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSINO6MKtco[/media] A lesson in great customer service!
  4. [i][i][url="http://www.sonsofpioneers.net/"]http://www.sonsofpioneers.net/[/url][/i][/i] These aren't too bad
  5. Heard this today twice, great bass playing! Why cant they play this instead of endless reruns of the Pogues!
  6. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1356426322' post='1910087'] Merry Christmas to all and hope Santa brought you what you wanted. Now where has he hidden that Alembic I put on my list? [attachment=125801:Bass-playin-Santa.gif] Tough luck, you must have been on the naughty list this year! [/quote]
  7. Do these places make thorough checks on authenticity, seems to me that Fender decals are cheap to buy?
  8. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1356209508' post='1908076'] Because our phone-line comes to the house at roof height, I have it so it comes straight into the upstairs room that has the computers and router in it, so it is the shortest route possible. The main land-line phone base is in the same room, the handsets are wireless. The PC and the Wii in the livingroom are wireless and the PC in the conservatory is connected to the router by a network that goes through the mains. The PC in the livingroom will also me on the mains network soon, too. This way I get the best broadband speed possible for where we are, which, considering that I live in the middle of nowhere and on a phone-line, not cable, isn't brilliant, so I have to get the best out of it I can. My current download speed maxes out at about 1.4gb/s, but is normally only 1gb/s. [/quote] OK, but is that what he meant by "doubling up"?
  9. Looks like I should have gone with my first instinct!
  10. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1356116896' post='1907174'] Usually by the 'Affinity Series' label at the top of the headstock. As was pointed out to me earlier today, it's only on the Affinity Series that it actually says 'P-Bass'. On the old Standard Series and the newer CV and VM Series' it would say 'Precision Bass'. To a certain extent, I think the Affinity Series has an undeservedly bad rep. There are certainly some awful ones out there, but many of the more recent (ie. 2000 onwards) ones I've seen have had more-or-less the same hardware as other Squier models - full size tuners, etc. It's also worth noting that the Affinity Series are now £160+ new, so if it's a newer one in good nick, £60 is a pretty good deal. [/quote] Im pretty sure it "didnt" say affinity on the headstock
  11. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1356116896' post='1907174'] Usually by the 'Affinity Series' label at the top of the headstock. As was pointed out to me earlier today, it's only on the Affinity Series that it actually says 'P-Bass'. On the old Standard Series and the newer CV and VM Series' it would say 'Precision Bass'. To a certain extent, I think the Affinity Series has an undeservedly bad rep. There are certainly some awful ones out there, but many of the more recent (ie. 2000 onwards) ones I've seen have had more-or-less the same hardware as other Squier models - full size tuners, etc. It's also worth noting that the Affinity Series are now £160+ new, so if it's a newer one in good nick, £60 is a pretty good deal. [/quote] I wasnt there looking for a bass to be honest. It was pure fluke I noticed it hanging on the wall and wandered over for a look. But Its been bugging me all evening. I cant help thinking it was worth a punt. I might go back for a second look. I am not too bothered about the affinity, but more whether its a cheap bass with a Fender squier sticker. Not being an expert on p bass it did look a little "short"
  12. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1356005009' post='1905516'] We had trouble with our broadband not working very well (the router was plugged into a telephone extension upstairs) My boss suggested that there should be some spare cores in the cable and I should "double them up" I did and yeehah, much faster and a much more reliable connection. [/quote] Can you explain this a little more. I have to use a router upstairs on a long phone extension too. What exactly do you mean by double them up?
  13. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1356113800' post='1907119'] If it's from the Affinity range (small enclosed tuners) it's not that great a bargain. Otherwise, if the neck's good, I'd buy it. [/quote] Yeah, I had a quick look and it looked like it had spent most of its time in a cupboard, but the "affinity" aspect worried me. How can you tell?
  14. On a shopping trip today out of town and happened upon a Squier P bass in black, ok with a few nicks on the black body, looks unmolested. They want £60. Simple decision, buy it or forget about it.
  15. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1354229401' post='1884012']Time was - write a Christmas hit or have a Christmas No.1 and you'd be made for life - Slade, Mud, Pogues (god I hate that song), Jonah Lewie - best Christmas song ever ) [/quote] I wonder why no current artists want to make a shed load of money out of a Christmas song? I dont think Jusin Bieber has even brought out a Christmas song this year. Or are they scared it will upset the religious demographic.
  16. So, the local radio station are having a "battle of the Christmas songs", no prizes for guessing who the finalists will be. Practically everything was pre '90! Obviously there's no Christmas in "the cluuuuurb" this year.
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1355305827' post='1896542'] Their music is just the advertising vehicle for their merchandising business. Takes all sorts I guess. [/quote] I'd probably agree with that, but its all about the money really, isnt it? Isnt it just a larger version of you selling a few tshirts and cds out of the van after a gig! Whoever your "heroes" are, they still have bills to pay
  18. Kiss have always known the value of merchanidising, good luck to them. Whether or not you like the music, there is no disputing that even though they have effectively become characatures of themselves, they can still rock! I was in Primark with my daugher late last night and noticed a [i]Kiss Destroyer album [/i]cover print on a t-shirt; I still have that album on vinyl in the loft somewhere! lol
  19. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1355303300' post='1896478'] JJ Burnel.Don't think I even knew what a bass was before then. [/quote] Me too, but I have gone off on some wierd tangents since the early days. Including a 25yr gap to get married, have kids and divorced etc. When I was 15yr old I worshipped the "yobbish" looking JJ and loved the sound of that bass. But it wasnt until I rediscovered the bass in later life and had the advantage of the internet that I found he was actually an accomplished classic guitarist before his strangler days? Very intelligent, from academic parents, very bohemian. Would love to read his biography not just the stranglers. I will also get around to reading Mick Karns at some point. Maybe Im on the "nice" list this Xmas for a change!
  20. I keep it on the down low. From my own experience there are two things people always say they wished they'd done, learn an instrument or another language. I have done both and I find that I get more negative comments than positive. Nothing "hard core" just a combination of disbelief and sarcasm. I have found that work colleagues that know little or nothing about how music is made have the biggest opinions on me!
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355048531' post='1893234'] i don't think that was his point. It would be possible to have two folks on min. Wage, in a cheap house with no kids, low out goings, no drink or fags, shop in lidl and have a reasonable amount of free cash for something like basses. Equally you could have an income of 100k, 6 kids, drink a fair bit and live a high rent area and shop in saimsburys and be really hard up for cash. [/quote] Well said. Deciding whether or not to sell a bass is down to money. You sell it because you want the money. If you have unlimited financial resources why sell anything!
  22. Just out of interest, what is the point of the covers? Everyone seems to take them off, it seems quite rare to see a jazz with both covers on unless its in a display case
  23. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1354996464' post='1892864'] I have mentioned it on the occasion but I am sure some of them have forgotten it. It's always good to have a hobby outside of work, and sharing these with colleagues can be pretty cool. I have surprised on occasion by visiting a guitar shop with a colleague and having an impromptu ditty or two! [/quote] Yeah, I had a moment like that. When you pick up the guitar and play and their mouths are open
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