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Mr Bassman

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Everything posted by Mr Bassman

  1. This could explain why when I emailed Genz Benz with a query about my Shuttle 3 head, I eventually got a reply from Fender asking for the serial number. I replied with the necessary information but have had no further response.
  2. Chris, There's a small 3/4 stentor for sale in north Wales http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216874-stentor-34-double-bass-for-sale/ I've just got one to experiment with. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216686-stentor-1950-student-model/ Well worth looking into. I've had several eub's, including 2 Kolstein's & an Eminence. The Kolstein & eminence both have acoustic sound properties but both have skinny necks which don't suit me. The Stentor has a chunky neck, big sound and is an easy carry. Good luck in your search
  3. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1379006599' post='2207692'] Interesting to see whether you can reduce feedback with the full circle by rotating the pickup a tad. [/quote] It was the D string that was feeding back until it broke, that cured the feedback :-o Seriously though the phase switch on my amp killed the feedback, but I will experiment more with the rotation when I get the set up right. Thanks for the hint.
  4. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378995161' post='2207510'] Never been a problem on mine Keith - takes quite a lot to bust an E-string ! Do you think that the machines might have been replaced or do they look original? [/quote] They're the originals. Funny, I haven't had a string break for about 10 years yet I've had 5 break in the last few weeks on 3 diffent instruments. Must be me, maybe I'm jinxed :-) [quote name='johnny dissident' timestamp='1378995733' post='2207516'] I've had mine for about six years, must admit it's the only DB I've ever owned, but I love it especially since I had it set up properly and a new adjustable bridge fitted. Still experimenting with strings, my fav's so far were Honey's. I use a bass max with it but would love to try out a mic but not sure which to try, expensive old game isn't it, even with a less expensive bass...........bloody good fun though [/quote] I've just fitted an adjustable bridge with a full circle but I've also tried the Bassmax on it. The full circle is very powerful but is prone to feedback, the Bassmax sounds a lot brighter on this bass. However we're only talking less than an hour plugged in so far. Still got fine adjustments to make. Sounds promising though. I see there's another one for sale on here if anyone's looking for a great sounding affordable instrument. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216874-stentor-34-double-bass-for-sale/
  5. Three broken stings in less than a week! When I went to view / buy the bass last Friday the G string snapped at the tuning peg. Didn't think any more than it was an old string and I'd change them anyway. After fitting a new bridge I was tuning up and the E string broke at the tuning peg. I fitted a used set of Kolstein Heritage yesterday, they sound great. Went back to the bass this morning to find the D string had snapped at the tuning peg! Haven't had a proper inspection yet but I suspect the string holes in the pegs may have sharp edges. Anyone else had this problem?
  6. Likewise, I've so many things going on and I've just got another bass which I'd like to try it on. It really worked well on the Antoni 1/2 pint, (an inexpensive ply bass) but that's gone to a new home and I'm just setting up a Stentor (hybrid) which sounds amazing acoustically but I've not got as far as attaching any 'lectrics as yet. Needles to say the Ehrlund performs well on my carved Hungarian & French basses into an Acoustic Image combo.
  7. [quote name='Etienne' timestamp='1378769126' post='2204606'] I've got one! Bought it last year from a fellow Basschatter as my entry into DB world, and I love it! Mine had been properly set up with Innovation Silver Slaps (synthetic gut), and plays beautifully with a big sound (I only play pizz)- always gets positive comments from my fellow musicians! The only issue I've had was with the endpin rattling- I found that it was coming from the tiny retaining rivet at the top of the endpin itself. A couple of minutes with a hacksaw cured the issue... [/quote] My end pin rattles but its a loose fit in the bushing, think I'll invest in a decent replacement. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378804931' post='2204741'] I have a Stentor and use it as my workhorse ( in the car out the car, in the car out the car, in the car out the car ....etc !) . Great all round bass with a lovely tone both pizz and arco. I have Kaplans which are similar to Bel Cantos which are great for orchestral playing and produce a mellow pizz - the bass seems to respond well to the tension. [/quote] The G string broke so I popped a used Belcanto on and it sounds great. Just need to do something with the bridge which is leaning upwards, looks like its been that way since new.
  8. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1378768785' post='2204603'] I got mine from Upton and paid the charges, but recently got a spare here on Basschat. Sometimes one comes up in the 'for sale' section. Unfortunately you can't buy them in Uk (don't think so anyway). [/quote][quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1378768785' post='2204603'] I got mine from Upton and paid the charges, but recently got a spare here on Basschat. Sometimes one comes up in the 'for sale' section. Unfortunately you can't buy them in Uk (don't think so anyway). [/quote] Ha, should've held on to it! I also have the Wilson K4 on a Clifton EUB, it's by far the best sounding EUB I've experienced, but I've not had the pleasure of trying the Wilson on a real bass yet. I'm working on it.
  9. Just to add that on my used model the nut needs lowering, the bridge is set at the wrong angle, and the endpin rattles! But with a bit of tweaking and a change of strings I think this may sound and play as good as many more expensive instruments. I might replace the alloy tailpiece, but it sounds good so it would only be for aesthetic (or snobbish) reasons.
  10. Any other Stentor 1950 owners here? I just bought a used one which needs some setting up, but I can tell it's got great potential soundwise, has a nice chunky neck, and is really portable. Just wondered what strings other owners preferred, and any gremlins to report? Here's Hugh http://youtu.be/4DFlTWfYF1A
  11. Got to let her out once in a while, otherwise the rest of the house doesn't get cleaned.
  12. The strings did arrive yesterday, haven't had chance to try them on yet but they look good quality.
  13. Just tell her to mind her own business and get back in the kitchen! Ouch!!!!!
  14. Continuing my search for a more portable instrument I spotted a used Stentor 1950 for sale on here, which was less than an hours drive away. I remember our good friend hubrad raving about them, so after re-watching his video review, and picking his brains on the phone I decided to check out the one for sale. I contacted harrison, the seller and sped down the M62 to check out his bass. Well it's bigger than the Antoni 1/2 size but smaller than my other bases. It's got orchestral strings which don't suit me but it sounds big. And the neck is beefy ! Yes! I've found a smallish bass with a chunky neck! Anyway, whilst tuning it up I broke a string, so I had to buy it. http://youtu.be/4DFlTWfYF1A
  15. Just bought a double bass from Harry. It was all done in a hurry, but it was a pleasure to meet and do business with him.
  16. Status strings ordered last Wednesday, still not arrived :-(
  17. I ordered the Status strings on Wednesday hoping to use them on a gig today. They haven't arrived yet. :-(
  18. A couple of years ago I had serious gas for a Phil Jones Super Flightcase so I rang Bass Direct to enquire about one. I stated that I played double bass and wanted the upwards firing speakers so I could hear myself in the upper register. The other criteria was a lightweight combo. I was told that the PJB wasn't what I needed but to get a Bergantino 12! I wouldn't waste another phone call on them.
  19. Daf has very kindlly sent an Ehrlund for me to try. If anyone else close to Harrogate wants to try it before I return it let me know. (Geoff?)
  20. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1377774732' post='2191569'] I have an empty set of strings that you cant have if it doesn't need any. [/quote] What gauge aren't they?
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1377735278' post='2191279'] I can't quite tell, is it fretless? [/quote] It is indeed fretless Could do with a new nut, there seem to be plenty of those on this forum ;-) [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1377764517' post='2191393'] What's the sound like? Does it lack bass? [/quote] Depends on which pickup you use
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1377715953' post='2190839'] Will this fit a Steinberger? [/quote] Yes it does fit but you have to grind away some of the graphite neck before you can gaff tape them together I think it was Jap but I've lost the receipt It's definitely SHORT scale
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