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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. absolutely no reason why anyone with a bit of gumpsion (first time i've used that one) can't put together one of these. people tend to forget that the best instruments are made and built by hand. it's a no brainer to be honest. all this machine made fender stuff is shamelessly overpriced. building your own guitar can really help your understanding of the instrument and i believe it makes you a better player. there's nothing better than playing a git you made yourself. why d'you think evh smiles all the time.
  2. bargain! got 2 already. a litle shoddy on the build side but nice tube boost for any home studio.
  3. [quote name='madshadows' post='1109988' date='Jan 31 2011, 08:06 PM']No serial number (looked under the truss rod plate last week where they were sometimes hand -written) but from the Dan Armstrong website they were built between 1972-75, I bought it new in 74 or 75, a mate bought a 6 string plexiglass model at the same time, great guitars. John :-)[/quote] oh wow. then it is the real deal. one careful owner only £1000
  4. school of hard knocks mate thats where it's at.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1110582' date='Feb 1 2011, 07:41 AM']Sounds partly down to the Rotosound strings to me (see many many threads on BC) I find they lose their zing after a week or 2. Could you lend a bass combo to try? The only thing I would say is don't be blinded and over the moon with the top end of a small practice amp only to be putting a thread up I a weeks time with a link to another one bites the dust but you can't get any bass out of it! Secondhand decent combo will be much better than a small/cheap new one.[/quote] +1 on the rotosounds. absolute waste of money. dead strings walking.
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  7. i usually go with my gut. if the idea of buying the bass has planted itself in the pit of your stomach, just do it. what's the big deal? £90 and a setup and you could have yourself a decent new bass. i um'd and ahh'd about a usa tele FOR £250 in cash con for 24 hours, and on my return, GONE! if you don't someone else will, and then you'll never know.
  8. [quote name='shinkicker' post='1110336' date='Jan 31 2011, 10:45 PM']Thanks for advice guys i hadnt realised this issue had alrerady been covered previously i have only just joined the forum, that said i should have done a search i guess ooops!!. I have only been playing since Nov last year i brought a cheap brunswick electro acoustic which has given me the enthusiasm to keep the playing going. The brunswick neck is warped so i am looking to upgrade it, my question really really came from looking around a few magazines and seeing talk of passive and active and me not really understanding what was meant by these terms. I did wonder though because obviously i am going to go bass hunting soon and although i realise the choice will be down to me, obviously taking into account how a bass plays and the feel of it. I would have hated to have brought a bass either passive or active then realised i had chosen wrongly, which is where your help is invaluable to a new player like myself. So thanks again and im sure i will have loads of other questions soon enough.[/quote] is your neck 'warped', or just bowed? bows can be easily fixed and an honest guitar tech could fix it for you in half an hour. thats a tenner in my book. a warp=twisted shape or undulations which is not good. most budget guitars are very poorly setup off the rack but can easily be made very playable.
  9. tell you what, i bet it sounds awesome. very well made and a custom build so someone really new what they wanted. got it, and then was cured. the $3.000 price tag sounds about right judging by the quality of the build and the very decent hardware/parts. theres probably about one madhead out there somewhere with a massive collection of money and guitars who'd just buy it and hang it on the wall. prince maybe.
  10. impressive bass. just for show i reckon. it's already in the 'make your own minds' up thread.
  11. korean. i take it you've tried maplins for toggle switches?
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='1110255' date='Jan 31 2011, 09:56 PM']See I simply can't agree with that at all. Having those controls onboard instead of on a pedal or on an amp means I can adjust the tone and output dynamics, while the song is progressing, much more easily. It good to be able to get those changes onstage quickly, certainly is for me. That said, i just sold all but one active bass and buying a Fender Jazz [/quote] never used pedals either in fact just lately i don't even drive my lead stuff. i just dig a pure sound. we don't play at huge volume so it works for me. i'm finally clean!
  13. never needed active electronics, never will. it's just a loudness contest. used for boosting bright pickups which have less output. just get playing first, worry about the details when you think somethings wrong.
  14. brings a tear to my eye that one. sniff. is he in the recommended luthier thread? if not why not?
  15. guitar is not enough for that guy. thats more of a guitabla.
  16. i should state though. i'm a wood man, anything to do with structure, i'm there. electronics, i leave all that to ben.
  17. i'd sway towards vvt, although my pickup man is talkin varitone for the future. no tone pots. i'd never touch controls whilst playing and i think caps are maybe the way forward for tone, for us anyway. i don't have a lot of experience with a lot of pups but i do use kent armstrongs which i think have a nicely balanced tone. we make our own pickups now like, scatterwinding is the best! there's nowt wrong with passives mate.
  18. can't find a pic of the front panel. if you can post one so we know what we're looking at you'll get a better response i shouldn't wonder.
  19. don't know about your amp, but bass response starts around 50hz. cut below that to let the kick breathe, and i would never cut around 100hz. in fact a little boost there is quite normal i think. you normally cut around 400hz to let the guitar through, boost around 6-800hz for your mids and cut around 1-2khz for the vocal space. could be your drummers kit needs retuning and dampening.
  20. howdo. you'll be playing a whole lot less now you found bc. happy to help with your rbx project if i can. easy now.
  21. practice. learn the lyrics too. when i try and remember lyrics, writing them down once will do the trick. maybe sit down and write the tabs out. i don't normally struggle with guitar and bass apart from solos which i tend to forget even exist until i notice everyone giving me the daggers.
  22. very sought after bass. dan armstrong was (is? i think he's gone now) an absolute legend. is there a serial or date?
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