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Everything posted by bassbloke

  1. I reckon you're looking at around £155 all in - preamp, shipping, duty and admin fee - for a standard JZ3. Not a bad price for a very good preamp. I paid around £130, but dollar was a LOT weaker then.
  2. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='604303' date='Sep 21 2009, 10:26 AM']Its cheese: the voice of corporate America. Has nothing whatsoever to do with the creative energy behind rock as an expressive art form and has everything to do with the tin pan alley, 'line 'em up and pick em off', 'tell me what you want and how much you can pay' method of songwriting. The eighties was full of this watered down stuff, the rock equivalent of ready meals. High on sugar content and short on nutritional value. Me no like.[/quote] Yeah, that's the bits I like.
  3. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='603351' date='Sep 20 2009, 09:14 AM']Very very nice Never thought of having that done to any of mine - Hmmm...[/quote] Wasn't that expensive. £120 for the prep work and custom paint job and, although on this occasion, he absorbed the cost of the lacquer because he had a problem ont he first attempt, in future that would be another £51 as it would have to go to a specialist workshop. I'm really not a fan of exotic wood finishes; alder bod and a lovely maple neck is enough for me. I'm taking my precision in to him in a couple of weeks for something equally striking but with a dark green theme. Will of course post picks up when it's finished. If I can make it tot he South East bash, I will of course bring it along.
  4. An old bandmate of mine has started up his own custom art business and one of the services he offers is guitar resprays. So, as a birthday present, my wife encouraged me to get my number one bass a unique paint job. So, two weeks ago, I took it apart and took the body down to him. I picked it up this morning and re-assembled the bass and re-wired the electronics this afternoon. What do you think? [attachment=33148:033.JPG] [attachment=33149:035.JPG] My photography really doesn't do it justice - the purple is fantastic. If you are interested, check out [url="http://www.insanarty.co.uk"]Insanarty art[/url] fr more info
  5. [quote name='BassInMyFace' post='595508' date='Sep 11 2009, 11:20 AM']hmmmmmmmmm, its all gone a little quiet. why cant we get a bass "swap shop" going on???, its all too much about the money these days. if someone offers me £800 in the next 2 days i will seriously consider. really want funkle's lakland 44.02. that is goin on ebay on sunday and a trade is a non starter. PM me boys and girls.[/quote] you got any pics?
  6. [quote name='V4lve' post='592474' date='Sep 7 2009, 09:48 PM']Just wanted to say thanks for such a great forum. In the few months I have been around I have been really impressed with how quick and helpful Basschatters are. You are a great bunch.[/quote] It's only because a lot of the members are very short sighted and think you're female.
  7. I've plenty of experience of auditions from both sides of the table. What do you want from the 4th member? Do you want someone relatively self sufficient who can pick up your songs and learn them from notation or by ear or are you happy to put in a lot of one to one tuition to show them the songs? If the former, knock up some cheap CDRs with 3 songs and give them a week to learn. If you can provide some pointers in the form of chord chart and a few of the trickier melodies transcribed or tabbed, then it's worth making the effort. Advertise in forming bands, gumtree, facebook, twitter, myspace and anywhere else that look shandy and don;t be afraid to poach band members from other local bands. Asking them to 'help out for a bit' is a great starting point.
  8. I play in a band that alternates between standard and drop D tuning. As an experiment I tried dropping the B down to A and the tuning works really well. The set of open string octaves in standard tuning and two sets in drop tuning is great fun. I also found I was resorting to the B a lot when writing parts. Give it a bash.
  9. Maybe some of you should have followed the link before commenting. It was clearly a semi-serious record attempt held as part of a fund raising event for a regional kidney charity. Now who's got a small penis eh!
  10. Possibly one of the most blatant examples of shill bidding I've ever seen. Jumped from reserve not met with little interest to £600 in the last 10 seconds.
  11. Would you be interested in a trade for a Tech TVM350? It's a German made solid state head with a nice warm sound. It can do aggressive and very smooth. It's rated at 350W into 4 Ohms and 420 Watts into 2 Ohms. I wouldn't reccomend 2 Ohm operation though - it gets really hot. Amp has passive EQ, onboard compressor, effects loop, DI out, bass and treble boost switches, mute and line out. [url="http://www.tech-soundsystems.de/eng/home/index.html"]http://www.tech-soundsystems.de/eng/home/index.html[/url]
  12. Played the unsigned stage at Bloodstock Open Air. Around 8-10,000 people, with a good few hundred watching us. I couldn't drive up with the band on Friday because of work, so I tried to get to sleep as early as possible on Friday and left 5:30am to drive up to Derbyshire from North Surrey. Things started off really well - loaded in, tuned up and handed gear over to the stage crew to set it up but then disaster struck during the line check. The bass tech forgot to plug in my head and vanished and I commited the grave error of using my own initiative and pinching the IEC from the house head to quickly power up. The soundman complained that the DI signal from my head was too hot and insisted on using house head and which point the lack of IEC was noticed. Powered on the head caused such a current draw that the stage power went down - backline and monitors, which also took out all of the midi gear. Luckily, we were only 10 mins late starting, but it would mean shorter set. The nerves and tensions got to us and we seriously fluffed the start to our first song, but managed to limp along until the second verse, by which time we pulled it together and carried on and definitely ended the set on a high note. Shame I couldn't use my head because my bass sounded fantastic for the brief few seconds it was going through the PA. In the end we went down well and sold some T-shirts and handed out well over a hundred sampler CDs. To top it all off, I found out after the set that my mum had to go to hospital, so I quickly packed up and drove straight back home after an interview. Luckily it was nothing serious. 300 miles in one day. Pretty tough. Some interesting lessons learned The sound crew is there for a reason. Let them to do their jobs. Go with the flow. If using the house rig seems easier and it seems like decent kit, go with the flow oh and I really want an Ampeg 8x10. Roll on the next gig on the 20th September.
  13. and sure enough - they've changed the design to use standard tuning pegs rather than locking screws.
  14. I've always had a soft spot for these. Problem was when they stopped making them, you were in serious trouble if the string retaining screws had a stripped thread and it was quite a common occurence apparently.
  15. Fender Superbass. Long taper on the B and E so they pass right through the body before getting thicker. Plenty long enough and a nice heavy E (110) for a solid tone. Not that expensive either.
  16. You said it yourself - you spend hours rehearsing, practising, [b]sorting out gigs[/b] for your band. The other guy is just filling in for a gig you can't do. There's always someone better than you and worse than you. I joined a band recently. Not bragging, but within a few days had perfected material that had taken my predecessor weeks, if not months to sort out. We're playing a festival in a couple of weeks and I dare say that there'll be plenty of players there that crap on me from a great height. It's not how 'good' you are, but how well you fit in. There are bands out there that are constantly on the look out for the best musicians for their band. They're not necessarily god bands though.
  17. [quote name='Beedster' post='556357' date='Jul 30 2009, 05:23 PM']Replied Replied Well it was until a few hours ago when I broke the volume knob getting it out of the car. All still works fine, and it's probably a Superglue fix but I can't really sell it at the price above without a pro repair which will no doubt cost me a few quid so you can have it £50 No funny noises or hums that I've noticed. Chris[/quote] OK, will take it. PM'ed
  18. Hello, Is the Fender amp totally OK - no funny noises or hums as I have read about on the internet? Thanks
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  20. It'll be Japanese and very well made - possibly even made in the Hertfield factory. It'll propbably be better quality than a MIM Fender.
  21. [quote name='donhills' post='537353' date='Jul 10 2009, 05:30 PM']Good job you did'nt get as this 5 string only has 4 strings - you' d have been disappointed by that missing B string no doubt![/quote] pedant
  22. One of these was very nearly my first 5 string bass. I'd placed a deposit on it and everything, but sacrificed the £20 in favour of buying a Charvel Fusion 5 string in my local music shop. Supposed to be good instruments and could be an absolute steal [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-SQUIER-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ280368957328QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item41474ac790&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1683%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-SQUIER-BASS-G...%3A1%7C294%3A50[/url]
  23. [quote name='chilisfan16' post='517271' date='Jun 18 2009, 11:31 AM']hahaha priceless BB! and dont think your gonna have many 12 yo's hanging round here.[/quote] Depends if you're talking mental age or physical age.
  24. I would like to get my main bass - a translucent red US Deluxe Jazz - refinished in translucent black. Would any other members be able to offer an indication of expected price?
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