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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. I'm sure I must have posted my opinions on kit sharing elsewhere on BC in the past. My philosophy in simple terms for a bass player in a band: YOU ARE A BASS PLAYER so: 1) Buy your own bass, strings, leads, pick (if used), strap, amplifier (head /cab or combo), pedals to suit with enough spares. 2) Arrive at gig with above kit. 3) Use above kit and nothing else. 4) Do NOT let anyone else near it or lend it out. 5) Do NOT ask to borrow anyone elses kit. 15 minutes change over time is plenty to get a bass rig off stage and assemble your own. I can get mine set up and running faster than our drummer can set up his brass bits, snare drum and seat. Someone once gave me the best answer to anyone who asks to borrow my gear: "Would you let me shag your partner?" The only exception to this rule is if you play a big festival and you are offered back line as part of the deal and it is contracted, but even then I have used my own - more than once. Buy your own gear before you spend your money on booze, fags, dope and what other luxuries you desperately need. Rant over, sorry peeps.
  2. Watched this last night and was suitably impressed by a great band having fun and working hard. They came across as being down to earth, music and family being their lifes priorities. Jimmy Smith is also a pretty mean bass player and his songwriting is off the wall. He's got a lovely P bass, too. If you've got some time to spare, give it a look. Interesting stuff.
  3. Coffee table basses, bling, pointy jobbies, any more than two control knobs (except Stingrays), any more than four strings, asymmetric lower bouts. brand new and not run in. No apologies - I'm an old git and I knows what I like.
  4. It certainly is a long shot and I really feel for you. I'll spread the word in The Anglian area just in case it has emigrated. Did it have the teardrop case with it?
  5. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1429906582' post='2756351'] ....................I left 2 mins later [/quote] Did you get yer money back?
  6. The WD40, as long as you don't wash it off completely, also acts as a barrier and prevents further rusting for a very long time. I've done this to all my relics if the rust has gone too far (and to my Limelight). The result has fooled some "vintage experts" completely as tarnished / pitted normally looks much more realistic than rusted.
  7. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1429879756' post='2755921'] I love my heavy relic Jazz, yes I know the heavy relic can be a bit extreme but for me it's less about the looks and more about the feel. There is one but; when I first got my LL the level of tarnish on the metal work was low but one year on the pup screws and bridge saddles/springs/screws are in a pretty advanced state of corrosion to the point where I'm considering replacing them. So a couple of quick questions, has anyone else experienced this and has anyone done any swap outs (and if so what with)? [/quote] NO NEED FOR SWAP OUTS! Try this: Take the bridge off as a complete unit and give it a misty squirt of WD40 all over. Do the same to any other screws, springs etc. you want to sort out. Rub the WD40 into all the nooks and crannies with an old tooth brush. Ease the screws in and out of their threaded holes using appropriate Allen keys / screwdriver so that the screw threads get a coating of the WD40 internally as well. Clean off with a lint free soft cloth and you should have a nice looking tarnished relic bridge assembly with lubricated screws (no rust) that'll last you for years.
  8. If I try a bass it's usually: Do I Love You (indeed I do) Just my Imagination Living In The Past and, you young'ns, do not say a dickie bird about the last one......
  9. It's all my sisters fault...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D27HlqEZWiY
  10. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1429292052' post='2750170'] What about ebony? [/quote] And Ivory?
  11. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1429277721' post='2749969'] Why do you assume I'm a young 'un? Maybe I just don't act like every other old git out there?! [/quote] Coz you sound just like I did when I was younger. " Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Df39PjkwA
  12. The bottom line, young man, is that I'm too old, hate crowds, hate drunks and druggies, need my own toilet, need my own space and my ears are shot. That's why I'll only go to small gigs where I can feel and be comfortable. In the olden days I did every Hyde Park, Isle of Wight, Glastonbury, Windsor and Reading Festivals (and a few others) up until 1972 when I reached the grand age of 23. Let me know how you feel when you reach your 66th. birthday BTW, I'm still gigging at least once a month. Edited for spelling, doh!
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1429177212' post='2748728'] I've never been to a festival you have to pay to get into. Last time I went to Glastonbury, it was a still a free festival, everyone moved to there from Stonehenge after the solstice.. [/quote] Me too, but I have played (and been paid) the Colne and Burnley Blues fests (more than once) which were great fun and got to meet some interesting folk.
  14. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1429259257' post='2749679'] Me neither but that doesn't stop me posting opinion as fact on BC... [/quote] Me too, and I have the opinion that a maple board [u]feels harder[/u] (lacquer influence?) than a rosewood board and therefore "must be brighter". I've definitely noticed a massive difference in feel but very little in sound. These things should be evaluated acoustically coz as soon as they're plugged in the electricals swamp everything. My opinion is that the whole bass, particularly neck mass / body mass ratio, neck fit and resonance of the whole sheebang has a much greater effect.
  15. Contact Mark and ask him direct. http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/contacts.htm
  16. Wifey has given her permission for me to be there. If you'll put up with me for a second year running please add me to the list. M.
  17. Maybe that explains why a lot of Fs have sloppy neck joints. I'm running..........................................
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1428944955' post='2746255'] IMO the Barefaced Retro Two10 is a good idea. Email Alex at Bearfaced and he'll tell you if it will or won't work. [/quote] This. It works superbly for me but I only play a 4 string
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  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428930189' post='2746010'] It does. Great-looking bass, despite my misgivings about tort on black... not much choice in 1965, though... [/quote] I dunno. Two blokes that I knew bought their Fender Ps brand new with white 3 ply guards in 1965. One in Germany, via the NAAFI in January '65, was sonic blue with a white guard, the second from Selmers, Charing Cross Road in September '65 was dakota red with a white guard. Geordie and Tony, if you are still alive and reading this, please back me up; more to the point, where are those basses now?
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