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Everything posted by tommorichards

  1. i was going to suggest wax, but i thought someone may poke fun at me. How about some wood filler at the right colour, then get an artistic friend to paint it to match?
  2. To be honest, you could probably use a coping saw and then as long as it was sanded smooth, its all good. However, as long as you use enough glue and clamp it appropriately, you can make what ever shape you want. I turned this: Into this: Into this: Using nothing more than some wood, titebond, some clamps, sandpaper and a wood veneer from ebay. It may be something to think about if you dont really want a tele shape, but only chose it because it fits.
  3. i would definitely go second hand for that price. Some awesome basses on this forum alone are in that range.
  4. s'gone folks. Thanks for the interest. I honestly didnt think there would be as much as there was.
  5. Got this from one of my friends who upgraded her own camera. I dont really use it at all, but if anyone wants it, PM me. No postage required. Pictures:
  6. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1325068448' post='1479472'] The amp is early 1980's. Future Amplification Ltd, from Leeds. [/quote] That's some good info. There's almost nothing on the internet about them.
  7. Alright, i got given this a few months ago from our drummer who got it from his grandad. I think it is from the 70's, and i pretty much need it gone now as its quite large and i dont use it. Its got inputs for 4 instruments, a bass, treble, and master volume. I assume its 50 watts from the name. from what i know of it, it was designed to provide the low end for a PA system, using 2x12's to do so, although ive been told that due to the size of the cab, it wasn't much low end. Also, one of the drivers is broken, so it would need replacing. So here are some pictures. The whole thing The head front view The cab (a bit worn, has castors) Inside the head Im not saying it would be an awesome bass amp, but it could be used by a clever individual to make a retro looking guitar amp. Its mainly just a waste of space in my room, so lets says a loose [b]£20[/b] or best offer, and it would need to be collected, or have the delivery arrangements taken care of.
  8. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1324672227' post='1477016'] Pics here. Sounds? - not quite as pokey as a Dimarzio but typical Precision tone. [attachment=95768:IMGP0535.JPG] [attachment=95767:IMGP0534.JPG] Not clear in the pics I'm afraid but the pole pieces are allen key adjustables. If you want 'the look' I could supply cream covers as an option. [/quote] .... You have yourself a pm.....
  9. I like the idea of the router jig. As with regards to placement, i have no idea, as the design is still under construction
  10. Well, the only real reason it needed planing last time was because of 2 different thicknesses of woods, however, if i use the same wood, then it may just need routing....
  11. There was a guy building a clear tele on here. Its a good read and may have some info fo you [url="http://www.tdpri.com/forum/2011-tdpri-tele-build-challenge/263778-scatter-lees-2011-tdpri-build-challenge-thread.html"]http://www.tdpri.com/forum/2011-tdpri-tele-build-challenge/263778-scatter-lees-2011-tdpri-build-challenge-thread.html[/url]
  12. Im planning on building about 3 bass bodies, however, the wood im going to use is a bit thick, so ideally it would need to be planed, and our planer is bollox'd. Also, im rubbish at routing out the pickup cavities, as well as the control cavity. So is there anyone here who is good at this stuff that i could maybe send the bodies too for this treatment, and some coinage?
  13. i have stuff to trade, but its only parts really. Take a look, let me know if anything interests you. http://trichards.co.uk/images/gallery/Jazz%20pickups/DSCF2943_Medium.JPG
  14. What kind of setup you looking for? mainly neck kinda thing, ie straightening it out, or intonation and all that jazz?
  15. im not really after an exact size, just something to give me some sort of guide. Does anyone have a width and length of the body i could use, doesnt have to be exact.
  16. i think it may be distorted, ive got a printout atm, and it looks a bit too narrow....
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1321121741' post='1435632'] How do you know that the photograph has not been scaled differently in the x and y axis? [/quote] because i dont believe people are that mean I hope it isnt. Can someone check the measurements ive got from it if they are close, thats good enough 44cm x 26cm
  18. It was about the bridge being the same. However, i did not think of using fret spacing. That may be the ticket. Thanks
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