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Mr Bassman

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Everything posted by Mr Bassman

  1. I've ordered some Status Half Wound Bit annoying that they're priced at £16.99, then when you go to pay they add vat making them over £20, but still not a bad price!
  2. I'm a City & Guilds qualified PAT tester (at my own expense) I've never actually tested anything since I got my certificate a few years ago. Ive never been asked on the gig to show any stickers or certificates, but occaisionally venues or agents have insisted on producing documents etc prior to the gig. It's mostly jobsworths who don't even know what P.A.T. stands for that make these demands. I was booked for a wedding gig for over 2 months. A week before the bride contacted the bandleader and insisted that we submit copies of PAT certs & PLI by the end of the week. I suggested that the reply was "the rest of the band are out of the country and won't be back until the day before the gig" And anyway all the gear was less than 12 months old and didn't need a PAT. When we turned up for the gig the jobsworth in question was off sick It's up to the tester to determine the frequency of re-tests If say the item is a kettle that is used 20 times a day then 6 monthly tests may be appropriate. If it's a bass amp that is only used occasionally then maybe every 2 years will suffice. Time for bed methinks
  3. You could order one from Amazon and if you don't like it send it back within 30 days if you can find somewhere to store the large box! The neck is slender, which doesn't suit me but some people prefer thinner necks. I wouldn't say it was bass guitar profile, not like some eub's, just a slim double bass D profile
  4. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1377357168' post='2186679'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukOs3am7CtE[/media] [/quote] Love that track This thread is giving me GAS for a B15 I've got a B15N cab but no head if anyone wants to part with one Tommy is featured in [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Way-They-Play-Masters/dp/0879308699"]this book[/url]
  5. Oh, Danny Boy that's what I want to hear thanks
  6. Always been one of my favourite bands, used to play along to their records in the 70's When I saw them in Leeds both Hamish & Alan Gorrie had identical Acoustic stacks. I already had an Acoustic head but after hearing them I bought a 406 cab which I used for years. About 3 or 4 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Hamish when he stayed at our house while up North for a gig with Snake Davis
  7. Have you tried it wit an extension cab Clarky?
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1377606124' post='2189276'] Maybe that's what caused the split..? [/quote]
  9. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1377551952' post='2188837'] chewing up the fretboard, for one [/quote] And I want the string to sing a bit more than flat wound, but have less zing than round wound
  10. I took my big bass to a wedding gig yesterday, (sax / piano / bass trio) It's a carved Hungarian with violin corners, Spiro weichs & a full circle. I took my A.I. Ten 2 combo, (same preamp as Coda afaik) I suggested the pianist use one channel which he loved, it sounded great I plugged in with eq flat and turned up to the level of the piano, instant feedback! I reached down and pressed the phase switch, feedback disappeared and I enjoyed the best natural sound I've had in ages. My bass only louder. Both channels were set flat, the only adjustments were the phase switch on my channel and the room coupling control set to 75% They are not the easiest plug & play amps if you are unfamiliar & need to start twiddling, but once you become familiar with the features they can be very rewarding.
  11. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1375913586' post='2167497'] You might want to try the lefties section with this. [/quote] I didn't think of that Tom It could well be reversible [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Would this be suitable for bassists who work on building sites?, with cheritzo sausage fingers?[/font][/color][/quote] Not sure but it was used on that well known Carpenters hit "Shaving All My Wood For You"
  12. I found [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/128794-status-hotwires-half-wound-strings-on-a-p-bass/"]this old thread[/url] on the Status strings hmmm Can anyone else comment?
  13. Thanks Clarky might try the 45-105's, my preferred gauge
  14. Anyone recommend either of these for a passive fretless Fender? [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/DAddario-ENR72-050--105-Electric-Strings/dp/B0009FUPJM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377536017&sr=8-1&keywords=half+wound+bass+strings"]ENR72[/url] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/DAddario-ENR71-Regular-045-100-Electric/dp/B0009FZWMW/ref=pd_sim_sbs_MI_1"]ENR71[/url] Or is there something else out there that you prefer?
  15. I always take a bass guitar just in case, I've had a bridge snap on a gig in the past.
  16. [i][size="4"][b]Calling Beedster[/b][/size][/i]
  17. Sorry it's not gain, it's level from the manual [color=#000000][font=Noteworthy-Light][size=4]An XLR jack is provided for a Direct Out connection that allows the system’s output to be fed to mixing boards of house PA systems or recording studios. As a result, the instrument amplified by the unit can be recorded or further amplified by the house PA system. In the Coda R and Corus combos, the Direct Out signal is the combined output of the two channels. A switch is provided to allow you to select whether the output from the Direct Out jack is affected by the input level and tone controls (post EQ) or not (pre EQ).[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Noteworthy-Light][size=4]With the switch in the post EQ position, the input level control affects the level of the Direct Out signal, the master level does not. This allows independent adjustment of the “stage” volume (the volume coming from the combo amp) and the “house” volume (the volume in the house PA system) when the unit is used as a stage monitor. Once the level has been set for the house, if more volume is needed on stage, the master level can be increased. [b]This will increase the stage volume but not the volume in the house PA.[/b][/size][/font][/color]
  18. Turn the gain down for the di then the master is is yours
  19. http://youtu.be/eRkU1X3fsRw http://youtu.be/rkaqqEN6Di4
  20. http://youtu.be/m4s-Pa7sAlE http://youtu.be/FQkPRFIJzf4
  21. I owned this wonderful bass before Clarky persuaded me to part with it. I remember taking it to a wedding gig and getting lost on the way which made me late. It was just a piano/bass duo for a drinks reception but we all know how much noise the wedding guests can make when they've had a few. Well as I arrived I got a text from the pianist which said he'd had to start without me, just bring the bass in without the gig bag or amp as the room was crowded. Well I easily squeezed through the guests and slid in behind the pianist and started to play. When we took our first break I said I'd better go and get my combo, the pianist said "I wouldn't bother, it sounds great and is plenty loud enough" So I played the whole gig unplugged! It really does sound good and is so easy to transport, I believe Clarky used to take it on the tube I.i.r.c.
  22. Des just bought my Antoni 1/2 size bass Des is a good friend of mine, I've known him for years A fine bassist and a true gent
  23. Get a mac, you won't look back Mac mini less than £500 No more waiting for windows updates anti anti virus software slowing system down.
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