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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I'm liking that a lot, nice job
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='190602' date='May 2 2008, 03:06 PM']P is masculine, J feminine. P players are gay?[/quote] You appear to have made the assumption that all P bass players are male.
  3. If I wasn't already up to my arms in half finished projects, I might have made some "local enquiries" into that Ibanez
  4. Kumagoro! Attack! and smooth... The saw is the business - cut through those dowels in double quick time. Wasn't quite as flush cut as I'd been led to believe, but any surface scuffs are sanding out and may have been caused by my inexperience with the use of the saw.
  5. +1 for it being a 20. There's one fret after the last dot which is fret 19.
  6. [quote name='Deep Down' post='189734' date='May 1 2008, 02:04 PM']What kind of price would you say you would be willing to pay on a cheap bass to use to learn how to set up the truss rod, play with the action paint note names on the neck to learn where they are?? I've seen a few on EBay for around £60 -70, and wondered what they were like??[/quote] Look locally - I just picked up a Peavey Milestone III for peanuts. Will probably break it up and sell it as parts - I don't have any qualms about doing this with an entry level, mass produced bass. It's when people do it to vintage instruments it makes me sad.
  7. [quote name='RichardH' post='189579' date='May 1 2008, 11:14 AM'][url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=220152"]Maplin have the 8 light pack on for £50 again[/url]. Looks like no one has entered this thread's info into the wiki.[/quote] Funny, I could swear I saw an article about this on the wiki in the past.
  8. [quote name='BassManKev' post='189125' date='Apr 30 2008, 07:03 PM']i was quoted £96, which in think is ridiculous for a bit of sanding and paint, so theres no way im payin that any other recomendations?[/quote] It's more than "a bit of sanding and paint" - a lot of work, not only that but there's a lot of time involved. It's going to cost you as much to do it yourself: have you got lacquer? got a mask? got somewhere safe to work? got somewhere to put the thing while it's drying? Not to mention your time, that's worth something too.
  9. Welcome to the forum
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='188919' date='Apr 30 2008, 03:48 PM']Hey quit skiving and get back to work. BTW my aria ZZB auction went down the Suwannee too. [/quote] Heh, I can multitask Bummer about the ZZB, would have been interesting to have a go of that.
  11. [quote name='greyparrot' post='188595' date='Apr 30 2008, 06:21 AM']This is the irst time in my 25 years of playing that i am going to have 4 good basses at one time, but thinking what am i gonna do with them when i know my new status is going to be he one! If you guys have a fav that you use all the time, what do you do with the others??[/quote] I try to give all my basses equal time. I go through phases of preferring one, but it usually passes. I'm learning a song just now that I'm finding easiest to play on my Takamine acoustic, go figure! The basses are all subtly different in ways enough (for me) to justify them all - or there are rules - I will never sell my first bass, nor am I likely to sell any of my project basses, they're not worth anything to anyone apart from me. Going to be selling one on at some point, but I'm not desperate to do so at this time. Of course if the Zebrano Wideboy 5 demands an expensive component then that might change
  12. Tuner holes plugged. While waiting for the glue to dry I'll obtain a Japanese saw to cut those dowels to size. Also the veneer arrived
  13. [quote name='thedarxide' post='167524' date='Apr 1 2008, 11:32 AM']I haven't plugged it in yet because I'm at work, but for £50 I can't *really* complain. It's really nice to play, but it's obviously cheap. Several marks on the neck, fret markers are falling off, thick run of glue along the neck pocket. For noodling, I can't fault it. it's nicely setup, and the spare strings are a nice plus. I'll let you know how it sounds after lunch. edit - through a Hartke Kickback 15 it sounds really, really good. The onboard EQ is pretty powerful, max the bass and the floor shakes. Nice clear tone. Only issue is the A string is noticeably quieter in volume than the rest, which could be off putting. I might play it with a jazz group tonight and see how it goes and louder volumes.[/quote] I (briefly) had one of these in my possession. Horrible. I had all the issues you describe, except horrible intonation issues as well. Still, I wouldn't put up with variations in string volume - the piezo on these is not very good I think. I freecycled mine. Horrible. Did I say horrible? Just checking if I mentioned that it was horrible. It was horrible. If the OP is not looking to spend too much, then +1 for the Harley Benton from Thomann - got a guitar for one of my mates from them and it seemed like a reasonable instrument - reasonably well finished and a good player. You might be able to find a good Takamine or similar second hand for around the money you mentioned.
  14. [quote name='BassManKev' post='187722' date='Apr 29 2008, 12:16 AM']as title says really i think the basses colour is candy red, but not definate How would i go about finishin the headstock in the same colour? would i have to sand down first, or could i just spray over and laquer again? not sure if im gunna do it, as its an expensive neck to f*** up, but just interested if anyone would be prepared to do this for me actually, id be interested in how much you would charge [/quote] Well, to answer your original questions: I would definitely sand down first. I would also take this opportunity to fill any dings if an opaque colour is going on. Then you mask the sides of the headstock, and also mask the edge of the fingerboard where it meets the headstock. What I do after that is to wrap a piece of A4 paper around the neck, tape the paper together, then tape it to the masking tape at the top of the fingerboard. Candy Apple Red (which I presume you're talking about - a sparkly, metallic red?) can be made up as follows: White primer Silver sparkly metallic lacquer Translucent red lacquer (the amount of coats determines the final colour, that's where the colour matching comes in) Clear gloss topcoat
  15. The guilt kicked in, I did some painting. The front of the body has had 2 coats of primer applied. Will try and keep the momentum up this week.
  16. [quote name='wengus' post='186989' date='Apr 28 2008, 08:59 AM']I've been feeling the need to buy a retro looking bass cuz they just look so damn cool! I was looking at the Hagstroms and fell in love, but obviously an original is like finding gold dust. I know some of the Japanese brands used to make replicas until they started their own models, so would that mean I'm doomed to scour ebay only?[/quote] I'll have some spares left over from my Hagstrom resurrection project if you want to spend the next few years finding the remaining parts
  17. [quote name='jono b' post='186915' date='Apr 28 2008, 12:11 AM']I just thought that wee extra bit sticking out on the headstock looks a bit crap. A 3+2 tuner config. would look good.[/quote] Yeah, I know what you mean. I am going for a 3+2 layout
  18. [quote name='jono b' post='186888' date='Apr 27 2008, 11:37 PM']Are you keeping the headstock shape? IMO it'd look pretty cool if you straightened it off, but at an angle, so it was like this: /, as opposed to this: l Does that make sense?[/quote] No, I was thinking that I would take the opportunity to change it a little. Dunno what to yet, your idea is interesting, but I'll have to have a play about with it first. Probably I'll draw around it on a piece of paper, draw on the new locations for the tuners then decide around that.
  19. [quote name='lwtait' post='186212' date='Apr 26 2008, 10:59 PM']i like the logo being subtle, it just looks good to me. its not TOO subtle, but it doesnt stick out. IMO i think the pic above looks great.[/quote] OK, I'll give it a go - got plenty of spare veneer for practicing!
  20. neepheid


    Welcome to the forum
  21. [quote name='Buzz' post='186153' date='Apr 26 2008, 08:37 PM']Shouldn't you be working on this one, and not playing with your new 6 string toy? [/quote] I am a bad man
  22. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='186010' date='Apr 26 2008, 04:56 PM']your build diaries are really interesting! and very very different to everything else out there. keep it up, and i look forward to seeing this finished! [/quote] Very very different - probably because I'm doing it wrong with the wrong tools but somehow ending up right Had a wee play about in the GIMP and a maple inlayed logo [i]might [/i]look like this: Dunno if it's too subtle - maybe a dark wood is the way to go here. Thanks for all the support everyone, it is appreciated.
  23. [quote name='paul, the' post='186000' date='Apr 26 2008, 04:39 PM']I like it! Are you going to leave the headstock black?[/quote] No, the headstock will be sanded down then a zebrano veneer will be applied. Might inlay my logo in maple veneer while I'm at it. I'm also going to cover my tracks by applying a maple veneer to the rear. That volute is going to make life interesting, but we'll see how we get on.
  24. Little bit of work today - removed the existing nut and drilled out the tuner screws to 3mm then filled with dowel: Once the glue is dry, these will be trimmed and sanded flush. I'll be doing the same for the old neck screw holes, but I need a bigger bit than my miniature drill can handle. The 14mm dowel is a good tight fit for the tuner holes (in fact I may need to sand the sides of the tuner holes slightly to get them in + glue)
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