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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. Use the BDDI as your stompbox into your amp (bass > lead> BDDI jack input then BDDI [b]jack output[/b] > amp head) and then get the sound man to take [b]his[/b] signal from the BDDI[b] XLR out [/b]to his input, wherever that may be. Worked for me over the years. You get to use your amp as normal and he gets the DI straight from the BDDI. He will need the appropriate XLR lead but that's his problem.
  2. I have a Limelight P which I ordered for the "look" and the fact it was a spec that Fender did not do. It turned out to be the best playing and sounding bass (IMO) that I have played/used in my 52 years of attempting to be a bassist. Yup it's a relic, but if it played and sounded the same and looked like brand new, I would still say the same thing. But as Lozz says I'm not worried about it getting knocked or dinged.
  3. Axis : Bold as Love, Fresh Cream, Disraeli Gears or Court of The Crimson King. Can't make up my mind........
  4. [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1423673275' post='2687805'] Just received my 1964 candy apple red and wow! It looks ten times better than the pictures! And sounds amazing! [/quote] Pictures? Where are they? (you lucky man).
  5. 44 Blues. A terrific number by the late great Howlin' Wolf but I found it very embarrassing as a 19 year white yoof to be playing such a song. However, now I'm past the age of 65 and been round the block a bit, I wouldn't hesitate to play it now.
  6. See your other topic in General.....
  7. From what I can see on the pics it looks as if it has suffered the classic Hofner neck coming unglued problem. They used an animal glue which used to age rapidly and the neck used to fly off. (I've got a scar on my left little finger when this happened whilst getting exited playing "I saw her standing there"). Genuine vintage replacement pots can be found, but they ain't cheap. Modern repro bits can be got here: http://www.projectguitarparts.co.uk/Pages/hofnerparts.html
  8. Sorry Marc, they've gone. I posted in Jan [b]2014 [/b]and forgot to mark as sold, stupid boy that I am.
  9. A few years ago a guy "retired", moved into our village and to cut a long story short we met in the pub and it turned out he could play guitar. He was asked by the landlord if he wanted to do a gig, so the guy rounds up his drummer mate and asked me if I would play bass. I ask for a list of songs we're going to do and his answer was "bollocks, we'll wing it!". The Monday night in question we played. This guy is a human juke box and he can sing, too. Everything from BeBop through to modern chart stuff. I was about six million miles out of my comfort zone, cocked up big time but I got a load of encouragement and guidance not only at this mess around but since. The guy in question, I quickly discovered, was a go to studio session guitarist who has also toured the world a few times with some very big acts. We are now very good friends but he is opinionated, arrogant but he certainly knows his stuff and makes me laugh at what I think. What he did teach me was to use (in a live situation) just a bass, a lead and a good valve amp and develop my technique by practice, practice, practice, along with asking questions and listening. Yes, he will have me playing in a small occasional fun gig with him but he told me categorically that I am still good enough to play a proper gig or session with him or his mates and I'm never likely to be. (I have played some pretty big gigs and recorded with various bands over the years). Do I take offence at all this honesty and arrogance? No, because I can hear his voice, inflections and see his face when we talk and play. And there I feel is the problem. Unless you are a master of language, the subtlety of expression and meaning disappears in the written word: hence the risk of misunderstanding and conflict. All IMHO and appalling English of course.
  10. Sold a P pickup to Paul. Super easy fast transaction, he's an absolute gent.
  11. Can someone give me a link to the compression thread to which you allude, please?
  12. This has probably been posted lots of times but I've only just discovered it. Luv it!! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy8Y3R4dXyc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=zy8Y3R4dXyc[/url]
  13. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1422625801' post='2674771'] Why all the negativity for All Right Now? To repeat what I said in an earlier post, crowds still love it 45 years. Surely that says something? I can't help suspecting that there is a bit of musical snobbery going on here i.e: "It's a successful song that people like, therefore it must be naff, and quite definitely below me. I'm so much more sophisticated than that". If you're playing at home then fine, but if you're playing out in a (non tribute) covers band, then you need to play what people want to hear - and an awful lot of people want to hear All Right Now, Mustang Sally, Johhny B. Goode etc. Personally I'd have been quite happy to have written any of those three examples. [/quote] Smack on!
  14. Hofner Professional in 1967 - like this one (there's a pukkah picture up in the loft but I can't be bunkered to go up and get it). In them days I was skinnier than a skinny thing, now I'm not and play a big boys PBass.
  15. Go topless young man, only fit a bridge cover. This, admittedly, is a half-way house but it looks good, allows space to play and you can stick your knickers under the bridge cover to mute dem strings when needed.
  16. Thanks, yet again... Seems from your info and reading the net bits it's 99% sure a 1982 '62 P reissue from Fullerton. Not bad for two pints of IPA in 1996 then . Now the question...... what to do? what to do?
  17. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1421347875' post='2660267'] They should be black bottom by 82, unless they are old stock? Could you see the 82 clearly Ian? I can't tell! Any picks of the pole pieces or wire? [/quote] This is getting interesting.... thanks gents. If you click on each of the pics, a larger picture appears which shows the numbers clearly, the pole pieces are flat, not bevelled, and are not staggered in height. The wires are cloth covered (waxy) but the "white" cloth needs pushing back up to base plate. I'll try to get a close up tomorrow (cr*p camera permitting) Chili, is there a book or a website I should check out, or do you have loads of knowledge about such things?
  18. Can anyone identify this Precision pickup, please? It's been in my spares box since 1996 and it was second hand then - I think it's a real Fender but what and how old? Cloth covered wires, brass base plate, grey composite bobin bases stamped in black 21 18 82. The pole pieces have signs of being varnished. It is fully operational but I can't measure ohmage or henrys Any ideas / opinions, please?
  19. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1421155810' post='2657709'] Had a bad experience where the house engineer got blotto the night before we played, and he hadn't noticed that someone had pinched most of the DI boxes. He had a few old DI boxes, but had to reuse them for each band. Come our set, he plugs our rack of synths and samplers into them - only problem is that he left them on the Mic impedance setting rather than switch them over to Line. No line check, and as we start our set I can't hear the drums or keyboards as the engineer yanked their levels down since the output was so distorted. Audience look perplexed as well. I ended up playing the whole set looking at the blinking metronome on the sequencer since the engineer was too useless to realise what he'd done. Thankfully the venue sacked him shortly afterwards. [/quote] I could say "Serves you right for not using real live musicians in the band", but I won't......................... Runs away at the speed of light ..............
  20. Harp player rolls up late just in time for his first solo and he hits it. Aaaaaargh! We're in the key of A and he's grabbed his Bb harmonica. Close enough for jazz I hear you say. The problem was that the 'cream' of bass players was sitting with his highly regarded funk jazz drummer mate drinking at the bar. Harpo arrived at the next gig with the keys of each harmonica painted on them with yellow fluo paint.
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1420720959' post='2652501'] I'll send round a Polish truck to collect it... [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Kiwi's?
  22. Sounds to me that someone has come up with a very good business idea. Pity us Brits can't be a bit more entrepreneurial instead of wingeing all the time, eh?
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