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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Bought an EBS UniChorus from Nick. Paid Monday night, he posted Tuesday, arrived AM Wednesday. Packaged really well....and I mean REALLY well (cheers Nick). All in all, a pleasure to deal with. All the best Nick, Pete.
  2. Quick bump before it goes on eBay at the weekend. Come grab your band a bargain......as I've said.....serious offers considered.
  3. [quote name='jono b' post='125495' date='Jan 22 2008, 03:17 PM']I messaged him. Here's what he said[/quote] I emailed him yesterday and got exactly the same response. He must have a mailing list of people he's sending it out to that've pointed out his faux pas.
  4. Had a suggestion from Beedster about replacement necks. He suggested Mighty Mite. Anyone know if it's possible to buy them in the UK or do they have to be shipped over from the US?
  5. Back to bass after 23 years.....it's like the Prodigal Son returning Welcome Karl.
  6. Just emailed him.....had to.....it just wasn't fair!
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='124838' date='Jan 21 2008, 05:38 PM']He even shows you what the bass would look like if you took it down a coal mine.[/quote]
  8. As I've been playing covers for around 25 years now, I'm obviously going to say do it. Firstly, he asked you, and that's a huge compliment in itself. So he clearly has faith in your playing. He certainly wouldn't want any old bass player in to replace him that he wouldn't trust to do a good job. I have a guy that replaces me now and again, and we've become fairly good friends because of it. I know, and the rest of the band knows that we can all trust him to do the business. Sure, you won't like everything they do, but if it's done right, that can be rewarding on its own. Plus, you'll be getting paid for doing something you enjoy anyway. So yeah, go for it.
  9. [quote name='NickThomas' post='124773' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:55 PM']Lol go ahead ... Planning on filling the complete ebs pedal board?[/quote] I'm looking at a BassIQ and DynaVerb too. Then I think the wife's going to put a stop to my spending
  10. [quote name='NickThomas' post='124760' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:42 PM']Sold now ..... Thanks Thunderthumbs.[/quote] My pleasure. Can I add it to my sig now?
  11. I'm just wondering...... I play in a covers band, and we're out pretty much every weekend, with the odd mid-week gig too. I'm always surprised with all the people that refer to "my main band", etc. highlighting that they're in more than one band. My question is, how do you cope if there ever comes a time when both bands are offered a gig on the same night? Does the "main band" take priority, or do you just honour whichever gig comes in first? I'd love to do something completely different as a little side project - not that I don't love playing with my band - but I wouldn't want it to also cause friction with my other band members in case they think I'd be giving my attention to something else. Any thoughts?
  12. Hi guys and gals, As all this PA gear is obviously no use to the band being unused, we're open to serious offers on all items listed. Cheers, Pete.
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  14. I bought my Marcus Miller Jazz earlier this year from Sound Control. They'd got it in for me as they didn't have one in stock. I liked it, decided I was having it.....as long as they price matched The Bass Centre. They were gobsmacked when I told them how much less it was there. So taking into account delivery costs from London, etc., we agreed a deal and I walked out happy. If they hadn't have done any deal, I'd have just walked out and ordered it straight from The Bass Centre. I can't believe that any business worth its salt, regardless of how big or small isn't prepared to see some sort of deal go through....firstly, to get get the cash, and secondly to uphold customer satisfaction and possibly loyalty.
  15. I used to use Elites Stadium strings many moons ago. Then changed to Warwick Red Labels. Got a set of Elites Stadiums free at the Bass Day.....put them on and loved them instantly. Since then, I've bought 4 and 5 strings set from bassbunny on here. But if you check [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/frameset.asp?MAIN=http://www.stringbusters.com/ko-kat/BASS%20STRINGS/ELITES/"]Stringbusters[/url] you'll see they're comparably cheap, especially buying 3 sets or more.
  16. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='122990' date='Jan 18 2008, 05:22 PM']See my friends approve of those Marcus Millers and I've never had a go on one, plus I've got money aside for another bass or a car..*inner voice* "BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS..." would you suggest they have a unique sound? or is it just like a jazz bass?[/quote] Well if you're after slapping....then the Marcus Miller's fantastic.....as they're trying to recreate his sound on a budget. But that's a point...only Marcus will really get his own sound. It is a tremendous bass. And I can't see me ever getting rid (then again, I said that about my Thumb 5 string before I bought this JO5!). The sound is basically aimed more at being active....when in passive mode, you can change the volume of each pickup but not the tone. I haven't played a great deal of older and/or standard Jazzes, but I would say.....get yourself down to your nearest store that stocks the Marcus along with other jazz basses and just try them out for yourself. Again, only you'll know what looks, feels and sounds right for yourself. It depends what you want to use it for. My band is all covers, so I need versatile basses. I get that with the Marcus, but this JO5 sounds completely different. I reckon I'll stop shopping now
  17. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='122984' date='Jan 18 2008, 05:12 PM']lol I feel impulsed to say Pete, hows the new Lakland? is it fitting nicely in your uber bass collection? [/quote] It feels and sounds fantastic. Passive bass, not active, but the pickups are monstrous. Got a lovely genuine Jazz tone to it. It hangs really well too. I have a feeling my Marcus Miller Jazz will be spending more time on the guitar stand from now on.
  18. No worries mate. You won't be dissappointed with it. On the "slap" thing....have a scout around YouTube at the variations of people slapping and you'll see lots of different styles of it. Some wear the bass high, and attack the bass with their forearm below the bridge, some wear the bass low and attack the strings from above. It's a good idea to have a good look at all the pros (Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Alain Caron, Larry Graham, Mark King, etc. etc.) and watch how they play. You can pick up tips from all of them. At the end of the day, everyone is different.....there's no "one" way of slapping. What works for me might not work for you. And tied into that, the string height can have an awful lot to do with which style you go with. But the lower you go with your action, the less delay there is between hitting and releasing the string with your thumb. It just has to be comfortable.
  19. Following on from Nik's idea of a South of England bus, any of my fellow BCers oop ere in t'North West fancy thinking about the same idea? Might be an idea to get a 12 seater or something, meet up at a convenient motorway services, and share the cost. Either that or car/van sharing?
  20. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='122953' date='Jan 18 2008, 04:32 PM'] Good Ole' Pete, Thanks Mate..Oh yeah Ive been meaning to ask, you know the strings that were already on the Streamer..were they new? Cheers mate[/quote] Won't have been new, but to be honest, I've not gigged with that bass for nearly a year. I never let my strings get really dead beacause I like my strings to be a bit bright. The last time I used it live was around April so they should still be fairly OK. It's very difficult to say after all this time though, obviously. What I would say is the ones that are on will be Warwick Red Labels, which, when they are new, are nice and bright (if that's the sound you're after), but they do deaden fairly quickly with sustained use. They are the cheapest in the Warwick range. I used to get them for about £6 a set from an eBay shop. The ones I've given you are DR Fat Beams, which retail at around £33. I bought three sets, and have used the other two sets on another two basses. I haven't had lots of use out of them, but some people on here use them and swear by them.
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