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About kodiakblair

  • Birthday 14/04/1969

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  1. My mate Iain rocked up one day sporting a Martinez Goochi hammer 😁 £417.50 for the basic hammer, another £100 for the colour coordinated handle + face plate cover 😮 Funny thing, in all the years I've known 'The Purv' I don't recall seeing him use a hammer, he leaves that stuff to us mere mortals swinging the same Estwing we've had since laddies 🤣 The Martinez only made one appearance, just so folk knew he'd bought it. Tool theft is pretty bad on sites hence the reason nobody is dropping big bucks for their kit.
  2. Much as I love this bass. It lives in it's case as these two are better playing and sounding basses.
  3. Met up with Chris earlier this evening, he now has most of a Peavey Zodiac DE. Great fella to do business with. Cheers Davie
  4. PCB terminal connectors. Come in various sizes. I glue them to the back of the pots, bend the solder lugs towards the pins then solder them together; also ground 1 pin to the body of the pot 👍
  5. Have the same myself, bought in anticipation for the 8" cab build 😀 Cab build hit the skids when I grabbed a 2 x 8" cab from eBay for £40 😮 Ply is free to uplift should anyone in Central Scotland need some for their build 👍
  6. I would say go ahead with the surgery, just expect problems if you decide to sell. Last I looked there was no shortage of unaltered bass guitars for sale so little reason for folks to buy one with hidden wood butchery.
  7. Had that same problem and I only owned 72 basses 😀 My advice is get another 3 basses, any will do, just to hit that magic 100. Goal reached, start selling the guitars and replace each one with a bass 👍
  8. Do you own or have access to a drill ? Get a sanding drum, insert it into the pickup cavity and mark where it clears the body. Take a sharp knife and trim away the sandpaper above that mark. Fit the mounting rings and start sanding away at the cavities. The mounting rings will keep you within the working area while the exposed drum won't damage the chrome when you move along it . Wear a mask
  9. I mind that one in Aberdeen, bought for £300 then listed next day for £1300 🤣
  10. Owned one of the early models with the 42mm P-bass neck. Selling mine was a mistake and the regrets soon stacked up. 1) I still miss it. 2) Sunderland Trading had a wee problem with the factory and all the later models got jazz bass necks. Little chance getting another 🤬 3) Sold it too cheap and the buyer turned out to be a complete tosser, the RPBXN was a great bass; far better than he deserved.
  11. We've both been on the go the same length of time, give or take a few months. Sadly, I've more wrinkles 😀
  12. Might not be a great idea to post this but here's my pal Rick with his YOB bass 🤣
  13. He has plenty of books out but that is the only one I've read, in two minds about the title of this one 😄
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