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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. I'll be doing some recording for Fredde and this project the week after next, I'll happily do a harmonics add on once I sort my intonation to perfect levels. Though of course there is far much more tonal variety in a harmonic, a) which kind of harmonic do you want, and how soon do you want the finger lifted?
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='1255351' date='Jun 3 2011, 12:39 PM']At least they aren't interviewing Jamie Cullum.[/quote] +1
  3. [quote name='tony_m' post='1255699' date='Jun 3 2011, 05:05 PM']And just so we know where we all stand... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/worlds-best-guitarist-seeks-rockin-awesome-band11-t213418.html"]WORLDS BEST GUITARIST SEEKS ROCKIN AWESOME BAND!!!!!!!11 [/url] [i]I play guitar. lead guitar only. rhythm and bass are for pussies wid no talent. i like slash so will only play gunns n roses or metallica. or bands that sound just like them. will not play a song i do not like (which is anything that is not BR00T@L M3T@L!!!!11 ROCK ON!!!11) [/i] And that's just for starters! I don't know, kids + computers = never a good idea... [/quote] I think you'll find Nicklas Bendtner posted that...
  4. [quote name='Muzz' post='1255576' date='Jun 3 2011, 03:35 PM']Is it just me, or do these have more than a whiff of Cort about them? That's not a derogatory comment in any way, BTW, I had a really nice A4, and the build quality was terrific. Anyhoo, bump in a If-I-had-the-spare-cash kinda way... [/quote] Bass factory in Korea = the cort factory Makers of Corts, Deans and a whole host of others.
  5. Mark (ahpook) has been and bought it, thanks to anyone/everyone else for looking. Hope he's happy with the bass, was a hella nice guy to deal with too!
  6. [quote name='paul_5' post='1255419' date='Jun 3 2011, 01:30 PM']Hi all, I'm selling my 24v EHQ q-tron plus. Modded with a master volume control to control the infamous volume spike. Wooden box and 24v PSU (original) included. Looking for £75 posted. Cheers, Paul photos to follow.[/quote] This is a great buy someone should snap this up. I have one without the mod Paul has got on his and it set me back slightly more and is still worth every penny, I love mine. Grab yourself a great pedal off a great guy - I've done business with Paul before and it's nice and easy!
  7. Great ad, I'd hire him. I'm sure he isn't all that bad and is doing it a little light-heartedly, nothing like some good musical fun, you should see my band's gig rider!
  8. [quote name='ahpook' post='1254492' date='Jun 2 2011, 07:56 PM']you just made my t-bird GAS very bad ![/quote] Ahaha, as TBs go, they're as good as Epiphone make them! Why not buy this one, she's a great worker, really really nice? Given you're in London you can also come over and test her out if it helps the decision ;-). There are a few photos here, taken from my one gig with her: [url="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150311368848975.411319.83079253974"]http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...319.83079253974[/url] You might need to like the band to see them, not sure, but that won't hurt I'll upload proper photos later, light isn't great in those. EDIT: And note it is that red hunk of sh!t I'm smashing in the last photo, not the TB.
  9. [quote name='wal4string' post='1254414' date='Jun 2 2011, 06:55 PM']Gone subject to usual. Ah!Ha![/quote] Wanna buy a thunderbird with the proceeds? :-p
  10. Shameless plug, my pro-IV is up for sale to fund purchase of a pro-V Here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139193"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139193[/url] Thought I'd put it here as some of you may appreciate or want it. If you have a normal Epi thunderbird I can not recommending upgrading to a pro enough. So much more for your money, and as especially at that asking price!
  11. Hi all, Up for sale is my Epiphone Thunderbird pro-IV in trans-black. I bought this via fleabay only a few months ago, but I have found a 5er variant of the same bass, and I am keen to get it, just because I've been a 5er player for years, and tend to prefer them, so this is going simply to raise funds for that. The thing sounds fantastic through my rig, and served me well at the one gig I've had since I bought her. You should be aware that the pickups on the Epiphone pro's are designed specifically for the pro series, and give a lot more oomph and decent mid-range than the standard thunderbird ones. The bass features a volume, pickup blend and active 2 band EQ (treble and bass), which is very responsive, for a surprisingly wide range of tonal control for such a reasonably priced bass! The Pro series are a neck through, 7-piece Walnut/Maple affair, with the body having mahogany wings. Tonally, I think this brings it up there with my bolt-on warwick (which would set you back 6 times the new price of one of these), and was comfortable choosing this over my Warwick at my last gig, so much so I left the 'wick at home. The thing plays fantastically as well, for fingerstyle, pickstyle, and slap and tap too (I have tried them all on it extensively). As for the neck dive for which thunderbirds often get complained about for, I would say that of course the thing is neck heavy, just look at the shape. But I would not say it impacts playability whatsoever. Playing stood up, and especially sitting down, it is comfortable to rest your forearm on top of the left wing, which balances it just fine, and even without an arm to stop it, having a decent strap and wearing a t-shirt stopped it neck diving for me just fine! You could also move the neck button to the back of neck heel position as they conventionally do on the Gibson models, I would do this myself if I was planning on keeping the bass any longer. The bass is in fairly good condition, I was a little miffed at a few dings that were not made obvious on the ebay listing but decided to keep it. The only major dings are on the edges or back, and not in sight from a front on view. Being on the sides i.e. where the paint is solid rather than transparent, I have gone over them in black nail varnish, which you can't notice unless you scrutinise it from 6 inches away. The other thing was that the previous owner tried to drill another neck strap button hole. I have filled this via the matchstick and superglue method (how they would do it in a professional guitar workshop) and the thing is now rock solid. I have painted over it in nail polish again, and it is covered when a strap is on the proper strap button anyway, so it is essentially invisible! To look at this bass from the front, you would think it is in showroom quality, and this bass looks fantastic played on stage. GAK has these listed new at £359, and I doubt you'll find them significantly cheaper than that on the net, and certainly not in an actual store. Given it has got a few dings, I'm asking for £225 including courier service to your door, or £210 picked up from a lovely part of central London (SW6), which would mean it comes with a cup of tea too! This is a good price so it's fairly non-negotiable, but if you want to make offers you can, what's the worst that could happen? Bear in mind I am in no way selling this because I don't like the Epi Thunderbird Pro, I think it is one of the best basses I have ever played, I am just selling it to financially justify buying the 5 string version. Pics will be up most likely tomorrow night, maybe tonight if I get bored of revision. Thanks for reading, and don't hesitate to PM me with any questions. Dan
  12. Bought a loooveerrrrrly Boss synth from Si, he was a pleasure to deal with, shipped it quickly and packaged it securely, as well as being knowledgable and helpful throughout, no issues whatsoever Dan
  13. WOW o.O that is purdy If I was to buy a G&L, this one would be it. Shame I'm not really in the market for one, or sufficiently in pocket for one either. Lovely bass though, wish you luck with the sale.
  14. Quick dummy technical question based on the above. Do you need different pickups for a 5 string compared to a 4 string, if they're just soapbars as the ones in this seem to be? I.e. is there a 1/2 magnet per string policy?
  15. Absolute bargain, have a bump on me. No way I could justify it though, for a toy.
  16. Cream pickup covers remind me of toilets in France, no idea why.
  17. [quote name='dan670844' post='1253092' date='Jun 1 2011, 08:06 PM']Best thing you can do is get it set up on a Plek machine, as it would have been when it left the warwick factory there are only three in the UK at Chandler's, Charlies place and another but I am sure someone will fill it in!! Sounds like the frets need a good reprofile, and once that is done a good truss and intonation setup. It will play like a dream then. Its an expensive bass, its worth spending a few quid on it to get it right. For the other reasons mentioned by other posters, I would never do my own setup on a warwick or any other neck through for that matter, its a big pain if you bugger the truss rods on them, and warwick ones are a little tempremental. Hey you just made me look in the back of the cupboard, I know there a 5gang streamer in there somewhere, maybe i will get it out ..............[/quote] Whatever was she doing in the back of the cupboard? Go get her out and give her a good rub down! That seems like a good idea. And I think a fret reprofile might be smart, they've always seemed quite high to me, never been able to get that low an action. How much would a set up like this (on a Plek machine) likely cost, a ballpark figure will do.
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  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1251239' date='May 31 2011, 11:20 AM']+1 I've owned... LOADS of Warwicks ( ) and I have to say that despite hearing of the dreaded truss rod affliction that wrecks Warwick basses, I've yet to have issue with a rod. Actually, I take that back; I had one Warwick that the owner had used a cheap badly fitting allen key on and it did chew the adjuster a bit... mainly because the plonker hadn't sussed in the first 1/8 - 1/4 of a twist that the rod acted in reverse to the norm. The bass came to me with the biggest bow/highest action in the world and a disgruntled owner professing that he couldn't twist the rod any further no matter how hard he tried! 5 minutes later after relaxing the rod right off (using a good quality allen key and some care), I had a flat fingerboard and a stammering owner standing next to me professing that it was all the fault of the manufacturer.[/quote] Man, that infinity is gorgeous....
  20. [quote name='Jam' post='1252175' date='May 31 2011, 10:53 PM']I don't know if this applies, but when I asked our guitarist this weekend about the previous bassist: "He was good. REALLY GOOD. I miss him..."[/quote] Last bass player in my band ran off with the singer's then missus, think I'm an improvement
  21. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1251958' date='May 31 2011, 07:55 PM']Not being overly familiar with Dragonforce, Nile etc., the question begs; Did the bassists in question use their fingers originally, or were they using a plectrum (presumably striking up/down alternately) As previously mentioned, there are many dynamic aspects to composition, loud/soft, FX/No FX, chord/key changes/Modality etc. etc. and [b]Fast/Slow[/b] an oft-overlooked tool. It's all about dynamic contrast. There is no "fast" without a "slow" with which to compare it.[/quote] The ex-nile bassist, who i think has been replaced by a session player, looks like a natural fingers player (check out the execration text video for some mad skills) The old dragonforce bass player, adrian, was a fingers player, think he also taught/teaches bass for a living so is probably technically quite good fred, the new guy, seems like a guitarist that can also muck along on a bass, he alternate picks, though quite often I think the bass gets away with playing 8ths when the guitars are on 16ths, especially live.
  22. [quote name='ped' post='1250719' date='May 30 2011, 08:08 PM']Like Bin Laden's house on Bank Holiday[/quote] +1 Had same thought but read yours before I posted mine
  23. Sorry so is this a US one? I'm after a russian one.
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