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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1116554' date='Feb 5 2011, 02:14 PM']Not sure about this, my mate is a brilliant guitarist, we've been mates for over 40 years (we met at infant school) I've tried to be in bands with him many times over the years. It never works, we like the same music, obviously get on well, and are great friends, but just cannot play together! He frustrates the hell out of me, cos he has so much talent yet so little ambition..... I like starting bands with people I don't know, cos they usually behave themselves for a year or two at least, before they turn out to be total ar*es.... If they seem like an ar*e at an audition/first rehearsal, they don't get the job![/quote] no, i just mean i was lucky to have such people around who were on the same level. a band for life!
  2. [quote name='Matte_black' post='1116517' date='Feb 5 2011, 01:44 PM']The neck is Padouk, Ebony fingerboard and solid Wengé body... awesome woods. [/quote] i was just gonna say that. is that prometeus i see in your avatar?
  3. i've played with the same small bunch of people forever. we've had our ups and downs. sometimes one of us (me) will halt proceedings if things get stale. if you grow up with musician/friends, thats the best thing in the world. i can't imagine starting a band with people i don't know too well, and if they were arses, my gut would tell me straight away, and i wouldn't turn up twice.
  4. bumped up to the top of the new post pile. post pile tension.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120065"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120065[/url] elites?
  6. actually. on the headstock shot, the wood looks a little suspect, mineral streaks and such. funny, it says custom series on the head. what's custom about it?
  7. beautiful colour and neck binding!
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='1116342' date='Feb 5 2011, 11:12 AM'][url="http://www.tokaijapan.com/hardpuncher2.html"]This[/url] on the other hand I find a lot more special. Edit: Futurama versus Sue Ryder P bass. Let the battle commence.[/quote] futurama everytime. you certainly wouldn't be asking around bc for a new neck with this futurama. you don't find neck wood like that on too many cheapo guitars.
  9. i'm not sure about led, but if you have a look at kingblossomguitars on youtube, theres a video which shows the use of fibre optics which looks pretty cool.
  10. back then though, i think they were made in czechoslovakia or summat. wasn't aware the company was still going. those old 50's 60's guitars were ace. really light, set necks and vox pickups. strange U shape neck and really tight radius. it's now a pickup tester with more holes than it started with.
  11. awesome. i played a futurama II six string guitar for ages. was one of the best playing guitars i've ever had. futurama were a fab company and i would highly recommend the bass. i mean, just look at that curly maple neck!!!!
  12. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1113604' date='Feb 3 2011, 10:41 AM']Didn't Roger Waters recently bought a Sue Ryder P-Bass? [/quote] yea. he's on here looking for a jazz neck.
  13. technique has a lot to answer for. i s'pose i'm a bit slow and clunky
  14. neck thickness and string spacing is the deciding factor for me. too thin and your fingers have to work harder, i've got small hands so wide spacings are no good. the neck width is not so important.
  15. made in italy! coooool i'd say it was a keeper.
  16. gotta be brian may. oh sorry, thought you said ass player.
  17. nice. the strings look super low, are they? how does it play?
  18. [quote name='henry norton' post='1112068' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:50 AM']Oops. It looks like you'll need to do a bit of surgery whatever. Is the rod actually broken (loose, rattling, able to pull it out) or is the thread stripped because if it's just the thread, you can get a tool for re cutting it in situ, especially now it's got a nice big hole around it. Did the truss rod hole originally have a darker wood surrounding it (walnut)? If so, and as it's an 87 it's most likely to be a Fender Japan as Fender only made a few custom shop guitars in the US and they're usually 57/62 reissues, which have the truss rod nut down the other end. You'll never be certain either way if the markings were already sanded off before you got it so I wouldn't let it worry you too much. I'll post a link to the truss rod thread cutter if I can find it.[/quote] i read somewhere (stewmac?) that the fender truss access wood was koa not walnut. who cares? is it possible to pull out a fender truss rod, out of interest? i assumed they were anchored.
  19. if you tap the back of the neck you will/should hear if the rod is rattling. taking up the slack in the rod will/should rectify the problem. could well also be the slot.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1111853' date='Feb 2 2011, 12:07 AM']I'm sure Mark King would be welcomed by all 13'000+ members , Him and Flea being equally the best 2 bass players in the world is something we all appear to agree on! ,and I bet he hasn't seen the drummer is at the wrong gig clip either [/quote] not me.
  21. [quote name='razze06' post='1112031' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:20 AM']Not quite as rock and roll as some others, but there... [attachment=70723:Mayfair_...mall_014.jpg][attachment=70727:Mayfair_...0129_010.JPG] [attachment=70726:Mayfair_...0129_003.JPG][attachment=70725:Mayfair_...0129_006.JPG][/quote] thats a real cool cookie you have there. and in great shape by the looks of it (the bass, sorry )
  22. [quote name='Doddy' post='1111025' date='Feb 1 2011, 02:14 PM']I've got basses with brass,bone,plastic and phenolic nuts,and to be honest,as soon as you fret a note the material of the nut becomes irrelevant. Brass nuts are great,but not particularly vital.[/quote] exactly. if you don't play only open strings, the difference would be unnoticable.
  23. as above! make sure the saddle screws are bottomed out on the base plate. gotta be something loose on the bridge. saddle screws, springs or summink.
  24. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1109978' date='Jan 31 2011, 08:00 PM']don't know about your amp, but bass response starts around 50hz. cut below that to let the kick breathe, and i would never cut around 100hz. in fact a little boost there is quite normal i think. you normally cut around 400hz to let the guitar through, boost around 6-800hz for your mids and cut around 1-2khz for the vocal space. could be your drummers kit needs retuning and dampening.[/quote] my suggestion of a boost at around 6-800hz stems mainly from the problem of bass totally disappearing on small laptop speakers. this boost sorts that out quite well. any boost or cuts should generally be no more than a couple of db. apart from that 800 boost which can be up to 10db.
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