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Everything posted by grandad

  1. I think I agree, it has to be John Entwistle.
  2. Bought Jay's One10 - Immaculate condition. Met up and had a nice chat about all things bass. A pleasure to deal with, thank you.
  3. That looks a beauty. Just had a look at their range; quite quirky some. I think I could live contentedly with with a Backlund and a Klira. The finish looks very high gloss and prices not super-high.
  4. I admitted to the purchase of a 2nd hand cab today. I received a tut and a raising of eyebrows accompanied by a head-shake.
  5. " Clean amps allow you to accurately reproduce the sound that your bass is producing, whatever it is. For some people, that sound includes flats as a component. " Yes, I think that's why I swap between my 5 instruments from time to time, reminding myself of the feel and tone of one or the other and enjoying the differences. But they've all got flats. It is those differences between them that I enjoy. I use a BH250 into a One10.
  6. A little pineapple on a ham pizza - very nice, it's a little zing on top of the smooth ham & cheese. Another flats fan here, a touch of compression, dip the mid's a bit and find that rich, warm, creamy smooth tone that sits comfortably in the mix rather than cutting through. But each to their own.
  7. Maybe an error in their spec's. Mustangs usually are 38mm nut.
  8. I note that the nut is 42mm and not 38mm which I think is usual for Mustangs. My Squire VM is 38 and takes a little bit of getting used to. 42 would be more comfortable for most folks I think. Pity about the colour. If only they would do a SUNBURST! Keen price.
  9. Thanks. I do like Latin-American rhythms.
  10. My Jazz quartet play 'The Girl From Ipanema' . I knew nothing about the origin of the song but was shown a Guardian article today about the author. https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2019/jul/06/joao-gilberto-obituary What a contribution he made to music!
  11. My One10 is the same. I will eventually get round to sorting it. The masking tape is a good tip.
  12. Due to the body shape and the bridge position the violin SS neck seems/feels longer than my Mustang. Violin nut width is 42mm rather than 38mm as on the Mustang so string spacing feels more 'normal'. They do feel strange at first and take a bit of getting used to so I'd say maybe buy a cheap one, an Epiphone maybe and see if you like it or not. If you try an Ignition model it will feel like a toy when you first pick it up. Can't say neck dive ever seemed an issue. I think you've just got to try one out and live with it for a bit.
  13. Update: I took the Epiphone over to the USA and gave it to my grandson. He plays in the church band in Woodstock Ct. I then bought a Alden violin bass off ebay. I set it up with flats and it played nicely and I gave that to another grandson here in the UK. I then found my first Hofner in the Little Guitar Shop in the jewellery quarter in Birmingham. Just the ignition model but so light and punchy and it did have that Hofner plunky sound. But I sold that when I found a CT and this is it now, no more buying. OK I haven't tried a made in Germany 500/1 but the cost is too much, and I'd be frightened of denting it. I'm not comfortable handling expensive instruments. I'm happy driving a Ford and have no desire to own a Porsche. So I've got a Hofner and I must be honest and admit to wanting that logo on my head stock. Every make of violin bass bass seems to have a slightly different character sound-wise and I've never found one I've disliked. They do require a good set-up to play nicely and get the action suited, sometimes shaving the bridge, so I've always had a luthier do the work for me. Flats are my preference and the dedicated string sets will fit the smaller tuner holes. Comparing the Ignition and CT models I didn't realise how different they are and regret selling the Ignition. The CT has less plunk and more sustain. The Hofner pick-ups, (on both models), are the most powerful of any bass I've owned. I would say the CT is the most articulate instrument I've ever tried, it has a very clear voice and, lost for words, I can only say musical voice. I really enjoy playing it and it is my favourite instrument alongside my Squire Mustang. I seem to alternate between the 2. Lastly I would like to say how stunning the woods are on all the models. Guitars are beautiful objects and the sunburst finish just makes them works of Art.
  14. Well having the tuner built in means 1 less item to forget to put in the bag. And a quick check on tuning before and in between 1st and 2nd set I don't find an inconvenience. The tuner is always on anyway and provides an impressive 6 LED flashing light sequence co-ordinated with your superb bass lines. Also useful is the mute switch if you feel the need to check tuning mid set.
  15. Yup, such a convenient little amp and easy to use. I would urge you to try loading the spectracomp toneprint which I use sparingly at about 9 o'clock. You might like that extra bit of thickening. I paired mine up with a BF One10 which is also a 16 lb carry. The 20 lb total in a Tiger cajun bag is perfect for my needs at my my age. I have tried it out with 2 x 8 ohm cabs and it certainly has plenty of power in reserve should you need it which I generally don't. So it's another thumbs up for the BH250.
  16. 42.5 inches or 107.5 cm including the 1cm for the strap button. The Fender FBSS-610 is OK, cheap enough, but the bottom strap button will wear a hole in it after about 12 months use. To avoid this just tape a piece of hard plastic to the bottom inside. My Mustang hard case I purchased a couple of years ago from Scott Whitley when he used to sell them but I don't think he does now. http://www.shortscalebass.co.uk/ There have been a few folks enquiring after them of late.
  17. Light-weight everything for me. Just a case of getting old. My Squire Mustang is 8 lbs. I wouldn't want to play anything heavier for any length of time. My Hofner HCT Violin is 6.5 lbs. Both are SS. It's no good feeling uncomfortable, it'll just distract you from concentrating on playing. And I''ll add a thanks for light-weight amps & cabs too. Can't do much about aches & pains and cramps after a couple of hours but it's great to be playing mostly sitting with the Jazz band. If the chair happens to be a bit hard I get a cushion from the car.
  18. I have been involved with PAT testing since about 1990 and could relate many horror stories. Death or injury by electrocution is horrible and avoidable. I urge all BC'ers not to be negligent. http://www.hse.gov.uk/electricity/faq-portable-appliance-testing.htm
  19. As all above. My regular bass has been my Squire Mustang with La Bella 760F-MUS flats for a couple of years now. Simple, small, light, easy to play, P- ish tone. I am old and lazy though! Worth a try if you've never done so.
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