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Everything posted by nige1968

  1. We played one in a bar where everyone was dancing and we went down well. When our singer offered to rebook, they told him we were "too mellow" for a Saturday night (the only night they did live music). He's not normally an onanist (in public anyway) so we took that to mean the staff didn't like our act. Random, but there you are.
  2. Missed this the first time round, but surely one like this could be Fender's most lucrative reissue yet
  3. I think last time this came up, we decided it was OK for some but not for others. This chap may well be one of the others.
  4. Arriving: Left Bank Two by the Noveltones. Reflection: Stoneage Dinosaurs by Cardiacs File-out: The Blimp (Mousetrapreplica), Captain Beefheart & his magics Hopefully someone can sort this out when I cark it. Cheers
  5. Looks better than I was expecting. Kind of trompe-l'œil. Maybe it just needs a coat of slightly transparent colour for a Foto Flame effect?
  6. Someone painted a wood effect on to … wood? This I have to see
  7. At least his Ofsteds are OK … https://www.sblacademy.org.uk Not sure about this new string to the bow, however: https://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/
  8. Just a thought, but the preamp in this costs £200+ to get from Warwick. So, if you just want the preamp I can happily supply an awful RockBass 2-band pre along with this bass. Then all you have to do is swap them round, keep the pre and sell on the bass for £350 and you're laughing. I don't think I'm being serious, but you never know.
  9. Are you Experienced? I sure am, apparently.



  10. Diversification has already started, apparently
  11. Still here. I'll do it for £500 for Basschat people only (plus cost of your chosen delivery service if required). Still available more expensively elsewhere if you prefer, of course ...
  12. Pics or it didn't happen.
  13. Hey Plankton -- great (I assume) handle. Reminds me of a tannoy announcement I once heard at a festival: "Can Pond Life please go to Pond Life's mum's tent."
  14. Fun fact: there are no muscles in your fingers. Powered grip is supplied by the forearm muscles, while those in the hand govern precision grip. It may be that your problem is simply forearm strength, in which case the tool mentioned above may well help; alternatively it may also be a function of the size and shape of your hand, in which case you might need to modify your technique to compensate. It's hard to move the third finger in isolation for anatomical reasons, so if you're struggling it may be because of the way your fingers align over the frets (especially the lower ones). In which case, if you try to force things you risk doing yourself a mischief. If this is the case, maybe continue to use the workaround you've already found, and experiment with the position of your thumb behind the neck to see what's most comfortable. Without knowing more about the problem it's hard to give good advice -- can I suggest booking in with a tutor who can look at your instrument and your technique?
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