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Everything posted by bassist_lewis

  1. Ha! You dirty pervert! My friend is doing a survey on rehearsal space, please fill out this out, it takes 20 seconds. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DRQJY6R Much appreciated L
  2. I originally got my iPad for charts and practicing which I still use it for but now I'm starting to use iRig mini and the NLog pro synth app to play bass lines in some of my bands. It's a cheap alternative to a real synth (one day maybe) and takes up less stage space.
  3. I've been offered an American vintage precision in trade for my Letts fretless, it all seems legit, he answered my requests for serial numbers, specific photos etc but I'd just like to know how to do a trade safely when the other member is based in Holland (judging by his phone number). L
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1398517831' post='2434888'] [size=5][sub]You shouldn't really have to worry about getting any amp repaired and if they were point to point, that would be easier.[/sub][/size] [size=5][sub]You may well find a lot of boards are pretty popular in a LOT of amps.... so the heritage of..say, Behringer, might spread[/sub][/size] [size=5][sub]further that you'd like..??? [/sub][/size] [/quote] What's point to point? So if a board burns out they're easily replaced?
  5. So I've been using my Genz-benz Streamliner for about 2 years now and I love the sound and functionality. However, if it were ever to malfunction beyond repair it would be irreplaceable now that Fender has shut down GB. Aside from buying one second-hand, is there another amp with an equivalent volume to size ratio?
  6. I work for a healthcare agency so I can choose my hours to fit around my music work - though there are still clashes on occasion. It was because of this experience that i was asked to teach a children's music group and another group at a day centre. Remember that musician's make most of their money from people who aren't musicians, so getting to know a few of them through an unmusical job can be advantageous.
  7. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1398111337' post='2430620'] It's Eric Smith. Does loads of work for Adam Blackstones company BBE. He also does the Rihanna shows when Adams busy. Adam Blackstone didn't join the European part of the 20/20 your because he's been busy in the states MD'ing for Pharell. Edit: if you want to find him on twitter it's @PikFunk [/quote] Why is it in these pop gigs it's always the bass player who MDs, while in musical theatre they always play piano?
  8. Saw him at the Hydro in Glasgow also, probably the best gig I've ever been to. Couldn't really hear the bass to be honest, just a massive rumble. But they were tight as a tight thing and an incredible stage set up.
  9. Been using one on every other gig for almost a year now, never had a problem. Just make sure you set a long 'auto-lock' time, it's fairly terrifying when your reading off a chart and it decides to lock upM
  10. There was an old G&L L5000 in the for sale section a while back, one pick up with volume and tone. Not sure on the string spacing.
  11. last drop (to £700 - for some reason the 'price or trade value' won't change)
  12. I'm available for all sorts of gigs, I've been doing weddings regularly for 4 years as well as teaching and some theatre, I'd prefer paid gigs but if it's an interesting one (I like soul, funk, jazzy stuff) I'll consider travel expenses. On that subject, I have a car and all my own gear and I'm based in Edinburgh, the phrase "has bass, will travel" comes to mind! L
  13. one minute please... string spacing at the bridge is 16mm, the nut width is 51mm.
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