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Everything posted by toneknob

  1. Heart's Filthy Lesson Scary Monsters Look Back In Anger Sound And Vision all of "Heroes" all of Low most of Lodger That should keep you going
  2. Wunjo have an EUB-1 fretless in stock, at a shade under £600 on the ticket. Sounds great.
  3. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1422276364' post='2670509'] Might have to get in touch with Wunjos about an amp soon... [/quote] I was checking the TB-10 through a Aguilar ToneHammer yesterday. Pick it up, and it's so light it feels like an empty box. How do they not jump off the cab? They've got a good selection of MarkBass, Ashdown and others there as well...
  4. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1422275343' post='2670489'] Sounds like you need to drop Mr Giblin a line (possibly via Wunjo?), and get a sined letter from him to prove that your new Tak was in fact the one he used on the Kate Bush gigs. You never know when it might come in handy. [/quote] Your insight serves you well! I asked them about this during the week, they said they'd give it a go.
  5. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1422270845' post='2670429'] I found the hard case prohibitively heavy [/quote] Haha, I discovered that the hard way on the tube home. Still it's spacious enough for me to rent it out in Zone 3 for £850 a month. Thanks for the gig bag tips - it's really good to know that there are alternatives available. Regarding B-10s - I hope I'm not out of order posting this and will delete if required - in my homework I discovered this on eBay, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271741958638 - am I right in thinking that the AD-1 preamp is digital and tubeless - thus making this guitar a B-10?
  6. The story so far... (see also http://basschat.co.uk/topic/244008-kate-bush-at-the-hammersmith-apollo/page__st__90) I see Kate Bush at the Hammersmith Odeon last year, and get the hots for one of John Giblin's basses. Turns out it's a Takamine TB-10. Wunjo's are listing them on their website, so I go in to check one out. Unfortunately they sold the last one a couple of months ago, funnily enough to the bloke from Kate Bush's band. Oh well, never mind. I keep my eye on basschat classifieds, eBay etc Then last Sunday I get a call from my friend who works at Wunjo, usually in the guitar shop but he's doing a shift in the bass shop that day. Now surplus to requirement, JG has sold back the Takamine to Wunjo, do I want to come along and check it out. Cue cloud of dust, swinging saloon doors, etc After a couple more visits (the day after, and the day after that) a PX deal is agreed and the Tak's now mine. During conversation, I ask Tom the manager if he's aware of basschat, "oh very much so", and I pass on the good things that I keep reading here about the shop in terms of service, stock and prices, and by the way add my name to the list of admirers. he goes on to say that the ongoing support and custom of basschat is a very significant reason why they can keep on doing what they do. So well done basschat, and well done Wunjo. (The Tak's very nice btw)
  7. I think £3k is an ambitious price, but if someone's willing to pay that much, then that's exactly what they're worth. Good luck with it! "Nothing sounds like the T1": well, the T3 and Minitaur sound like it, and the T2 less so - but of course not exactly like it, to the discerning ear in an otherwise quiet studio. In a gig, I'm going to go with the most reliable and easiest to transport option that sounds "like" a T1. Also, my T1 became unreliable precisely because I'd left all the original internals in place. Replacing the contacts with microswitches gave my buyer confidence in the purchase (as did the advertising, dig deep enough on basschat and you'll find the ad that sold the T1s). Incidentally, like your interested parties he was overseas as well, so for the doubters there is definitely a market there. ps. I can't remember what Nick Beggs used at the recent Hammersmith Odeon Steve hackett gig, but his T1 was sold on eBay in 2011 by a third party, see http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Moog-Taurus-MK-1-bass-pedals-Yes-Genesis-Steve-Hackett-/150593693851 - for a modest £1200. The pics have gone now but apparently there was a Firth Of Fifth chord chart still stuck on top
  8. See http://prog.teamrock.com/news/2015-01-23/rush-tour-likely-to-be-last-of-its-kind for band member's opinions on touring. I'd go see it if it came to London - if not, then Time Machine in 2011 is a fantastic memory to go out with. I listened to the recording of that tour only this week, and boy is Geddy's voice suffering. Not just in terms of not being able to hit the high notes, but in terms of holding a melody at all.
  9. [quote name='hairychris' timestamp='1422015174' post='2667734'] If someone can recommend reasonable midi bass pedals then I'd also be interested. I run synth gear (non-vintage, mainly analogue, including a shiny new Moog Sub 37) and have never got round to trying to play bass/guitar and that at the same time! Love the Taurus but don't want to have to learn to drive a forklift in order to move it. [/quote] My Taurus backup is a Novation Basstation with Kenton midi foot-pedals. Looks like Kenton don't do the foot-pedals any more though (website at http://www.kentonuk.com), A lot of people use Roland PK-5 pedals.
  10. R40 dates just announced for the USA: http://www.rush.com/tour/rush40-tour/ Which probably/maybe means Europe dates to follow not long after. Also, that picture you see at the above URL was taken by Neil Peart from his kit at the Time Machine show at the O2 in London, May 24 2011. You can tell because that's me in the second row in between Geddy and the cymbal stand, white baseball shirt with blue sleeves. Also also, wot a sausage fest.
  11. [quote name='kennyrodgers' timestamp='1421974046' post='2667430'] Hey Bud, Just searched for that list and can't find it ?? [/quote] Try this [url="http://open.spotify.com/user/onlinedood/playlist/6UkfcLnRafb95u7EnciaAU"]Best Bass Lines Evaaaaar![/url] (http) Or spotify:user:onlinedood:playlist:6UkfcLnRafb95u7EnciaAU (Spotify URI)
  12. I bought mine in 2000 for about £500, sold them on a couple of years ago for £2k, but some of that profit was eaten up in servicing (I had the microswitch job done) and a custom flight case and osteopath charges. I've got the T3 now, but if I was to start again I'd go Minitaur + midi pedals as well. What's the benefit of McMillen over a PK-5?
  13. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1421958642' post='2667199'] What's the connect function ? [/quote] If you've got two or more devices on the same wifi network, you can control music playback on one with the other. But you can't disable it, so when you get home and your phone connects itself to your wifi, it will automatically decide you want to listen to whatever was most recently playing on your PC. And download it, and play it. It will even interrupt a non-Spotify music app to make itself heard. I've recently had a month-long to and fro with customer support, the upshot of which was "it's supposed to do that"
  14. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1421958050' post='2667188'] so if they're stored offline is it like having them on your hard drive and do you lose them if you stop paying? [/quote] "Offline" use means you can disconnect from your network and still play the songs - essentially they're downloaded to the device so you can play them where you want.
  15. Yes, I'm a long-time premium user, but getting annoyed with the "Connect" function to the extent that I'm considering jumping ships. It's only Spotify's more extensive catalog that's keeping me onside at the moment.
  16. No and no. It felt a bit odd at first mind you. And congratulations!
  17. Find all the Silica Gel sachets you have, put them in that room. Do Not Eat. Hope you fix it and the guitars survive intact! I had a similar problem when my landlord installed double glazing, suddenly there was nowhere for moisture in the air to escape. Keep air circulating with an open window if possible.
  18. It's repeated on BBC4 on Monday, 12am (ie Sunday night)
  19. It sure does involve a lot of plate spinning. This is why I am in as few bands as possible, with the smallest number of band-members, with as low expectations as possible. And by that measure I'm doing really well
  20. [quote name='Raggy' timestamp='1420482115' post='2649845'] Out of interest, sorry if I derail but what's the thoughts on a group or a page? [/quote] Page. Can't remember why right now, but trust me on this
  21. For me it's The Camera Eye, originally on Moving Pictures, here from the Time Machine tour... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc1YPRbkWQA I love the guitar tone on the solo, Geddy's vocals obviously struggling though. From slightly earlier times, Jacob's Ladder is a favourite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHSaK78d9b8
  22. Thanks for all the likes so far! To those who might like to be discerning, maybe facebookers could add rough location and musical style to their post/link.
  23. Great idea! I'm now the Angry Badger's newest fan. Like me up! Velcro Pelmet - jazz-rock for the south London masses. https://www.facebook.com/VelcroPelmet
  24. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1419292188' post='2638553'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM5Yq5NmZnw[/media] [/quote] I like the well-balanced, top-heavy yet bouncy feel around the 49 minute mark
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