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Everything posted by tommorichards

  1. Ive got 2 pickups which will go with a 500/1 type body. I have this picture which i can scale, but i need a measurement to use. So does anyone have a measurement i can use. Width of the pickups, 21st fret etc.. Id be grateful. Here is the picture im using.
  2. im a fan of this one. Although not much different, its a nice look
  3. Or your amp is too quiet to hear the difference below 7? But probably the linear thing.
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1320186573' post='1423645'] Is it a bolt on neck? I'm always trying to find chunky necks, usually they come on cheap basses, wondering if a higher end one will be nicer. [/quote] It is a bolt on neck, its this one in fact: Its like half a baseball bat. Its not bad, but a bit thick for my liking, however, it has the 21 fret dealio, which i prefer. Heck, if anyone wants to trade for a thinner neck, im open to it.
  5. My neck feels too thick, so im wondering are there consequences from thinning a neck with a rasp then using sandpaper to finish it. structurally is mainly what im concerned about. I dont think there is, but maybe there is something im not thinking about. Help appreciated
  6. Im looking for a bass tablature of this song, as my mate said he would learn the guitar if i learnt the bass. Does anyone happen to know the notes, have them written, or could skype lesson me? Tom
  7. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1319796066' post='1418622'] Learned this the hard way (twice) that whistling sound as the router bit flies past your ear is truly terrifying, particularly the 2nd time... [/quote] Same. I also had the problem of the route bit drilling into the wood, so it was being pulled out of the router. Its a crappy router.
  8. Thats the one, but how did it wear away right next to the fret where the string barely touches, its like the opposite of what would normally happen, hence the asking.
  9. In this video, he uses a precision, probably a fender, but what im most interested in is how the amber tint next to the frets got there. I think it looks dam cool, but have never seen anything else like it.
  10. Looks like it. It was actually on a shops website as their 5'er with maple neck. I dont think they know their audience
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  14. What price minus the pickups? I have some pups to go in it.
  15. Doesnt matter, i got it working using this bit of information [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/pickupwiring.htm"]http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/pickupwiring.htm[/url] Sounds awesome now.
  16. Is it jazz neck dimensions (ie, skinny, 38mm nut etc?)
  17. Yeah, my experimentation didnt reveal anything. I hate it when this happens, and it happens a lot.
  18. Ive got an MEC 2 coil, thunderbird type pickup. Because i would like to coil switch, i require the colour codes for the wires. I have a red, black, white, and green wire for the 2 coils. Any help is appreciated.
  19. When you go from turning in one direction to the other, is there any non movement while they change winding direction?
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