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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. There's no need for a power conditioner for UK (and most other countries) mains power supplies. It would be a waste of your hard-earned cash. Frank.
  2. I'm also going to say fit an East U retro. I've had one in my CRFM 5 (active EMGs) for over three years and it's still the best sounding bass to my ears, although other basses have came and went in that time. Every time I play it, I fall in love all over again. Frank.
  3. Mattchetts in Belfast. They have a real shop and a web business. They are cheapest for most gear. New 2Eq Ray = £999 in the shop.. but not on the website. Try calling? [url="http://www.matchettsmusic.com/"]http://www.matchettsmusic.com/[/url] Frank.
  4. i think im trying to say, try both guitars lol! sorry, ive confused myself [/quote] haha Tell me about it. Good mix of experiences and opinions. Thanks again everyone. I think the advice that jumps out at me, and I would agree, is to try before you buy and that's exactly what I'll do in the next few weeks. Only trouble is, it'll be in two different shops as no one shop stocks them both. Interesting process though. I'm looking forward to my own "bass day" Frank
  5. I know a lot of people love the Skyline Laklands. Any that I've played have been lovely players. (A bit heavier than I'd like. Even my SX jazz was lighter) The value of a bass is very subjective and varies for every player. Sometimes the name alone adds massively to the price as we all know. Place of manufacture is often pushed as a big pricing factor, perhaps best of all by Fender. Nothing wrong with that.. They're just two of many marketing strategies. Someone a few posts back said that Cort make these Laklands. I knew that and it got me thinking about a gorgeous Cort GB94 on sale here (maybe sold?) which is a beautiful guitar and for a fraction of the price of a Lakland. I really had to resist buying that one or face SHMBO. I guess Lakland add apparent value by setting them up in the US but I'm quite sure that they could get them set up equally well in the factory for a fraction of the cost of shipping to the US, paying US wages etc. So there it is, selling price has only a loose relationship to cost of manufacture. A big factor for a lot of us is the resale value and in that respect, Lakland seem to do well. If you want a Lakland and you percieve the price to be worth it, you'll pay the price. If not, you'll just spend your money elsewhere. Maybe the latest price increase for UK buyers has pushed the price (for some of us) over the threshold of percieved price versus value? Frank.
  6. Thanks very much for the responses guys. It seems there is more love for the Stingray than the G&L. I just noticed a Musicman Sub for sale locally. I might try that as a way into Stingray ownership without massive outlay. Would this give a similar sound to a "real" Stingray? Are the electronics and pickup the same? Thanks again. Frank.
  7. I've never been struck by any Stingray I've tried until yesterday... I tried a new 2EQ and I was very impressed by everything about this bass. It felt unbreakable and really well put together, flawless finish, lovely blue body colour and a tight focussed sound. (I find describing a sound very difficult, it's the best I can muster) I almost got the credit card out there and then. But then I took my own advice which I've tried to keep to for nearly 40 years. Always wait for two weeks and then, if you still want to buy something, go ahead. Avoid rash decisions. (I haven't always kept to this advice and made some horrible and expensive mistakes) Anyway, I got thinking about the price and it seems cheap at £999 for a brand new Stingray. Am I right?? (They have a black one at the same price BTW, PM me if you're interested. They are an online shop but don't update their website with current stock.) Then I got to thinking about alternatives and remembered a member here saying that after years of playing Stingrays he now prefers the G&L L2000. I think he said it did everything the Stingray did and more. And at around half the price! I've liked all three G&Ls I tried in recent years. So, I'm asking about the price and how the two instruments compare for sound, quality, playability etc. I've done the search on the subjects but I would appreciate anyones experience and opinions. Thanks. Frank.
  8. [quote name='karlfer' post='747986' date='Feb 17 2010, 07:47 AM']I was torn between one of these and the Lakland Daryl Jones. Tried a few of both. Nothing really varied on the Laklands unlike the Fenders. I also found the Japanese reissues to be considerably weightier. Ended up with Lake Placid Blue, matching headstock, rosewood board and pearl inlays on my beautiful Lakky. Plays like a dream.[/quote] The Lakland are undoubtedly lovely basses but all three I looked at weighed between 1 and 2 lbs more than my US 75 reissue jazz? Work that one out. And I weigh using fishermans scales which are reasonably accurate - unlike the method of holding the bass while standing on the bathroom scales. I love the smaller body size on the Laklands. Frank
  9. I love the sound of my US 75 reissue jazz and the neck is just perfect. Really high build quality too. Reasonable weight. Recommended. Frank
  10. For a room of 100 people, even double that, I would say you'll have no problem with the 1212L. Frank.
  11. The US 75 reissue jazz is a very good price. Not a lot more than I paid for my used one. A real bargain for someone. Frank.
  12. I had one of these. It had no problems at all with the batteries. It was a reliable bass for gigging too. These are truly excellent basses and really easy and pleasant to play. The build quaulity is as good as it gets. I'm still wondering why I sold it. Frank
  13. Hi Mark, Isn't Jesso selling a couple of Markbass 2 x 10 cabs near you. A good price and way superior to anything you're looking at IMO. Frank.
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  15. I have a Tokai jazz in sunburst. It's lovely to play and a great growly sound. I'd go for it. Frank.
  16. There was also a shop in Dublin selling them. I'm not sure if they still do. Should be easy to find on google. I haven't got time to google it just now. Sorry. Frank.
  17. I have a 75 style jazz - ash body, maple neck and fretboard. A little heavy at 10lbs 4 oz -ish. Really nice bass. Hardware is OK, pick ups are brilliant if you like buckets of middy growl. Block inlay neck looks lovely. As far as I can tell, you can't go wrong at the price. Frank.
  18. I tried one out when I was thinking of buying for small pub gigs. Not loud enough on its own IMO and that was the only real reason I wasn't hooked. The sound is superbly clear. Maybe with the extension cab it would be OK but I have no experience of this. Frank.
  19. [quote name='Linus27' post='663316' date='Nov 23 2009, 11:15 PM']Well, today I ordered my passive Warwick Corvette Standard in Ash. I went for passive as I am not a big fan of active basses and if the passive is dull, then I always could upgrade to active at a later date. I am getting it brand new from Andertons and they price matched the Bass Centre at £598 which is a bloody good price. Its going to take 2 weeks according to Warwick in Germany but Andertons said this is more like 4 weeks as they are made to order. So I guess its quite nice that some clever German chap is crafting me my own bass. I hope he picks a nice piece of wood. Anyway, I'll keep you all updated on how it goes but I really am very excited.[/quote] Congratulations. I think you'll love it. Frank. PS. I'm sending you a PM.
  20. [quote name='jmsjabb' post='652975' date='Nov 12 2009, 08:06 PM']OK, please help me out. what is a scoop knob? What are the VLE and VPF dials?[/quote] Here's a link to Markbass website. They will explain it much better than I could. [url="http://www.markbass.it/"]http://www.markbass.it/[/url] Frank.
  21. LMI is quite a bit different. Heavier at about 16 lbs IIRC. Larger box size too. LMI 280/450Watts LMII 300/500 Watts although I don't think you'd hear any difference. LMII is less than half the weight and size. LMI lacks the scoop knob. They sound very similar. Both are great amps. Frank.
  22. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='646206' date='Nov 5 2009, 01:22 PM']This thread has got me really excited about the Midget and compact style cabs... As soon as my Markbass 6 x 10 goes I think my shopping list for markbass Traveler cabs may be a think off the past![/quote] As much as I like the Markbass traveller cabs, and I've had three of them, my Compact is superior in every way. You can't go wrong. Frank.
  23. [quote name='wayneyboy' post='638538' date='Oct 27 2009, 09:54 PM']i have just got a markbass 2x10 cab and a travelor 1x15- not had chance to try out yet due to the neighbours but looking forward to trying them out. Not sure if one cab will be enough for a small gig.[/quote] Either one of those cabs would be loud enough for small pub gigs. I've owned them both but eventually I bought a second 2 x 10 and used them as a stack, both cabs on their sides. Powered by a LMII. Great sound and very loud as a pair. Frank.
  24. Regarding weight... My Streamer stage 2 = 9lbs 1 oz. My USA '75 Jazz = 9lbs 5 oz. My Spector CRFM 5 = 10lbs 3 oz, but it a 5 string and all maple. The balance is perfect though so the weight is not very noticeable. So the lightest is the Warwick. EDIT. I have another ash/maple jazz and it weighs 10lbs 4 oz.
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