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Everything posted by KevB

  1. Anyone mentioned Steve Morse? awesome technique without the Vai/Satch type histrionics. Don Roeser from BOC for style and knowing what notes to leave out.
  2. I remember seeing them in Nottm on the Lean Into It tour. To Be With You still hadn't been released as a single IIRC and presumably the band thought it a bit lightweight for Rock City so they never played what turned out to be their biggest hit by a mile! Mind you I saw the revamped It Bites recently and they never played Calling All The Heroes...
  3. Bugger the bass, let's see more of the bassist
  4. I was playing someone's G&L at the weekend and it so happens this guy has *another* one, a 2000 model in good nick that he might sell. Not sure of the age but I vaguely recall seeing him play it once a few months ago it looked and sounded great. These are US models, not tributes. Anyone know what sort of ball park fugure they would consider sensible, I know what he's asking but wanted opinions as i think it might be a bit on the high side. Buying it would really mean I'd have to let one of my currently underused ones go and in this financial climate I'd probably make a massive loss in my sale.
  5. +1 for guitarpro, allows me to learn stuff 5 times quicker than by ear alone. Generally the files are pretty accurate too, much more so than a lot of general tab files out there. Just wish that the mysongbook archive was fully accessible again!
  6. Does that neck cure the dreaded neck dive then?
  7. First bass : Columbus Jazz (modified by owner) Cost : I think about £30 Equiv now : About £70 I subsequently changed pretty much everything on the bass apart from the body, gave it to my niece to learn on and she still says its her favourite to play.
  8. I have a 79 Ray. The width at the nut is 43mm, so slightly wider than 1 1/16th inches. For comparison my 04 USA Jazz is 40mm at the same point. The Ray neck feels slightly deeper than the jazz but not dramatically different. Hope this helps.
  9. The 25th Anniv is OK in a misshapen Les Paul kind of way. The others I wouldn't cross the road to piss on if they were on fire frankly.
  10. Sorry 4000, I just saw the big chunk you'd quoted from someone else and skipped your post with the Hughes et al details. That'll teach me. It's a few years back I saw Glenn so he's obviously switched again, was definitely on Vigiers not all that long ago, might even been an endorsee. I think he used Fernandes for a while too much longer ago but straying off the point. Anyone catching the 'prog at the bbc' on BBC4 would have seen Martin Turner using a ric on that clip of WA. If we're gpoing for obscure players has anyone mentioned Martin Gordon?
  11. Or you could start with this and build your own: [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Gibson-2005-Black-SG-Standard-Bass-Body-Neck-EB-0-3_W0QQitemZ120356724514QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item120356724514&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Gibson-2005-Black-SG-S...%3A1%7C294%3A50[/url]
  12. Forget Motown for a minute, why has BBC4 gone all prog rock this week for no obvious reason?
  13. Apparently the Dark Fire has a 'self lubricating teflon nut' (oo-er missis) which presumably is an attempt to cope with the daft headstock angle going out of tune thingy. Quite how teflon 'self lubricates' is sadly beyond me. Probably just jargon for 'the teflon comes off with wear so you'll have to get it replaced at an extortionate cost in a few years'.
  14. I still like it though, but yes I came to the conclusion I was getting a bit too into it for what I was getting back. Then the offer of a band came up and I had to start learning an entire set in a week. So Van took a backseat. I noticed the tab I printed off the web was still lurking under my computer table at home the other day and now the band I was asked to join has folded (after I did about 6 gigs with them) so it might just lure me back. However I've also had a call asking me to a new audition at the weekend and I've now another 6 songs to rehearse for that so....well, it will have to go in the pile with your other 7,345,123,789,576,456,234,998,545.34 !
  15. Glenn Hughes for a while after he initially replaced Glover in Purple. Didn't like it apparently and switched to Fenders. Think he plays Vigiers now, as does Glover (but different models). Pete Trewavas in Marillion played a ric in the early days. In fact loads of neo prog bands in the early 80's had ric players in them as a result of Squire and Rutherford. Wasn't Rutherford's original doubleneck actually 2 separate rics lashed together before they brought out a propr official Ric twin neck?
  16. A song various jazzers like to knock but secretly they'd all give their eye teeth to have written anything remotely as popular themselves. Personally I like it but I'm not a serious jazz buff. I also found it a nightmare to learn as per original version, all sorts of subtle variations going on which as a non reader and without a great ear made it tough for me. I still wasn't convinced I'd cracked it by the time I gave it up and can't rememebr it at all now. Anyone have a really accurate transcription of it (preferably tab)? The ones I found on thr web seemed close but not 100% correct, unfortunately in the exact places I was struggling to hear exactly what was going on with the bass myself!
  17. Although I respect him as a player and an artist I've never really got into Jaco in a big way, in fact I hardly ever play his solo album. I like some Weather Report but I've always liked his work on Joni's albums, even when he's not doing very much the songs would be diminished without him for sure.
  18. [quote name='cytania' post='357289' date='Dec 17 2008, 08:07 PM']Managed to get one of these gizmos cheap from Anderton's. Unit had been on demo duties at a few NEC type shows but shows little sign of drummer abuse. It really is a hard task master but if I 'push into the beat' in just the same way as I might trying to tighten up a bass groove I _can_ improve my scores. Now all that's needed is a bass version. Some kind of MIDI pickup instead of the drumhead. Do they make MIDI pickup for bass guitar?[/quote] Roland GK2B or 3B perhaps? No experience of them though.
  19. here's another for you rush heads - more interesting than Tom Sawyer: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3DLjj0Vjno0"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3DLjj0Vjno0[/url]
  20. I'll try to make thi sone, had to miss the last as I was away. Probably Sat for me also unless I've got a gig out of town. Could bring a ric if no one else has offered.
  21. Ferguswads PM me with what you might have and we can take it from there. I'm not giving the cab away, it is in storage and seems to be quite happy but it is being chronically underused. Captain Bass I thought I posted the specs but it doesn't seem to have been listed for some reason. It's a basic 8ohm 4 x 10 old type TE cab, 200W rated I believe but will handle more.
  22. What's wrong with Perfect? I think it's a really nicely put together bassline, used to enjoy doing that in my (very on-off) 'party band' a few years back.
  23. Saw From The Jam last night at Rock City, good gig all round. I really only know the 'best of' compilations so a lot of the stuff was new to me. As I usually see more 'involved' rock bands playing longer songs it's noticeable how much material they can belt through will minimal chat and a lot of songs probably under 3 mins! Foxton is still a quality player, still no sign of a ric though. They didn't play Eaton Rifles which surprised me, I'd have thought that was one of their biggest songs. I wondered if there are some jam tunes that are complete Weller creations and they don't have permission to perform them or something?
  24. I've barely used my 4 x 10 over the last year, playing smaller gigs and if I'm not using something it has has to move on. So with a slightly heavy heart and a happier back I've decided to offer it here first. No really recent pics but it hasn't changed significantly since this was taken in 2006: I'll get more pics sorted if someone is really keen. Looks like it had 1 driver replaced before I bought it, I've done nothing with it but play it, never let me down. There are a few scuffs and scrapes of gigging on the vinyl covering and some small screw holes in the base where I assume at some point it had castors fitted. There is a plate on the back where a serial number should be written in but either that has worn off with age or it never had a number in the first place. I'm quite sure this is a totally genuine TE cab. If someone comes to pick it up they can have it for £150, if I have to part deliver we can discuss petrol money.
  25. May be looking for something a bit lighter to take to band rehearsals. Currently taking my TE 7215 and it's getting a chore lugging it in and out of the car just for practice. I think something around the 75-100W range would do for rehearsal, I think I'd go for a 1 x 12 to cut the size of the box down. So any suggestions - 1X12 combo that 's light, sensibly priced (not MarkBass prices please!) and weighs significantly less than a 7215 combo. Anyone have any experience of this for example?: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=390009505763"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=390009505763[/url] It doesn't need to be high quality sound, as long as the other band members can hear that I'm playing the right thing in tune that's really all I need for rehearsals.
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