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Everything posted by charic

  1. charic

    New Site Features

    Not as far as I know. You might be able to create an activity stream but I'm not really a user of them tbh so not the guy to ask
  2. charic

    New Site Features

    The formatting is different and especially the security settings are laid out differently I found that whenever I tried it I was never 100% confident that only the people involved in those messages would be able to see them which posed a rather large security risk.
  3. If you click on the dot to the left of the thread then it'll take you to the unread position handily marked out with an orange bar
  4. charic

    New Site Features

    They come from people liking your comments basically they're there for a bit of fun
  5. The most notable difference seems to be the pickup, with any luck it's routed in a P config and that will alleviate all doubt
  6. Firefox should be fine because it has its own cryptolibrary which is a little more up to date. Chrome and IE are outside of general support, however we'll be patching that hole shortly with any luck
  7. Yep, I think we have a solution. I'm just waiting for our provider to roll out a legacy SSL solution for us
  8. Oooo the DB751 could be an interesting patch if it's close!
  9. Would that still be possible on the LT?
  10. There's plenty of Pro's out there with lower ability than "amateurs"
  11. Open a new tab if you don't want to lose your search results
  12. Doesn't ability come from passion though? No-one is born with ability, it comes with time and practice which you'll only do if you've got the passion.
  13. What I was trying to get across is that passion isn't always a visible aspect with someone. I would think though that although some people have some natural ability, without at least a good amount of passion to begin with they'll never get there.
  14. I don't think you can adjust the spacing on a BAII
  15. charic

    New Site Features

    Thanks Things are starting to calm down now
  16. I think this should rig appear in all sorts of unusual places just for fun
  17. Could be worth a shot I'll be looking to get some legacy browsers on where possible anyway (unless I'm told they'll compromise the security of the site)
  18. Thing is for that sound is there anything that does it as good? The best I've heard is Dingwall but I'm not sure what they're using
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