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Everything posted by steve-bbb

  1. weren't they rather good! in the past ive had a couple of J's both fretted and fretless with wizard hammers installed and impressed with both i just recently acquired me a nice squier P from the basschat forums and decided to search out a thumper (also found on basschat forum) hugely impressed with the thumper is the understatement of the decade - wizard thumper is definitely the gold medal winner for 'doing what it says on the tin' ps anybody out there had both wizards and hotrods would be interested to hear your thoughts on any comparison between them? 😁 thank you for listening
  2. i just put a gotoh201 on my P - looks and tone improvelence
  3. Theyve been extremly slack with this for years
  4. the guitarists guitarist i despair with the widdlers of the world who dont even know his name 🎶
  5. Careful now someone might choke on their chicknnuggets 🤣🤣🤣
  6. you will get better battery life using a dedicated audio only reording app rather than a video which is using the camera and processing the picture at same time - several available on the app store
  7. couple months ago was lucky enough to see this lady at two local gigs - she can play and sing at the same time - make sure y'all go see her next time she is over here
  8. Keyboard players who have anything more than 56 keys should be considered delinquent and nonconfomist and their left hand activities should be closely monitored
  9. on a serious note maybe suggest one of those strange seat pad things that thump you up derrière every time you kick the bass drum
  10. is there another website out there called drumchat.co.uk ??? where they all sit around all day whining about bass players and guitarists when they should be hitting things with a stick in time to a metronome
  11. thats ok for nice solid big jobs but what about when they fosters on it ? asking for a cat owning friend
  12. a drummer? with access to the mix? without parental supervision? there's your problem right there
  13. this ... you, the guitarist, are merely the target subject to purchase their lifestyle choice defining commodity so dont y'all go getting any fancy ideas otherwise!
  14. please tell us he got them all dancing to some Cardiacs tunes 😊
  15. why spend time and countless beer tokens on GAS purchases only to realise 40 years later that you were correct in buying the fender bass in the first instance
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