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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

  1. [quote name='tommorichards' post='1306323' date='Jul 17 2011, 12:36 AM']Does it look a lot like a bomb, and can only be used once?[/quote] No, it's not a real bomb. But it is awesome. Has a plastic "fuse" sticking out of the top that when you pull, it makes the time glow in red on the surface of the "bomb". So cool.
  2. An alarm clock that looks like a bomb. And when the alarm goes off, it makes an exploding noise
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  5. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1306130' date='Jul 16 2011, 08:02 PM']Simple answer is try it. I had a go on one of these up at a recent Moffat Bass Bash and was astonished at how loud it can go. If you are only using it for on-stage monitoring, I would think you are going to be OK. If you do go for an additional cab, I would suggest you get the matching cab. As to if you will like a 10" speaker over a 12 or 15, that is personal choice and you will only find out in a gigging situation.[/quote] I'll try it at rehearsal tomorrow night. We practice at gig volume so I'll know then whether it will be loud enough or not. I'd rather not DI it as I like my amp to be standalone, but I will if I have to. It was very loud when I tried it at the store this morning, and I played through it when I got home as well, and it was a floor shaker (I live on the top floor)
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1306116' date='Jul 16 2011, 07:44 PM']Doing the math (as the Americans say): Surface area of a 10 inch speaker is 241, a 12 is 356, so a 10 is 67% of that of a 12. I`m sure the technical people amongst us will have more information, about different cones/cabinets etc, I`m just going on speaker cone surface area.[/quote] Yikes. Ok, bottom line... is this not going to be big enough for small gigs without an extension cab, even if I DI it into the PA (as well as using the inbuilt speaker)?
  7. [quote name='DirkThrust' post='1306091' date='Jul 16 2011, 07:14 PM']Anyway, don't get him started on Ashdown. They're all crap y'know[/quote] Thanks for your advice, much appreciated. However, if you have a problem with Thombassmonkey, please leave it out of my thread. I don't like vicious bitching. Cheers.
  8. Thanks for your advice dude. I'm curious though. I used to use (about 18 months ago) an Ashdown 180W combo with one 12" speaker and it was loud enough for my gigs with no trouble. I kinda figured that although the speaker size is only 2" in diameter less than the Ashdown, the extra 70W in the Promethean would balance out the volume. I'm not very good with physics and stuff so although it makes sense to me, it could well be utter horse poo!
  9. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1305729' date='Jul 16 2011, 01:08 PM']What have you gone for, if you don't mind me asking? [/quote] I went up to my local store this morning to try out a Markbass Traveler 102P combo that they have but, besides being a little too heavy for me, they want £1200 for it. I don't have that kind of cash. So I tried the Promethean P5110 combo, and fell in love with it before I found out the price! It was lucky they only wanted £500 for that one, so I brought it home. It's 250W as is (8 ohms) which will definitely be sufficient for rehearsals and most likely our usual small gigs, but 500W with an additional 8 ohm cab (which is £250 from GAK). I haven't decided whether to buy the additional cab or not yet, as my old rig was 180W. I may give it a little boost through the P.A. as it has an XLR jack. Best of all, it has a headphone socket, an MP3 in jack, and a mute button, and, it has a little stand jobby on it that enables me to tilt it backwards! Awesome. It was a really nice beefy sound, and way louder than I expected.
  10. [quote name='DirkThrust' post='1305660' date='Jul 16 2011, 12:13 PM']If you want lightweight and quality it's going to cost. You can't avoid that and buying the GK because it's cheap will inevitably lead to having to upgrade in the future. You seem to be ignoring all the good advice in this thread except for the one poster you should be ignoring, Thombassmonkey, who will recommend GK at every opportunity because he is a GK endorsee.[/quote] *eyebrow* How do you know what advice I've taken and what I haven't? I've been seriously considering the GK stuff, because I use it at the moment and like it. Not because Thom is a GK endorsee. Although I don't see why that means I should ignore him! But, as a matter of fact, I've cancelled the order that I placed with GK as I've tried a few more amps out and found one that I like more.
  11. Purchased at the beginning of May - has done two gigs, and no rehearsals. 2x10 cab, weighs 46 lbs, 8 ohms. Sounds lovely. Bought for £200, looking for [s]£130[/s] £90 collected but feel free to make me an offer. [url="http://bit.ly/n37JaD"]http://bit.ly/n37JaD[/url] THIS HAS SOLD
  12. I've only had this for a couple of months, and it's been used for two gigs, no rehearsals. Bought for £260 at the beginning of May, and I'd like to sell for [s]£220[/s] £165 collected - feel free to make me an offer though. For a picture, and manufacturer info: [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1794"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...cfm?prodID=1794[/url]
  13. But then we're back to the weight issue. The markbass cmd 102p is awesome, but it's only 2 lbs lighter than my current cab, whereas the GK mb210 is 13 lbs lighter.
  14. [quote name='JTUK' post='1305286' date='Jul 15 2011, 10:31 PM']I think MB gear is a few levels up on GK, but If you like the GK sound, then sure, good move.[/quote] I agree. But so expensive. I can't justify dropping £700-£850 on a small combo, but £475 is more manageable.
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1305186' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:14 PM']I guess once the tip stops making contact it would be a good excuse to put a pre amp while the cavity is opened up though [/quote] I'm all about the passive
  16. I've just been thinking, is it possible to leave a passive bass plugged in without any negative effects?
  17. I've heard that it's possible to fry the pre-amp if you leave the lead in. A guy I know did it, and it was a pretty costly repair as he didn't know how to do it himself.
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1304910' date='Jul 15 2011, 05:29 PM']Hopefully a good move. I like GK gear & the RB700 combo was one of the main contenders on my list (as was it in seperates). Certainly a very light 2x10 combo. You'll need to report back in a month after it's had a bit of a run through. [/quote] I certainly will. My existing cab is GK and I love the tone, so this should be just as good. Looking forward to giving it a whirl.
  19. After a good bit more research, I put a deposit down on a GK MB210 combo. 350W at 8 ohms, expandable with another cab to 500W. My wallet won't allow me to get the another cab yet but it seems that this will be fine for the little gigs I play. And is 33 lbs and under £500! Fits all my criteria Good move?
  20. I'd love a p and a j both in oly white! Both with tort pickguards But, they're your basses, not mine, and not his! You must do what you will be happiest with.
  21. I agree. I love them. The only thing that slays me is the price. How about this? 350W without an extension cab, 33lbs, and over £300 less than the markbass [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/gallien-krueger-mb-210-bass-guitar-amp-combo--70248"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/gallien-krueg...mp-combo--70248[/url]
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1303896' date='Jul 14 2011, 07:31 PM']Would your back extend to a CMD 102p? I find it can cover everything I need (so far anyway).[/quote] I certainly had a look at that one, it looks and sounds awesome. Tried one out in the local music store. However, it's the same weight as the cab that I use now and struggle with.
  23. it's one of these [url="http://bit.ly/p83csm"]http://bit.ly/p83csm[/url]
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1303871' date='Jul 14 2011, 06:57 PM']I would say the CMD 121P "should" be ok. It will depend on how loud the band are, PA support etc but ive seen a few pub bands using them. I used to play In a Weller/Jam tribute band, as well as doing weddings etc with a MAG300 C115 combo without too much trouble and no PA support ad the CMD is louder than that. Its a bit pricey though.[/quote] Yeah it's definitely pricey. Crazily so. But I've gotta look after my back and can't put a price on that. I unfortunately will be selling all of my gear apart from my main bass to fund this thing! I don't think we're terribly loud. The drummer isn't mic'd, and the guitarists use their combos. The singer has his own PA, and it's not huge. I currently use a Hartke HA2500 through a GK 210 cab, and my volume is always set to 6 on both preamps, and 6 on the master volume.
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