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Everything posted by tommorichards

  1. Ah. I dont suppose you have some literature i could peruse regarding the matter, or is this something you've gleaned from years of experience?
  2. Im just wondering because they sell them for a couple hundred each, and some of the rockbass's arent that expensive. So anyone?
  3. You thinking of doing the lower bout-y bit?
  4. Personally, i dont like the lower bout on that one, however, it looks like that one is of a bass someone tried to shape alembic style. So id personally go for this shape And you should be alright. To MAKE my bass, from a blank bit of wood, all i used was: Jigsaw Files (rasps, about £3) Sandpaper. So i think you should be alright.
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1317409839' post='1390553'] It's 37.8mm at the nut, or 1.5" [/quote] Thats ultra jazzy!
  6. Speaking of mazeti, and not to derail, but i owned one of their double necks 5/7 Anyone got any more info on them? I sent a few emails to one of the guys, but that was a few years ago.
  7. [quote name='dr Szelma' timestamp='1316791257' post='1383009'] my friend says "I can't afford buying cheap stuff" and 9/10 he's right. If you want cheap but decent ones, try Wilkinson (Vintage basses are armoured with them) [/quote] Id probably go for wilkinsons. I have 2 J types in my vintage jazz, and they sound darn good. Also a soapbar in another bass, also sounds dang good. Saying that, i bought a P,J,MM each off ebay, and stuck them all in one bass. They have some good sounds TBH.
  8. i was going to suggest the above. It seemed to solve a very similar problem on another forum.
  9. Looks great, but is there some way of making topics you've posted in more visible than a little star?
  10. I have in my possession 2 bass preamps that i have acquired. However, my technical knowledge with regards to preamps is minimal. Passive im fine, but once the signal gets to the board, i cant figure it. So im wondering if anyone here knows of a place i can send them to get checked out/fixed. One is a westone thunder 1a preamp i got from here, and a washburn preamp i got in a bass a few years ago. I would be most appreciative if anyone here could point me in the right direction. Thanks. Also, have a nice, slightly on topic picture for reading this
  11. It can be a good idea as it does allow you a greater range of sounds. With regards to reversibility, if you use a push/pull pot, it is entirely reversible. If you do it yourself, theres no real way you could damage the pickup, unless you left the soldering iron lying on it for a while. To protect the finish, cover everything that isnt what you are soldering with newspaper. If you want someone else, i dont know of anyone in Edinburgh. Just use this wiring diagram for the wiring of the humbucker if you want to have a go.
  12. I have in fact, from this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=154922"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=154922[/url]
  13. Its a clear acrylic finish. Ive used 2 cans of the b&q stuff. Ive gone up to 2000 grit, and it shiny, but dull if ya get me. Im looking for a nice shine. And ive been looking for silicone free rubbing stuff, but the ones on ebay dont mention that, so if you have a source i can use, that would be great.
  14. Im having a look around, and i could do with some input. In order for me to get a shine on my bass body, i need a rubbing compound without silicon, so does anyone know where i can get some. Im looking on ebay, but im not sure about anything specific im supposed to be looking for.
  15. Same. Im not too good. This is my attempt at routing some pickup routes. However, if shockwave is good with a router or chisel, it should be no problem.
  16. Well, if altering the instrument is an option, route out a hole for the bridge. Like this, but not as big, just enough so the bridge plate is level with the body.
  17. This place seems reasonable [url="http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk/vmchk/Timber-Parts-and-Tonewood/View-all-products.html?TreeId=12"]http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk/v....html?TreeId=12[/url]
  18. Im not sure about bridges, but if you have access to a mill, you could make your own saddles. I did, cos i wanted them out of brass, and they work quite well.
  19. Cool. Ive got some of that paper ordered now. Thanks.
  20. Im looking for someone who can make the following into decals. I am looking for 5 of each of the following: And If anyone has the ability to do this i would appreciate it.
  21. Yeah. Those are the type that can. You undo the screw holding the gear in place, remove it, then switch the key around. Ive done it before on several myself.
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