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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. [quote name='presoulnation' post='122907' date='Jan 18 2008, 03:17 PM']I am currently considering going to pre/power amp setups and am looking at buying maybe an Ampeg pre. Now I know very little about these things and need to read up, but can someone make me a recommendation as regards a power amp? I don't want to spend too much so I am looking for something reliable that isn't going to break the bank, also anything I need to watch out for when using pre/power setups Ta x[/quote] My band have three up for sale at the moment if you are interested. Prices quoted may be a little high as I didn't spec them up. Open to offers on them. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11388"]See post here[/url]
  2. I've only been on here a few months, and had stuff to sell fairly quickly, so I added extra clauses in to help me out. I offered to sell a bass, and let him keep it for a week to see if really was the bass for him. If not, he could bring it back and I'd give him his cash straight back. I just wanted to be as honest as possible, so I didn't earn a bad reputation. And although limiting sellers to a minimum number of posts at first seems a good idea, that poster could just flood threads with meaningless drivel just to reach the required level. I think if sanctions were to be imposed on selling, it has to be from a financial point of view, something that hits a scammer right in the pocket. I'm sure most genuine first timers would be happy to shell out to make a sale, if they knew they would get it back if the buyer(s) was happy. Almost like a sale deposit. I can honestly say all the guys I've had contact with on here through sales, advice, etc. have been great, and a wonderful change from some other forums I've been part of. This really does feel like a community where everyone's prepared to help one another out. It'd be a shame if the entire forum (and other newbies) was/were tarnished by the actions of one low life. Really sorry to see it's happened to you. It's also one reason why, with all the gear I've sold or bought recently, it's all been either delivered or collected by hand. I'd rather we meet face to face, as I think people are going to be far more genuine in those circumstances.
  3. Hi mate. I personally like action set pretty low, and to be honest, I think the slap is more about your right hand technique. The higher the action, the harder you're going to have to slap the strings. The lower it is, you don't have to slap from a foot away! In the end, you'll have a more relaxed right hand/arm so it should flow better.
  4. Great track that Jake. Sounds really authentic too....you know, what "tribute" bands really should sound like.
  5. If you're after some Motown, I can highly recommend [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Standing-Shadows-Motown-Legendary-Jamerson/dp/0881888826/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1200655311&sr=8-1"]Standing In The Shadows Of Motown[/url] Great book, with plenty of history about James Jamerson, and lots of sheet music accompanied by the tracks played by lots of top bass players. The sound's also recorded with all bass balanced one side, and all the rest balanced the other side.
  6. I actually quite like that hollow body, but I think the headless bass looks horrendous.
  7. [quote name='BassBunny' post='122127' date='Jan 17 2008, 12:39 PM']What a hell of a nice guy. As Pete's official string supplier we have met up a couple of times. We would probably still be chewing the fat now if prior commitments hadn't got in the way. Hope to see you again soon Mr Thumbs. Cheers, Stuart[/quote] Thanks again Stuart. Compliments returned. Don't forget to keep me updated on the Jolly Carter Cheers, Pete.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='121854' date='Jan 17 2008, 12:01 AM']I was very interested in that bass as well. had the money ready but i owed Pete one so didnt bother getting in touch. I hope he enjoys it as much as i would have done :-([/quote] Hey Dave....well the favour's definitely repaid then...it looks, sounds and feels great. If I ever sell it, you'll be first on the list Cheers, Pete.
  9. Been back to Stuart's again today for his 5 string set for when my new Lakland JO5 (c/o Yessikris) needs restringing. Stuart's a great bloke. Can I put my order in already for next Xmas? Looking forward to going seeing him gig sometime soon too.
  10. Generally....all black for us......black shirt, black suits, black shoes. That's for weddings, corporate gigs, army/RAF gigs, clubland. If we do nightclubs, pubs, etc. we generally tend to go for nice jeans, nice shirt, etc. Casual but smart.
  11. Hi guys, Just a quick bump up, but be honest if you think these prices are set a bit too high. I've not priced them up you see, someone else in the band has. Cheers, Pete.
  12. Bought Julian's Lakland JO5 today. Really nice bloke, lovely bass, did me a great deal, and travelled to meet me at no extra cost. I'd recommend anyone to do business with him. Cheers, Pete.
  13. [quote name='Yessikris' post='120600' date='Jan 15 2008, 09:02 AM']Yes!get out the Lucozade!!![/quote] Ha ha.....I was actually drinking Lucozade as I read this
  14. Steve, have a free bump on me. Just to help everyone out....Steve may officially be a "newbie", but he bought my Ampeg SVT-3 Pro from me last week, and we chatted for about an hour when he collected it (sorry Steve, I really should've got a brew on - and my dog would've licked you to death ). We've also spoken a couple of times since, so I can say honestly, I think you'll be safe buying from him.....a really genuine bloke. Cheers, Pete.
  15. How about this one....a bit of good feedback for someone without even buying from or selling to them! I missed out on the Lakland DJ5 Nik was selling by a couple of hours. But hey, that's the way the cookie crumbles. But what a guy Nik is......he phoned me the next day to let me know he saw another Lakland up for sale elsewhere on Basschat, just in case I was interested. That is what I call a "diamond geezer" Cheers Nik......oh, and picking it up tomorrow, so many thanks for the call.
  16. [quote name='Yessikris' post='120543' date='Jan 15 2008, 12:30 AM']And back to you![/quote] And back again
  17. [quote name='Yessikris' post='120161' date='Jan 14 2008, 03:53 PM']Replied![/quote] And replied back
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  20. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='120160' date='Jan 14 2008, 03:53 PM']May I reply to my own thread and nominate the awsome Dave Allen from Gang Of Four. Not New Romantic but of the same era.[/quote] ....and also not the "may your God go with you" Dave Allen either
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  22. Just thought of another that I used to really like..... Party Fears Two by the Associates. I think the bass player was called Michael Dempsey.
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