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Everything posted by tauzero

  1. The UK has been metric since 1973 so it shouldn't be an issue. The fact that there are numerous people who have proved unable to cope with a system based on the number 10 and prefer systems based on a mixture of bases 3, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, and 22 shows only how popular care in the community is.
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1435949814' post='2813991'] I suspect there is no smoke without fire and guitarists who don't crank their amps to 11 are the exception to the norm. Rather like drummers who can control their dynamics without resorting to using hot-rods. Yes, they exist but they're in very short supply. Swimming against the steam and complaining that all guitarists aren't like that is a bit of a pointless exercise. [/quote] I can't remember the last time I played with a guitarist or drummer like that. Mind you, I can't remember what I had for breakfast either.
  3. Agree with restraint on alcohol, having a pee, checking flies. Also be prepared to be buzzing for hours afterwards. Also, rehearse your starts and stops thoroughly. And have a look at the audience every now and again. If you find that makes you nervous, look just above their heads.
  4. I thought the thing about Dolly Parton miming (well, apart from the sax bit) had been adequately debunked by now. Have I missed something?
  5. It sounds like a combination of a low action and a little too much relief so I agree it probably needs tightening and possibly the action adjusted. Best way to check for relief is to fret a string at the first fret and the topmost fret and see if the string has just enough room to vibrate a tiny bit.
  6. I think it's a false dichotomy as you can have both reasonable on-stage sound and good out-front sound.
  7. I find I can easily switch between listening to the band as a whole and picking out individual instruments, unless one component is so bad that I can't help but listen to it.
  8. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1435687301' post='2811490'] For £41 it's the most beautiful bass ever made... Now I need to find some things that use a 5 string to play to get used to it. I also need to remember the lowest string ain't an E anymore... [/quote] Just move up five frets and down a string, so play bottom G on the 8th fret of the B atring, and go from there.
  9. For the straplocks, have you tried Warwick? I don't know what the recessed ones are like but the ones Warwick have are at [url="http://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352310036&lang=en&smk=1&nm=D0405358001321517424A43801|Warwick|D0230547001321517430A46050&modul=shop&site=shop_overview"]http://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352310036&lang=en&smk=1&nm=D0405358001321517424A43801|Warwick|D0230547001321517430A46050&modul=shop&site=shop_overview[/url]
  10. Thom Yorke and Alan Lancaster are hoping to get together with Sterling Ball to form a new band called Guns and Roses.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1435699359' post='2811688'] I'm not sure that these are equivalent notions, or have I misunderstood something..? Is a second speaker cable so difficult to consider..? It seemed like a sensible proposition posted in good faith, to me. [/quote] You may have misunderstood me - I would take more than one lead (covering both speakon-speakon and speakon-jack) rather than one lead and swap connectors.
  12. It seems to me that band members are subsumed nowadays more than they used to be. For example, everyone in a covers band will be familiar with at least two songs by Kings of Leon (if only to say "I'm not playing those f***ing songs"). However, how many of us can name a single member of the band?
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435690438' post='2811546'] When I think of Yes I think of Chris Squire. 'Twas ever thus, even before I took up bass. Yes without Squire would be like chips without, er... Fish. [/quote] When I think of Yes, I think of Anderson, Howe, and Wakeman. Always have, always will.
  14. [quote name='jacko' timestamp='1435667784' post='2811149'] if all your curry house customers went in and complained I'm sure they'd pay attention. (or go out of business) [/quote] Complaining that they no longer have Chris Squire is unlikely to result in his resurrection. The powers of Basschat members have certain limits.
  15. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1435608842' post='2810622'] Part of my thinking was to do a slightly more sophisticated poll, perhaps a couple of rounds to whittle them down, and the fact it would be voted for by bass players should have given it a bit more authority than the one that cropped up this week. Still, it seems I misjudged other people's interest in such a poll. [/quote] But why should bassists have any more authority than anyone else in judging who's a good bassist? Mind you, I do agree that pretty much everyone on Basschat will consider themselves uniquely qualified to judge who the best bassists are, and in my case it's obviously true.
  16. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1435336849' post='2807899']I wonder if classical orchestra musicians carry backup instruments? [/quote] Classical orchestras carry backup musicians plus instruments. String quartets have more of a problem.
  17. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1435598157' post='2810435'] why not just change the plug on the end of your cable to suit the cab? Costs no more than a couple of quid for a speakon connector and they are usually screw terminals so no solder required. [/quote] For a similar reason to the one where I take two basses to gigs instead of taking a notlob bass with fretted and fretless necks.
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1435659274' post='2810996'] I've had the same problem, just made the change, but it's still underlining my british spellings in red. Nevermind [/quote] You might need to restart your browser. Failing that, double check your spelling with Chambers.
  19. It's a gig. I never treat an audience with contempt (well, almost never) and see every gig as having the potential to spawn more. I don't start artificially trying to gee up my fellow band members, we all approach gigs with as much of a professional attitude as any band that carries their own gear does.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435656121' post='2810942'] Please join my campaign to ignore the US spellchecker we seem to have on this forum. How hard would it be to have a UK one fitted?? [/quote] ITYF that the smellchecker is at your end, not BC's. Check what dictionary you have loaded in your browser.
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1435486714' post='2809153'] In this age of plastcised, autotuned, lip-syncing talent-show R&B divas, it's heartening that a woman who sounds & looks the way she does can achieve the level of success that she has. [/quote] Like Susan Boyle but without the talent? Didn't see her this time round but I've seen televised appearances by her before and she's seemingly incapable of carrying a tune in a bucket. Incidentally, I'm not sure that the primary purpose of autotune is pitch correction these days. It seems to be more the vocal effect du jour, like guitarists have been using distortion for the last 50 years. One can only hope that, like the 80s gated reverbed snare, it lasts no more than a decade or two.
  22. I'm not sure what the point is. All that happens when someone produces a list of so many greatest somethings is that lots more people ask why x is on the list, why y isn't on the list, and why a is ranked higher than b.
  23. Jack to speakon leads are easily available. I keep a couple in case I ever need to connect my cabs to someone else's head or vice versa.
  24. There's an article on the reasons behind the value of pots affecting the tone here: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/250k-pots-versus-500k-pots-going-deeper-into-the-subject/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/250k-pots-versus-500k-pots-going-deeper-into-the-subject/[/url] and very interesting it is too.
  25. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1435095174' post='2805505'] The destruction of the memory cards clause seemed harsh to me. Enforcing the removal of the images is one thing, but some photographers buy very high-end memory cards and record images to two separate cards inside the camera. You could be talking a few hundred quid just for those cards. I know the photographer here would have broken the contract but it still seems rather heavy-handed. [/quote] I agree it seems rather OTT, but also it's hardly going to be used unless the photographer has breached the bit about where he can go and what he can photograph. After all, if he subsequently sells the images on without permission, they're not going to still be on those memory cards, so that clause is irrelevant. I'm not saying that it isn't a poor agreement. I think it is poor. What I was saying is that it isn't anything like an exact parallel to the Apple situation.
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