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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. @crazycloud I double-checked and the dimensions of the Delano 'AS' sized pickups match those in the JJ55OP. It's not just the overall width, but also the distance between the mounting screws: edit: the original is of decent resolution, but once embedded here it may be hard to read. You can download the image and open separately, or just zoom in within your browser (typically pressing Ctrl and + until the desired zoom level is reached). You can also view the PDF here (page 2): https://www.delano.de/downloads/jc_jcas_neck_bridge.pdf
  2. Only listened to the first track "Armee der Tristen" and I really like it. It does have a vibe of being written according to a formula, but it's a formula I quite like! As for entry points, @ead, I second what @Barking Spiders said: Sehnsucht and Mutter would be my choices. Probably starting with Mutter, since "Feuer Frei!" is one of my favourites from all albums.
  3. 5 string JP received. It weighs 8.5 lbs!
  4. My 5 string JJ is 9.8 lbs. Not exactly superlight but not crazy for a 5-string. I expect the 4 string ones to be a bit lighter. The balance/feel is very good, it's a really nice design and with a nice padded strap I find it more comfortable than many other lighter basses I've got... but the weight is still 9.8 lbs. I'm waiting for another 5 string, a JP. I'll report back when I get it (hopefully tomorrow, if not early next week). edit: arriving tomorrow, just got an email from DHL
  5. What's the meaning of that verb, 'need'? I'll send the measurements tomorrow, I won't be near the bass today.
  6. Earthing the magnets usually solves this. When they're not accessible, as in your case, it becomes more a matter of avoiding touching the polepieces. I have used clear nail varnish to put a thin coat on the offending poles and that works (and it won't be visible).
  7. Too easy sometimes. But look, after these I really don't feel the need to get any more 5 string basses, so it's actually SAVING me money as I won't be saving for more expensive ones (don't say anything, let me believe)
  8. That one looks more like the Comfort strap. I nearly bought that one because of the extra width, as 3" was narrower than any of the others I was considering, but I thought I already have a Comfort strap so I'd try the other one (and I like it better than the Comfort one, but both are good). They also make another kind, thinner but still wide with a layer of neoprene 'studs'. It looks nearly identical to an Ibanez brand strap I also have, and it is light and wide but it offers very little grip (my 'stage clothes' are often too smooth and 'silky'). They're all good, but I feel -for me and my circumstances- the one in the OP is my preferred choice. Any of these are a nice improvement over the usual 2" nylon types. Please share your thoughts when you receive yours
  9. There may be something internally. It would make sense as I don't think any kind of foam on its own would be resilient enough, you just can't see or feel it so I guess it must be inside. Construction details aside, it's solid and there's nothing digging on your shoulder, just 3" of dense foam-like material covered in some kind of fabric.
  10. I'm sure there's an app for that but I didn't try it yet
  11. Yes, it's pretty dense, not like the stuff on pillows etc. I wouldn't call it memory foam myself (if you squeeze it, it returns straight away) but I'm not a foam expert I justcompared it to my neoprene comfort strap which has a nylon strap for support and this (Lekato) is denser, using a very scientific method: pinch between thumb and index finger My oldest Lekato strap is about 14 months now, used nearly every day and still as good as new.
  12. I have both the dark reddish one and the black one. The middle bit is just decoration on the front. The foam covers the full 3".
  13. I'm so weak... another NBD next week I suppose. And that's it for the rest of the year, I promise!
  14. True, for some people weight is an important parameter: injuries or just age sometimes means that a heavy bass is just never going to be comfortable enough, and even downright unusable for some. In these cases, I doubt any strap will help enough. But I think in many cases a change of strap could be the difference between enjoying or enduring a bass. I don't care too much if a bass is heavy provided I like the rest about it, but I do prefer light basses as long as balance is not compromised. Some of my basses are definitely heavier and I do feel it on my shoulder after a while. I hurt it a while ago and it has never recovered 100%. I just want to share one strap that has helped me a LOT. I have used all kinds. Mostly just your usual 5cm wide straps (fave: Gaucho brand, hemp straps) without padding. I have owned and tried a few others, with different amounts of padding and different widths. Comfort neoprene straps, wide and padded leather ones (Maruszczyk, for example), and a few others, including dual-shoulder types (great idea, but didn't like the way the bass sat with those). And my favourite is... Lekato. It's not as wide as others, but it's still quite wide, with a lot of padding, and seriously, when using that I forget I'm playing a heavier bass. I bought one a year ago, and I'm slowly replacing my straps with these: they're just very comfy regardless of the weight. I don't expect it'll be a miracle for everybody, but I suspect I am not such an unique human being so hopefully others may find this useful. In addition, they're not expensive compared to the options. Amazon link to Lekato strap disclaimer: I'm just a happy user, I don't gain anything from this.
  15. You're not helping!!! (saying that loudly so others can hear me, while discreetly giving a thumbs up and a wink)
  16. I was looking at pickup replacements and see what's out there that could be close to the Model J, ideally, and humbucking. Well, not a lot of choices!!! It seems that while 4-string Jazz pickups are very very very similar and interchangeable, the 5-string ones come in a variety of sizes. That means DiMarzio is not an option at all So no Area J or Ultra Jazz for me either. The Area J is more of a traditional Jazz pickup sound, but humbucking. It's been my favourite Jazz pickup for a while. The Ultra Jazz is a bit more mid-scooped but also very nice sounding. None of those are close to a Model J anyway. The only pickups I've found that 100% absolutely will fit are Delanos... They have 2-3 interesting options. One day. No rush. A nicely shielded guitar goes a long way to make single coil pickups not hum (much). I will probably try my old U-Retro preamp on this. The semiparametric mids in particular come very handy on Jazz style basses, in my experience. With that on, I might just leave the stock pickups: they really aren't bad at all.
  17. No, thank YOU! You are the instigator!!! I love the black MB-5 and PB-20 too. I cry when I think about the quality of the budget instruments when I was a teenager. And not so 'budget', actually... Back in... 1986-87 my choices when I wanted a Stratocaster were to get a USA Fender (forget it), or some low quality, like very low quality copy, for around £100, which in those days was a LOT of cash for me. The Squier Affinity or Harley Benton or SX etc of today are soooo much better. But Harley Benton is starting to stand out, to me. The MB-5 (Stingray style) had very sharp frets, the nut was cut too high... but otherwise was ok. Now, I get that a lot of people are reluctant to fiddle with their instruments much but I am used to it and things like filing teh edge of frets or nut slots don't bother me at all. The MB-5 just sounds mighty and as a long time Stingray fan I was very pleasantly surprised at how Stingrayesque it sounded. The string spacing is on the narrow side for me which is not ideal, but regardless, it was teh first 5 string bass that truly spoke to me and a year later it's become not "just another bass in my collection" but one of my favourites. I'm starting to use that more than my Stingray which has been my #1 for over a decade. No, I'm not saying it is better than a much pricier USA Stingray, but it's not 'worse enough' to put me off. I think I'll end up putting a John East MMSR on it (I do miss that preamp, I use it on the Stingray). The PB-20 is my girlfriend's, but I have played it quite a bit too. Again, it just needed some very minor tidying up of the nut, and nothing else. I found a slightly tall fret I think around the 14th-15th fret area which really is of no consequence. I won't even try to level it unless it ever gets in the way (and it hasn't, in over a year). It sounds great too! You're incorregible... A JJ too??? Well, glad that you said that... because I keep looking at the 5-string PJ myself! I think I got the JJ because the fact it was substantially under the magic threshold of £200 swayed me. If it's above £200, I think about it. If it's less I just press the button and think later sometimes . I would prefer the P sound, but a neck Jazz usually makes me happy enough. However, after playing this one and finding mysef so at home with these 5-strings, I'm very very tempted to get a PJ as well. Rounds on the JJ, TI Flats on the PJ, hmmm. I'm running out of space!
  18. Yeah, I like it too. I just wish the routing for the neck pickup were neat, like for the other pickup. Planning to vinyl-wrap the pickguard with either cream or black matt vinyl (I've got both already, and a few other crazy colours that I won't consider here although the metallic copper one might be interesting )
  19. edited title... it's not a JJ-550 but a JJ-55! The 'zero' was an O, OP=open pore. So JJ-55OP.
  20. Well, I start with a lie since I received it on Saturday... but it was meant to arrive today! I have owned a few 5 string basses in my time. From cheap ones like a Squier Jazz V DeLuxe and a Peavey Millenium to less cheap ones like Lakland 5502 and a USA made EBMM MusicMan SUB5, oh and a G&L L2500 (beast!). I never really gelled with any of them (Lakland was the closest, beautiful beautiful neck) and didn't really get to use any of them frequently enough. Eventually I decided that I didn't need a 5 string. Last year my girlfriend got me a Harley Benton MB-5. The black matt one, Stingray style. For some reason it just felt right, I loved its sound, and I kept playing it... Eventually I got used to 5 strings and these days I use either, and I'm getting to really like having 5 strings. Then I saw the new Harley Benton JJ and PJ series, I had some unexpected money in my pocket... and before I realised it I had spent £181, all included, on a natural finish JJ-550. I'm far too impressionable. This bass is not light. It's 9.8 lbs (The MB-5 is 9.1 lbs), which is not terribly heavy as far as 5 string basses go, but it's not light. I use these wide and nicely padded Lekato straps since I hurt my shoulder a while ago, and they have made weight pretty much a non-issue. I can't recommend those straps enough (and they aren't even expensive). Not light, but not a boat anchor, and it balances really well, both standing and sitting down. The neck is wide but shallow, perhaps not as shallow as the Lakland, but not far off. I find it very comfortable. Fret ends were smooth, nut is a tiny weeny higher than ideal (will take care of it at some point)... I had to do nothing to it and it alreay played well. It turns out this exact bass was the bass Thomann used as a model for their photographs, so perhaps they spent some time adjusting it: I have played another two HB basses and both needed some minor adjustments to frets and nut (as well as intonation etc). The string spacing is 18 or 18.5mm I think, I need to measure it (not in my hands this minute!), so it's in the wide side, which I prefer. Build quality... no complaints. It was £181, but it could have been a £600 bass and I'd see nothing wrong with it in that respect. It would be a very good platform for building your own with better quality hardware and electronics. Hardware... Nothing to call home about. Far better than the black hardware on the other HB basses I've had my hands on, but nothing amazing, just the usual inexpensive chrome hardware you get in this kind of instruments: they do the job without fuss, 'though. Electronics... Probably the best place to start investing money on, but just like with the hardware I don't see a need to replace anything just yet. My first impressions were a bit 'meh', but it turns out the EQ on my amp was all over the place and I had not seen that. Once I noticed and set it to more reasonable parameters, the bass sounded a lot better. I do think I will replace the pickups, simply because I like humbuckers on my Jazz type basses. The single coil hum can be annoying. It's no worse than any other single coil Jazz pickups, 'though, and I tend to roll off quite a bit of treble which also reduces hum. I would like a Model J here, but they don't make them for 5 strings so I'll have to wait and see what would be a good one to use. It's got a 2-band active EQ. Nothing amazing, but I have to say I like it more than the usual cheap preamps you find on low end basses. And not so low end! I really dislike the 2-band preamp on my Sandberg VM4, and I'm not a fan of the EMG in my Schecter Model-T Session. One 'problem' I find with a lot of 2-band preamps is that the treble is too high, so that when cutting it only cuts finger noise and little more (I'm a fan of passive tone controls). However this one works quite nicely, which was a surprise. The bass EQ is still a bit lower than I'd like, ideally, but it's no different to most other 2-band preamps. It's probably centered at around 40-50 Hz. Shielding is non existent, 'though, which for a bass with single coils is not great. Easily remedied, but really, it should be standard in any instrument. Polepieces on the neck pickup hum when touched, but the neck one is silent. Again, easily remedied, but the fact that one hums and the other don't probably hints at the care (or lack of) when choosing these components. I felt I had to say something negative, so that's that! I even like the strings it comes with (same as the MB-5: I have a set of Newtone strings I bought for it, but I ended up liking the stock strings so I have not replaced those either). I'll deal with the shielding later tonight. I have a recording session tomorrow and I would like to use this one. I've put some foam at the bridge, and I'm cutting down treble a lot, so I really don't hear any noise as long as my hands are on the strings (and very little when they're not), but I don't want to take chances tomorrow: I'm showing up with a really cheap bass, I don't want to have unwanted noise and look like I don't have a clue. Anyway... that's it for now. I'm very impressed by this bass. The MB-5 and PB-20 (Stingray and Precision style) I've played were fine (after some TLC) but you know they're cheap. This one feels like a substantial improvement in quality. Did I get lucky? Or is this representative of the range? I don't know. I'll take some pictures when I get a chance... but it is the very same one pictured here: https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jj_55op_natural.htm edit: I liked it so much, I went and bought the PJ version a week later, see below.
  21. Does anybody know if a controller such as the Hotone Ampero Control (it says it does midi over usb) would work with a C4? It would be handy to have some footswitchable presets, if they worked together. https://www.hotoneaudio.com/products/controlers/Ampero Control edit: it doesn't look like it, it doesn't do 'usb host' whatever that is, and it seems that's the key. As you were.
  22. I just got a 5 string Jazz type bass, and it made me remember something I dislike about Jazz pickups: the hum. I tend to go for DiMarzio Area J for humbuckers that sound a bit more like a traditional Jazz, and Model J when I want something heavier. I would really like a Model J, but they don't make them for 5 strings. Does anybody have any recommendation of a Jazz pickup that is humbucking and not overly bright and heavy in the low mids, for 5 strings?
  23. So he managed to destroy two speakers? Good job the new ones are 'unused' then... It sounds like this guy likes to push them hard.
  24. I encountered a few of those gigs in my time, but after a while I realised it was BS: I can set my amp quicker than my drummer puts his cymbals in place and gets ready. From then on I always offered I'd use my amp, and not a single time I was met with a frown. A powered wedge sounds like a very good idea to me. I used to bring a small MarkBass combo with a stand to tilt it towards me, and set it in front of me or on the side, pointing at me (essentially doing what a wedge would). That way I got out of becoming hostage lending/borrowing equipment. It might work for you too.
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