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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Hey there, Just wondered if there would be any interest in this. I'm really enjoying it but I need to focus on my bass playing for the foreseeable future! Its a beautiful Burl faced number with strings across the front face and built in pickup and Pre-amp. I'll also be including an Embroidered Meinl slip cover. I've only had it for a few months so I'd be wanting £170 posted for it. I dont have any photos to hand but can get some for any interested parties! Its this model here - [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/25503-meinl-pickup-cajon-caj8mb-m.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/2550...n-caj8mb-m.html[/url]
  2. You really showed that sandberg who's boss! Nice!
  3. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1101997' date='Jan 25 2011, 12:36 PM']More reason why young people should listen to their elders [/quote] When I was 16 all my gear was coming from you and Mikeh, so +1!
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1100760' date='Jan 24 2011, 01:34 PM']I'd like to see it go toe to toe with my 1450 Ampeg Watts.[/quote] I'd liek to see it go toe to toe with a little mark tbh.
  5. Well known on here, but maybe not in the general day to day of bassiness, the Peavey T-40 is along similar lines.
  6. Oh, and unless you're super rich I suggest not commissioning a bass untill you've at least owned a P, a J, an MM, a Warwick, a Ric... and played through the same rig, the one you'll never change, you know? All those basses can be bought second hand and sold at little or no loss. That way when you do go in with 2k in hand and a glint in your eye you'll know why you don't want a bass that has found its way onto stages all over the world, and trust me (and a whole load of other members on BC who have gone through 20+ basses) there usually really is a good reason why the big names mentioned above are, well, big names!
  7. Ahhh... this is really interesting. Let me get back to you agter the weekend!
  8. You can't try a custom bass before its built! Many people have vague ideas of what they'd like but untill its finished and in your hands its all speculation. Edit: Homer beat me to it!
  9. Lovely! my little music corner
  10. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1095098' date='Jan 19 2011, 01:19 PM']Update yer signature then! [/quote] Yeah, Keep meaning to do that! I've made some very substantial changes recently...
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1095073' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:59 PM']You really should... somehow I got ever the Ibanez thing straight away - probably because it isn't written anywhere on the combo. I'm consistently amazed by mine, both as a combo and a head.[/quote] Fortunately I've just bought a new amp so I shouldn't need to try anything for a while now! Never say never though...
  12. I always run music through my bass cabs (Usually on the day I get them, Just to see what happens! ) The only two that spring to mind as being any good where a BFM omni 10 and a Schroeder 1212
  13. I really do want to have a proper listen to a prometheon, I still have a bit of a mental block about them being Ibanez in my head - even after all the good reviews!
  14. Oh, and the other "obvious one" If you have the time and inclination, BFM Omni rig?
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1094160' date='Jan 18 2011, 06:09 PM']It's still funny to me that bobbass won't change the pup for a nordy and will stick to the stock one which as far as I can see shares as little with a real ray one as it does a nordstrand? I don't see why it can't have a full fat EB pup and 2 band preamp they aren't that cheap really are they or do we think it would be too good and too close to a real one?[/quote] I've heard samples of a real MM with a nordy pickup and there's something about the mids that I dont like. The mids on a proper stingray are really delicate and I think the nordy makes it sound too much like the bridge pickup on a J, all be it a little beefier.
  16. Oh behave you lot I've got one on my Jazz and I couldn't honestly say if it makes much difference. I now have peace of mind though!
  17. Something Quite Sabre-esque about that split pickguard.
  18. [quote name='wahit' post='1093623' date='Jan 18 2011, 11:01 AM']Hey guys, tell me... what are the differences between these Sterlings by Musicman Stingrays and the MusicMan Stingrays?! I mean, the price of one is the double of the other. But what about sound wise?! Is the SBMM Stingray tone somewhere near the "original" Stingray!? One more thing! What is the best (cheapest) online store to buy these? I mean, the "original" Stingray costs over 1800 euros and these SBMM Stingrays cost over 1000 euros. Way more than a Fender American Precision or Jazz bass here in Portugal. Speak out please! I love Stingrays, but I don't want to spend a bunch of cash on a new one again... Cheers![/quote] It might be worth your while reading this thread in its entirety my friend! there are a lot of people answering that very question in various ways!
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1086985' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:05 PM']Sometimes you just have to spoil yourself though Mythste![/quote] One day! For now try telling that to my student loan... Mcnach; I see where you're coming from and your right, Untill I try a "real" Ray in all situations I'm at a loss to really compare. But I do however think the Ray34 is a completely different instrument to the OLP's and much more comparable to the SUB series and in turn much more comparable to the real deal. I used to have an OLP 5 string and it had the suggestion of a stingray tone about it but wasn't quite committed enough!
  20. Just bought Patch's Tecamp Combo. Cracking little beasty it is too! Well wrapped (even left the handle and wheels exposed, you dont know how much this helped!) and great comms throughout
  21. I rarely play covers so when I do I actually enjoy the songs more - I find I listen more intently when I know I have to play it
  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1092800' date='Jan 17 2011, 05:31 PM']Re. the piezo - When you say a bit weaker on the E string, how bad are you talking and is it a case of requiring a replacement piezo?[/quote] I think there are trim pots for each string on these, Might be worth having a look there before worrying too much
  23. P's kinda go VVVvvvvvv J's kinda go Dnggggggg IMO etc.
  24. [quote name='Count Bassie' post='1092097' date='Jan 17 2011, 04:32 AM']Hmmm... seems it might be my cell phone that I believe was in my pocket at the time. Duh...[/quote] Aha! Don't worry, Its happened to the best of us... At least you werent at a gig and got an incoming call!
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